Chapter 3 - The Shape

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Myers house, Haddonfield, once a clean and happy home was now little more than a decrepit shell, spider webs everywhere, the ceiling was about to crumble and most of the windows were shattered.

The only people who got close to the house were punks and horror enthusiasts who challenged each other to get as near as possible: Even they knew better to never get too close.

Two teenagers were standing outside the house, eager to enter. Reluctant of the warnings given to them by their parents and friends. As he stepped on the porch, one of the teenagers turned to his friend and said ''come on Matt, don't be such chicken shit, everybody knows Michael's dead by now''. The boy called Matt sighed and then decided to step inside.

The interior was dark and dusty, the two youngsters glanced across the hall but it was impossible to see things clearly given it was pitch black and the outside light wasn't strong enough to reach into the whole house. The bravest of the youngsters pulled out two flashlights and passed one to Matt who said with a trembling voice '' Jake I really think we should go, what if Myers isn't really dead, some say he's come back to the house where he killed his parents and sister, and that he's just gone into hiding''.
Jake turned to face his friend ''and you really belive that? Come on man, don't you think police would have checked the house and found him by now? If you're too much of a pussy to look around an old house I doubt you'll have any chance dating Bev, you need balls to go out with a girl like her. It's your call''.

Matt still looked doubtful but said ''I guess you're right'', Jake gave Matt a pound on his arm '' of course I'm right dude, trust me, if Bev finds out you've been in this house she'll give herself up to you big time, now come on''.
Matt followed Jake down the hall, the floor creaking underneath their feet.

A few more steps and they found a stairway. ''I'm absolutely checking where that leads'' said Jake. Matt grew more unsure by the second, he usually wasn't the type that would back up on a challenge but something felt really wrong about that place.

''No way I'm going up there Jake, I'll wait down here'' said Matt. Jake turned with a smirk and said ''suit youself ''. Matt ignored the comment and stayed put while Jake explored the higher level of the house.

As he was going up the steps Jake lowered his flashlight and noticed there were footmarks in the dust, some going upward and others going downward: After a brief moment of doubt he resumed further, dismissing the footmarks as having been left there from other kids who had roamed the house at a past date.

Upon arriving on top he pointed the flashlight on another hall, this time it had two bedroom doors on each side and a bathroom at the end facing where he stud. Names were written on each of the doors, the first door on the left read Mom and Dad, the one on the right read Judith. Dud walked further across the hall and pointed the light on the last two doors, one read Laurie and the other read Michael.

Jake instantly felt goosebumps upon discovering the room of Michael Myers, the famous killing machine everybody spoke of in Haddonfield actually slept in this room. With a slight hesitation he slowly opened the door, the beam from the flashlight trembling due to the boy's tension.
He eventually opened the door to full degree but to his disappointment (or reliefe) nothing was in the room, only an old chair in front of a window.

Jake gave out a nervous laugh and closed the door shut. Figuring he had to take a leak he went to the old bathroom, leaving the door open behind him. As Jake was about his business, the room with the name Laurie written on it silently opened, a dark shape walked out and stud in the hallway.

Jake's back was turned to the hall. As he was about to finish the dark shape walked forward in his direction, silent and calm.

The youngster zipped up and turned around, he froze upon bumping into the shape: He slowly looked up, what he saw was a human figure, much taller than him and of a bigger build. The face was obscured by a white mask resembling a human face, covered with fake hair on the top. The figure was looking down on him, silent, holding a kitchen knife.

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