the meeting

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One bright morning, The young alchemist (Varian) was wandering in the nearby forest with his pet Ruddiger. The sun shone bright which its' beams gleaming through the branches making colors on the ground below. The trail was twisted but nether the less, Varian was searching for spieces of plant what is commonly found in warm but moist area's -such as the forest he was walking in, the plant itself is called alchemastry. In around an hours walk he found a patch of flowers what was he was looking for to cure his fathers eyes -or so he thought. He grabbed a bunch of the herb and put it in his satchel. Just finishing, Ruddiger snatched the bag and ran off with it. Running after his pet, he managed to get hid bag back off the ground but not realizing who was infront of him. He looked up seeing a face with long dark blond hair blowing gently as if the wind was purposfully trying to show the beauty she already showed but without effort, her skin was smooth and her eyes gleamed with life as they stared closely at each other. V: what's your name? - R.: Ruby ... you? V: Varian, nice to meet you Milady (Ruby chuckles) R: what are you doing here? V: Oh, emh .. I was looking for the alchemilla. R.: Oh but the alchemilla is not found in the woods. V: What ?? oh no I wasted all this time in vain !! -. R.: well you found me! Ahaha, my mother is very knowledgeable about alchemical plants and about magic, she can certainly help you, I don't know much of this. V: thank you, I just want to tell you that I DO NOT WORK WITH MAGIC, but I want to know where the plant is, I need it urgently !! R.: Ok , quiet I'll take you to her.. they arrive at Ruby's house" R.: Mom !! where are you G: Ruby what's up ?? don't scream- R.: Sorry grandma, where's mum? ( Mrs. Jovy Ruby's grandmother, a very sweet lady, blue eyes like ice, pure white hair, in a black dress, with tears in her pockets) G: oh she went to the market, what did you want? R.: I don't know if you know the alchemilla, but mine friend is looking for it and needs it urgently- G: and you wanted to ask your mother, ahaha she knows very little about plants, I'm the expert on this category. My dear alchemilla is in the mountains, Varian what do you need this plant for? V: for my father, he's losing his sight because of... of my fault..., I don't want to talk about it. G: Ok .. alone you will not be able to go there it is good that Ruby comes with you .. 😌😉, R.: Grandma! .. well yes I would love to come with you ... V: for me it is not a problem , I don't feel like going there alone, I will need an assistant .. (Ruby smiles) G: this map will help you find the right path, beware of mountain spirits...
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