chapter 12

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Rogues POV

"Geez, you spend so much time with Rogue, youd think youd learn  a thing or to from him, like, I dont know, being nice?!" Lucy wa having a little temper tantrum,  so it kind of scared me when she hugged my arm. Wait, shes hugging my arm, so technically,  shes hugging me!! Score!
Sting's POV

This is all rogues fault! I knew it! He was secretly dating her behind my back!

"So you loved Rogue this whole time, didnt you?! Didnt you?!" I yelled at her, which only made her cling to him more, which made me angrier.

"At first, I was exited to be your girlfriend. Man, what a wonderful guy he must be, I would think to myself, but nooo! You had to be a cocky little jerk! And thats all you ever were!" She yelled at me, tears slipping down her cheeks.

"Lucy, calm down a bit-" rogue began. She then let go of him and got all up in stings face.

"Rogue told you to say this, didn't he!?!" I yelled the last part.

"NO he didnt!" She yelled back. "And so what if I do like rogue?! I dont belong to you, and you cant control my feeling!!" She then, did something that made my blood boil. She whipped around, and kissed Rogue! On the lips! And he kissed her back! After about 3 seconds, she broke the kiss and ran off, im guessing shes going back to her room...
Rogues POV

Lucy turned aroud and smashed her lips onto mine. I stood there wide eyed in surprise for a second, and hn kissed her back. about 2 or 3 seconds later she broke the kiss, glared at sting, and ran away.

"You..." sting began stomping towards me, leaving dents in the ground.

"Listen, this wasnt my fault" I said with me hands up in defense "you were just being an ass to her and she didnt like it! And this wasnt the 1st time" I saidunder my breath, but thanks to his sensitive hearing (cuz dragon slayers have really good hearing), he heared what I said and,

"Light dragon fist!" (Srry idk wht he says when he does that) his fist was about to smash my face in, when a certain red heads fist colided with his face and sent him flying backwards into the pool.

"Erza, " I gulped.

"What happened?" She asked worried, and then wendy butted in,

"Yeah, wheres lucy?"

"Probably in your suite/room. " I replied with a poker face.

"How come?" Asked a conserned mirajane. All 3 of them, and a little white exeed were staring me down, waiting for an answer. I rolle my eyes and pointed at sting as he made his was back over to us. They all gave him the evil eye and circled around him.

"What did you do to lucy?!" Wendy asked woriedly.

"You better not have ruined sticy!" Yukino said joining the groupe.

"Whats sticy?" Sting asked, totaly confused.

"Its a ship name for you and lucy. Sti as in sting, cy as in lucy. STICY!" explained mirajane while facepalming.
Mirajanes POV

"Ill tell ya what happened, " said rogue, tapping me on the shoulder. Geez I forgot he was there!

"Sting was being an ass, they faught, broke up, lucy kissed me, and she left. End of story." rogue explained.

"Lucy KISSED YOU??" We asked in union, now circling around rogue.

"Yeah, so?" he said nonchalantly,  but inside, I could tell he was 'fangirling' as you might call it.

"Yaayyyy!!!!" We yelled. Rogue  just stood there dumbfounded.

"What do ya mean, yay?!" Sting asked.

"We wanted her with rogue, but we thought she liked you, so we were like, oh well, but now that we know she likes him, " I said gesturing to rogue, "operation rolu can begin!" We all cheered.

"R-rolu?" He asked. We nodded and charger to our suite to find lucy...

Hey guys sorry if I take a while to update. Im really busy but I will try to update as often as I can. Thx 4 sticking w/me.
Till the next update....
Byee!!! :)

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