Finally Agreed

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*~*My POV*~*

" Your kidding right? Some girl actually isn't in love with Natsu? " Jellal asked. " I know right! I was shocked myself! " Loke said. " Well at least now you can get one yourself I guess " Gray shrugged. All this, while Natsu is asleep. " Hey look there she is! " He said, pointing to the blonde that just entered the school gates, her hair tied in a bun as it usually is. Suddenly she was surrounded by a swarm of girls. Then Lisanna starts to walk her way. The boys sit and watch.

" Hey Bimbo " She said, standing in front of her popping some gum. " Can I help you? " She asked. " You can stay the hell away from my boyfriend " She said. " I don't know who's your boyfriend " She shrugged. " My Natsu-Kun! " She said. " Oh. Maybe you should tell your boyfriend to stay away from me. I never asked for an escort " She rolled her eyes. " You...! " Lisanna raised her hair. Before it could land on Lucy's face, Lucy grabbed her wrist, spinning her around so she's behind her, and out of the way.

" Did you see that? " Loke asked. " I've never seen anyone do that before " He said.

~A little later~

" Class this is your new classmate. Lucy Heartfilia " Gildarts introduces Lucy who just stared blankly at them. Usually the new student would say something like 'nice to meet you' or 'I hope we can all be friends' or at least smile. But Lucy didn't. " Um, anyways, Miss Heartfilia please sit down in that seat back there. " He points to the seat in between Loke and Gray. She silently walks back there, everyone staring at her.

She seemed to have this... dark aura about her. " So blondie, wanna do something after school? Hang out? " Loke asked. " I'll pass " She said, not even glancing his way. " Aw c'mon! If you want I'll bring Natsu. I know you've got a little thing for him " He said. " No. I'm good " She said. " What'll it take to get you to go on a date with me? " He asked. " Nothing. I'm not going on a date with you " She said. " Why not? " He asked. " Why should I? What's in it for me if I go on a date with you? " She asked. " Because you'll have a good time " He said.

" I highly doubt that " She said. " Would you at least look at me? " He asked. " Nope " She sighed. " How about this, you can pick wherever you wanna go with me after school. Sounds like a plan? " He asked. " No. I want to go home. And go to sleep. That has nothing to do with you " She said.

~At Lunch~

" Loke, why are we here? " Jellal asked, as they were all standing outside the music room. " I saw blondie go in here. I think she eats her lunch in here " He said. " So all of us had to be here so you can spy on blondie? " Gajeel asked. " Exactly " He said. They all groaned. He's always getting them to be in on his weird plans. Then the door opened. " Do you guys wanna come inside or are you gonna stand out there talking? " She asked. " How did you know we were outside?! " Loke asked.

" If your planning on stalking someone try being quieter. Are you coming inside or not? " She asked. Suddenly Loke dragged all his friends inside. " So are you here to ask me on another date? " She asked. " Not really " He shrugged. " So you really don't have a crush on Natsu at all? " Loke asked. " No " She sighed. The others were shocked. " Are you... sick... or just... crazy? " Jellal asked, confused. " None of the above " She said. " You sure? " Loke asked. Lucy rolled her eyes.

" If your trying to ask me out, don't you think it's strange to be so invested in my feelings for another man? " She asked. " I guess but I'm not really here to ask you out " Loke shrugs. " Just, come hang out with me on Saturday. It's not a date, just two friends hanging out. " He said. Lucy sighed. " If I go with you, will you leave me alone for the rest of my life " She asked. " I make no promises " He said. " Meh, close enough " She said. She pulls a pen out her bag and grabs his hand. " This is my address. Come pick me up at 5 and bring me back by 9 " She said.

Then suddenly she stood up and walked out the classroom. " That was weird... " Loke said.

~After school~

Lucy opened her locker, a note falling out. She catches it before it fell down. " Come to the old library near the school building. And come alone " She reads out loud. She rolled her eyes. This was probably someone who 'wanted their revenge' after she embarrassed them or whatever. She sighed, she left her bag in the locker, she wouldn't need it since she didn't have homework.

~Half an hour later~

Lucy was walking, then suddenly someone hugged her from behind. " Onee-Chan! " She said. Michelle? She thought. She turned to see a small girl with blue hair. She was a little dirty and looked like she hadn't eaten in a while. Lucy sighed. " Little girl where are your parents? " She asked. " I dunno " She said. Lucy takes her hands from around her waist, and then bends down in front of her. " Are you okay? Is there anyone I can call to come pick you up? " She asked.

" I'm fine, but I don't know anyone's number " She said. " What about your home address? Or someone in your family " She said. The bluenette shakes her head. Lucy sighed. " I guess I'll just keep you with me until I find your family. Uh— what's your name? " She asked. " It's Wendy " She smiled. " Okay... Wendy. I've gotta do something before I help you out... so just stay quiet okay? " She asked. Wendy nodded. " Alright, C'mon " She said. Wendy grabs her hand.

Then Lucy walks the rest of the block where the old library is. It looks haunted from the outside. Lucy slightly opened the door to see a lot of blood and a lot of dead bodies. She can't just walk a kid into there. " Okay Wendy, I'm gonna cover your eyes. I need you to breathe through your mouth " She said. Wendy nodded. Lucy places her right hand over her eyes, leaving her left placed on the child's shoulder before leading her inside.

" Hello? " She called. " You finally made it Huh? I was starting to think you wouldn't show up " A voice said. It was deep. And suddenly the figure appeared. It was a boy, he had white hair, and green eyes. " Cover your ears kid " Lucy whispered. Wendy nodded and lifted her hands over her ears. Lucy pulled a gun out of her bra, and shoots him right between his eyes. Then a whole bunch of people rushed out. Lucy couldn't fight them all and protect Wendy at the same time.

She scooped up the child, and starts running from them. Shit shit shit shit shit shit!! She thought. She jumped backwards out the glassless window, and lands, still holding Wendy. She runs to her house, with the child in hand.

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