chapter 7 §

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 hey my lovely fans!!

i can't believe i managed to write two chapters for two different stories in one night! i'm just warning you gusy now, you might hate me after you finish this chapter, but i promise things will end okay!!

also, i put a song to go with this chapter, and i really think the first bit really applies to the story! its my fave song right now, tell me if you know of any other songs that apply to the story! also, for those of you that haven't, please check out my other story that i've posted on here! its a werewolf story, but it's not the usualy hot jork falls in love with pretty loner chick sort of thing!!

                                            ♥♥♥ paige ♥♥♥

I stared with my mouth open for who knows how long. They were wet, and shining lightly in the sun. Once they were completely dry, they were an even brighter shimmering, silver, just barely showing a hint of white under the shining silver. They weren't feathery, like angels wings, though. They were fleshy, and reminded me of fairy's wings. The tips were lightly outlined with rose pink, but as I calmed down, they changed back to white. As I calmed down, I came out of shock, and I realized, there were a part of me. I could feel the winds lightly caressing them as they flapped lightly as I slowly flew around the roof of the dorm, staying out of sight from the class I scared. I grinned as I remembered their faces, and out of the corner of my eyes, I saw a dark blue begin lining the tips of my wings. I stared in shock, assuming I had imagined the pink lining the tips earlier. The lining turned a stormy gray as my mouth fell. I gasped and my wings fluttered, pulling me higher into the air, above the entire school. I could see most of the kids in my class. I flew over to them, my wings carrying my unsteadily as I changed altitudes when I didn't flutter strong enough, or moved my wings too quickly, and noticed they were all going through trees and searching for stuff, covering every inch of an area that kind of looked like... well, don't think I'm a dork for this, but kind of like a quidditch field, with more posts, and huge trees in the middle of it. Kids were flying around it everywhere, and I saw Anna go by triumphantly holding a huge golden ring, around the same circumference of my head. She stopped flying for a moment and looked around, calling Ms. Crudelis's name, when she saw me. She did a double take as she looked in my direction. Her jaw dropped, and I felt embarrassed. Out of the corner of my eyes, my wingtips turned the same shade of scarlet as my cheeks. She glided over swiftly, arms stretched in front of her. She smiled and said, "I didn't expect for you to get it that fast! It usually takes most people until the end of lunch! I'm going to have to take you to Ms. Crudelis, she likes to sort of run a test for people just after their first flight. The period is almost done though, so you'll probably have a bit of time to prepare beforehand."

she grabbed my hand and glided through, as she saw how unsteady I was with my new found wings.

There was a tall building outside of the huge training area, with an area on top that looked like it was made for people with gifts like mine. Its had huge, human sized pigeonholes on the top floor, and inside of it, I could see a classroom, with Ms. Crudelis sitting at a desk with a stack of golden rings similar to the one Anna held beside her as children slowly came in and out, landing lightly on the floor before they gave her a golden ring, said their name, and flew off again. I followed Anna in, and Ms. Crudelis whipped her head up when Anna began saying, "Marissa figured it out, ma'am."

She smiled coldly, and looked to me. I stood nervously under her critical gaze as she examined my huge silvery wings, and I saw her expression turn to one of shock as I noticed from the edge of my gaze that they turned as red as I imagined my cheeks were. My stomach twisting as my body was screaming at me to run far, far away from her, I said, "So, um.... When will my wings go away? Because I don't really want to walk around like this...."

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