Chapter 6 - The saw is family

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Ash woke up, slowly opening his eyes. His head was killing him, as was every other part of his body.

He realized he was lying inside a very tight space, the inside was pitch black and actually very chilly, ''It's freezing '' Ash said. After a moment of clueless contemplation ''wait a minute, I'm inside a fucking refrigerator!!!''.

Nor the chainsaw or his prosthetic hand were attached to his stump anymore. He hoped to god the fridge wasn't sealed or he'd die inside that freezing casket. He managed to bend his knees to his chest close enough to give him the force to kick open the fridge door.

To his surprise the fridge door slammed open on the first kick, ''Those Loonies aren't even smart enough to seal a damn door''. Not without pain he managed to get himself up and out of the fridge. He looked around the dark lit room. He caught the sight of a lot of meat hooks and what looked like a make up mirror with light bulbs running around it and stained with lipstick marks: Beside it was a open wardrobe filled with clothes for men and women.

Ash spotted a masks hanging of the otherside of the room. Upon closer inspection he noticed they were actually people's faces cut away from their owners and sewn into sick masks, a few belonged to men, some to women, while others were sewn in a way to blend both sexes.

Ash had seen enough twisted stuff in his time not to throw up but any other person would have surely passed out. He came to the conclusion that this had to be the room of that deranged colossus called Jedidiah, the masked giant who tried to slice him apart and almost succeeded.

There was no time to waste, Ash had to get out of there Asap. He looked around for any weapon and found a few tools on a bench stained with old blood, no chainsaws, his or the one of the killer. What he did find was a meat hook not too different from the ones hanging on the walls. It was no chainsaw but it would have to do for the moment. He could ear voices coming from upstairs, one of the voices was sounded like Loomis.

He noticed a stairway leading upstairs. After taking in a deep breath he slowly made his way to the top.


Loomis was still strapped to the chair, reconnecting with his surroundings: The room was full of bones, chairs made of human skin and more. He was still wrapping his head around the fact that the crazies in front of him were the last remnants of the murderous Sawyer clan. Leatherface's brother Drayton was talking, almost as if he was talking to a crowd when the only people there were Loomis and the other two members of the Sawyer clan.

''Mister, you should consider yerself lucky. We haven't had any folks staying at the house in a long long time! The big guy over here is my brother Jed'' he then glanced hardly at his towering brother and reached for his stick ''now you get in the kitchen you fool!!! Go fetch us some cutlery''. The giant with the leather mask let out a scared cry and did as his brother ordered. ''Excuse his manners, he's simple in the head but he sure is the muscle around here! And the guy on the left is our adopted brother Leslie! He ain't blood relative but he does the family good justice!''.

Loomis regretted that he hadn't connected the dots earlier or he could've prepared for his encounter and now his chance of getting out alive were very thin to say the least. All he could do was buy time by chatting till he could figure something out. He figured his only chance of survival was if he could reach into his pocket and get a hold of the lament configuration, summon the cenobites. He started to talk.

''Oh I know you, the infamous Sawyer Clan, your reputation precedes you. You were the cause of one of the most barbaric massacres since 1975. Worst is you were never caught for your murders, all the police ever found were the horrific scenes you left behind. Three more cases were reported since then, minor but apparently related; The witnesses all claimed they were savagely tortured by a family of cannibals and pursued by a masked maniac wielding a chainsaw, I'd say that fits the bill.''

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