Chapter 12 - Clash of the Slashers

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Jason couldn't move but didn't seem to be in pain, he just gazed at the Cenobites. The hell priest scanned his surroundings and noticed Myers lying on the floor ''His soul will still be of use to us'', he then ordered Angelique to apprehend Michael.

He turned back to Jason ''And you, you are the key to my success, Jason Voorhees''. He lifted his hand as if caressing the air ''I sense your body contains not one but two souls. A dream demon''.

He heard a voice calling to him ''Hey Pinhead''.

He turned and noticed her ''Kirsty?''

She looked at him menacingly, ''Yes it's me''.

The hell priest laughed ''Ahahah, so you've come to sway me from my plan?''

''You can't do this. Remember this was your world too. You were Elliot Spencer, a man of honor''.

His eyes suddenly filled with fury ''Do not speak to me about my past life. All this world has ever brought me is pain and suffering. It wasn't till I found the box that I discovered my true meaning. Remember it was you who defeated the God Leviathan and brought chaos to my world.''

Kirsty didn't know how to answer.

''Kirsty, oh little Kirsty. It seems forever that our paths have intertwined. You know this is the natural consequence of things. You can rule by my side as one of us, this is where you belong, destiny has bound us together for a reason. I have some sights to show you! .'' He pointed to the Neo Leatherface Cenobite. His skin had been ripped from his bones, he wore a mask and an apron made of Black Leather similar to his fellow Cenobites, and his chainsaw was molded to his arm and sticking out of his flesh.

Kirsty was disgusted, she turned back to the Hell Priest and said ''I'd rather die than join you''.

The hell priest grinned and said ''Then I will grant you your wish my dear, after I attend to more important business''.

In the meantime Ash started regaining consciousness. He picked up his shotgun and pointed it at the lament configuration ''Hey needle face, I will destroy your prescious box so you can no longer cross over into our world''.

The hell priest turned to Ash.

''Ahaha, silly boy. How can you possibly think you could destroy Lemarchand's box with such a primitive tool. Anyhow it wouldn't matter. I've got what I needed, I should thank you and Loomis for being such good pawns. Anyhow I've had enough of your nonsense, I'm sure an old acquaintance of yours is dying to rip you to pieces'' With a movement of his hand he ordered Leatherface to attack him.

Ash looked at Kirsty ''Well that's just great''. The Cenobite Leatherface screamed and charged at Ash. Williams loaded his chainsaw and charged towards Leatherface accordingly. Their saws clashed as they had done in their previous encounter, only this time Leatherface was stronger, probably due to his Cenobite abilities.

Leatherface whacked Ash in the face watching him as he landed several feet away on the pier on the lake.


In the meantime the hell priest struck Jason with more chains trying desperately to drag him to his realm. Jason did not flinch and was making things hard for the Cenobite Leader.

Jason started ripping the chains from his body, opposing the power of the Hell Priest.

The Cenobite called to Angelique and the twins who were busy dragging Michael Myers into the portal ''Assist me, his will is stronger than I ever imagined''. Angelique and the twins nodded and conjured more chains to appear from the ground to attack Jason. Their presence wasn't of much help as Jason was resisting nonetheless .

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