Chapter 11 - The end is nigh

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Loomis was driving as fast as he could, he'd been on the road for four days, trying to make as few stops as possible.

He was still berating himself for fleeing the Motel in such a hurry. But he also knew it was the right thing to do. Giving up now wasn't an option, he'd invested too much to turn back now.

The Cenobites could not possibly be lying to him, he had his proof when he defeated Leatherface, they had no reason to betray him.

He had to believe he was making the right choice. He also had no doubt Ash would follow him and probably try to stop him.

He also sensed Michael was not far behind. He didn't know why but he was not ready to face him. He knew it would be futile to postpone any longer. Soon he would have to face his demon.

Loomis was heading to Crystal Lake to investigate on two of the most evil souls who had ever walked the earth, Jason Voorhees and Freddy Krueger. Apparently the two were last seen fighting on the shores of the lake and had killed each other. Loomis knew this could not be possible, one of them was still alive, if not both.

The first thing he needed to find was the Kandarian Dagger, the only weapon known to have stopped Jason.

He found an old wooden entrance with a billboard saying (WELCOME TO CAMP CRYSTAL LAKE). He opened the entrance easily and got back in the car following the path that would lead him to the lake.

The woods around him were dark, the path in front of him was almost invisible if not for his car beams.

After a five minute drive he arrived at the shores of the lake and turned the engine off. He carried a flashlight with him.

What was left of Camp Crystal Lake was now just a decaying memory.

Loomis passed by some old cabins where the counselors used to accommodate. They were now completely empty and decrepit.

The first place to look for the dagger was the old shack where Jason was known to hide in. Or so had been claimed. The shack had never been discovered by law enforcement and hence Loomis had to rely on rumors.

After a while of searching endlessly Loomis walked up a hill and found an old shack made of different pieces of wood and metal, it seemed like the place could collapse at any minute.

He gently pushed the wooden door and entered. There was very little space on the inside, a shrine was present at the center of the room, upon the shrine lay a mummified head, probably the head of Pamela Voorhees, Jason's mother.

To his amazement he noticed the dagger was standing right beside Pamela Voorhees's head. It was big and made out of bone. He retrieved it

As he was about to turn he felt a stabbing pain in his stomach, he looked down and noticed the knife that had slashed him. In front of him was not Jason as he was probably expecting but a white expressionless face, one he knew too well.

''Michael'' he said with a sigh ''you've finally found me''. Loomis pushed Michael aside and fled down the hill just outside the shack, Myers slowly followed him out watching as his archenemy made his futile escape in a fashion similar to how a predator would look at it's prey.


Kirsty had her sight fixed on the road while Ash was taking a nap. Ash's snoring was incredibly loud but Kirsty didn't complain, after all he'd been through a lot and deserved a good sleep.

A bump on the road suddenly woke him ''aahh... oh man, how long have I been out?', he yawned.

Kirsty glanced at him and smiled ''awhile, feel relaxed?''.

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