000 Requests But Not Really//Table of Contents

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Hello, you can request things here but there's no guarantee that I'll write it.

As I said in the description, this is mainly a place for me to post the fanfics that I want to read but just don't exist out there.

Apologies for any spelling/grammatical errors in any and all parts.

Note: All of these fics are also posted on my Archive on Our Own and Tumblr, under the same username.

Table of Contents:

001 - .Art Project. // Van Gogh x Reader

002 - .Fun Sized. // Van Gogh x Tall!Reader

003 - .The Consequences of Consuming Paint. // Suicidal!Van Gogh x Depressed!Reader

004 - .Hello, Teen Crisis Hotline. // Depressed!Van Gogh x Reader

005 - .Gauze. // Van Gogh x Depressed!Reader

006 - .Sunflower. // Van Gogh x Reader

007 - .Tech Junkie. // Constanze Amalie von Braunschbank Albrechtsberger x Female!Reader

008 - .Yes, Mother Dearest. // Crona Gorgon x Reader

009 - .Finally, Sleep. // Yokumiru Mera x Reader

010 - .My boy. // Jamison "Junkrat" Fawks x Reader

011 - .An Eye for An Eye. // Mylo x Healer!Reader

012 - .Blondie. // Masa x Reader

013- .Wild Child. // Snufkin x Winged!Reader

014- .For When I Don't Remember My Beloved. // Dr. Two-Brains x Reader

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