the dare

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Lucy's POV

After we made our way to our rooms,  I took a nice hot bath. I sighed,  sinking into the strawberry scented bubbles. I wonder why rogue was staring at me earlier.. I mean, isnt he supposed to be the **stares off into the distance**  shadow dragon slayer of sabertooth,  misterious, and appears emotionless, but super cool/chill kind of guy?? From what ive seen so far, hes a good looking emo person, who is a little creepy cuz he stares at people, like, wtf?

Anyways its not like that matters anyways, not like he likes me or anything...

Rogue's POV

Once I got to my room I threw my clothes on the floor, accept my boxers of cours, and hopped into bed. I wanted to be well rested for tomorrow,  but all of a sudden, that stinking blondie, I mean lucy crosses my mind. Was it just me, or did she actually blush? No, I must be going crazy, I probably just creeped her out, I didnt mean to, but I was staring at her. Why was I looking at her in the first place? it cant be because I like her, I mean I just met her, right?  I pictured her face in my mind... now that I thi k about it,  I think she may have actually been blushing! A small smile creeped its was onto my face...

Sting's POV

I walk over to Rogue to say good night, but he was smiling like an idiot, which scared me cuz you know, he usually doesnt smile. I decided to leave him alone and go to bed when someone knocked on the door. I truged over to the door, and lucy was standing there, looking at her toes.

Lucy's POV
Flashback to after her bath...

Once I slipped into my pajamas,  I walked over into the main room of the suite and saw erza, wendy, yukino and carla huddled in a circle.

"What are you guys doing?" I asked. They  looked over at me, and yukino spoke...

"Were playing truth or dare!!" She said exightedly.  I walked over and joined the circle.

"So whos turn is it?"I asked.

"Mine." Said erza. "Yukino, truth or dare??"

"Uhh, dare?" She replied un surely. Erza had an evil twinkle in her eyes now, oh poor yukino.

"All right then, I dare you too..." she paused, "go to natsu and grays room, walk in without knoking, and kiss one of em." I saw yukino's face go read. She obviously gave her that dare because he knows yukino has a small crush on gray.  I guess erza does act like mira sometimes.

"B-but-"she stuttered.

"No excuses, now go!!" Erza yelled giving her a death glare.  Yukino skurried out the door, we wached her go down the hall in front of their door and walk in. Erza and I ran to the room and peeked through the door way. we were just in time to see her walk up to gray, and quickely gave him a peck on the lips and ran out. Grays face turned as red as Erza's hair, and so did yukinos as she shut the door behind her. We all ran back to our suite, giggling. We entered and stamed the door behind us, panting.

"I never said it had to be on the lips" said erza with a smug look on her face. Yukino's fave became an even deeper shade of red. Erza wendy carla and I laughed.

"ha ha very funny."she retorted sarcastically. "My turn now..." she said with an evil twinkle in her eyes like erza.

"Lucy," she began as I gulped, "truth or dare?" Knowing that id regret my decision eithr way, I cringed and said,


Yukino and erza now both had an evil glint in their eyes.

"I dare you, to go to Sting and Rogues room, walk in and kiss rogue, on the cheek, and then ask sting out on a date-."

"Fineeee, but its still not as bad as your dare haha" I said slyly.

"You didnt let her finnish," said erza. Oh shit.

"If sting agree's to go out with you, you have to kiss him on the lips."  Finished yukino.  My face became as pale as a ghost. Shes kidding, right? No, I could tell by the look on her face that she wasnt.

"I hate you" I mumbled as I trudged out the door.

I arrived in front of sting and rogues door, and knocked. I heared footsteps coing towards the door, and then it opened. I looked down at my toes, so that he couldn't see my face turning into a pale shade of pink.
End of flash back (same situation,  current time)

"Hey blondie, whats up?"  He asked, as he cupped my chin in his hand, lifting my face so I was looking straight into his eyes. His beautiful blue eyes..

"Somethin' wrong blondie?" He asked. I shook my head.

"Well, um, I was wondering, if maybe, you wanted to go out s-sometime? L-like, on a d-date?" I stuttered,  my face turning even more red. He laughed softly.

"Sure, why not." He replied with a sweet grin. Oh no, that means I have to kiss him. Oh, and I competely forgot about rogue.  Well, its now or never...

"Great!" I said cheerfully, managing a smile. "Maybe after we finnish this job, we can go out!"

"Sounds good to me," he said. I saw rogue behind sting, sleeping in his bed. I quickly scurried past sting, and gave rogue, a soft, but quick kiss on the cheek, whispering good night, and then made my way back to sting.

"Good night blondie" he said,

"Good night sting" I replied before kissing him on the lips for 2 full seconds,  and then sprinted back to my room, wih the girls chasing after me.

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