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El's Pov

"El honey get up" I heard Joyce say. I got up and brushed my teeth and put my hair into curls. "Good morning El." Will said waving. "Good morning Will." I said coming over to hug him. "Kids! Breakfast!" We heard Hopper and Joyce yell. We went and ate breakfast and we're getting ready for school. I put on my shoes and my graphic jumpsuit. Joyce drove me and Will to school. "Have a good day guys!" Joyce said to us. "Alright Mom!" Me and Will said as we waved and walked into school. Mike, Dustin, Lucas, and Max tackled us. "Hey guys" I said laughing. "Hey El." Mike said kissing my cheek. "Let's get to class." Dustin said as we all got up. We went to math class, I always had a hard time with it but Max always helped me. I stared at Max for most of the class I don't know why. "Pretty" I thought. "Wait what? I don't like girls... Do i?" Max snapped me out my thoughts tapping me."El are you okay?" She asked."Y-Yeah." I said blushing. The bell rung for Gym. Somehow dad made it so I didn't have to do gym. All I do is sit on the bleachers and watch everyone else. I laughed at everyone sweating and out of breath. "You're lucky you don't have to do this!" Max, Mike, Will, Lucas, and Dustin said in unison. I just laughed. Max came up to me and shook her hair at me putting sweat all on me. "What the heck Max?" I said as i got up and went to the locker room to change my clothes. I was taking my clothes off when Max came in and I covered myself. "I... I" I stuttered looking at Max. "It's alright, some people are self conscious about their body." Max said coming over to me again. She pulled my arms down to reveal my tiny blue bra. "You look beautiful." She said making me blush. "T-Thanks Max" I said.

~Time skip to lunch~

I got my lunch and went to sit with the party. I was just picking at my food thinking about earlier with Max. "El?" Mike asked me looking worried. "Yeah Mike?" I asked. "You alright?" He asked. "Yeah... Just... Thinking..." I said looking away. "What are you thinking about?" Max asked me. "It's nothing important." I lied. "Okay." Max said and Mike shrugged. "So I heard that apparently there's this 'Halloween dance' happening next month at school, it's like the snowball but Halloween themed." Dustin said. "Im going as Marty mcfly." Dustin added. "I'm going as Michael Myers, like I did last year scaring you guys." Max said looking at the boys. "That wasn't funny ya know." Lucas said. "What happened?" I asked. "While you were 'gone' Max had scared us. Lucas screamed like a little girl." Will said. "Yeah it was HILARIOUS!" Max exclaimed. "No it wasn't." Mike said. "Yes it was" Will said. I stared away thinking about earlier. "Max is pretty." I thought. "El are you-" Mike was stopped by the bell ringing for our final class, which was history. Me, Max, and Will went to history. Will wrote on a piece of paper and handed it to me, it read, "You like her don't you?" I wrote, "I don't know... I think so..." and gave it back to him. The bell rung for the end of the day and Me, Max, and Will left the class to meet up with the others."Hey El can I talk to you?" Max asked."Sure." I said and she pulled me over so the guys couldn't hear us."I have a crush on someone." Max said."Who? Lucas?" I asked."No. Someone else.... A girl." She said."isn't that wrong?" I asked."Well no, but some people don't like it." She said. I was about to lean in to kiss her when I heard Joyce say, "Kids come on!" I waved bye to Max and she smiled sadly at me for some reason. Me and Will got in the car and Joyce asked us, "So guys how was your day?" "It was good" Will said. "It was... Okay." I said looking out the window. Will gave me a hug. "Thanks Will." I said, he nodded. We got home and I went into Mine and Will's room and was doing my homework and I got frustrated at math. I got up and called Max and asked her if she could come over and help me and she said yes.

Max came over to my house and we walked into mine and Will's room. "Nice room." She said. "Thanks." I said. We sat on my bed and Max helped me with the math work when I decided to ask, "Max?" "Yeah El?" She questioned. "What does it mean when you like everyone?" I asked. "Well you mean you like boys, girls, and everything else?" She asked. "Y-Yes." I said. "That's called being Pansexual. Now me." She said pointing to herself. "Im a lesbian, meaning I like girls, Gay is when a guy likes a guy, Bisexual is when you like boys and girls." She continued. "I... I think i might be that..." I said looking down at my hands. "Alright El. Do you wanna tell someone?" Max asked putting a hand on my shoulder. "Wh-What if no one accepts me?" I asked with tears shining in my eyes. "Then fuck them. You're my friend, I'll always accept you." She said smiling. "A-alright,I'm gonna tell mom and dad first." I said. "Alright come on." Max said pulling me up bringing me into the kitchen where Joyce and Dad sat talking. "M-Mom? D-Dad?" I stuttered their attention focusing to me. "Yeah sweetheart?" Joyce asked sympathetically. "What is it kiddo?" Dad asked looking worried. "I... Im... Pansexual..." I said hoping one of them would have yelled at me but instead they hugged me. "We accept you honey." Joyce said smiling with tears in her eyes. "Yeah kiddo, we don't care who you like, as long as you're happy." Dad said. I cried happily. "Thank you guys!" I said. Just then Will came in and said, "Im gay." And he came and joined the hug. "Whoo! Yeah!" We heard Max say. Jonathan came in and asked,"What happened?" Max answered him saying, "Will's gay, El is Pan, oh and by the way, I'm lesbian. So that's what happened." "Alrighty, well i accept you guys." Jonathan said before he left. "Hey El, can I speak to you?" Max asked. "Okay." I said breaking the hug between Me, Will, Dad, and Joyce.
I walked over to where Max was standing. "What did you want to talk about?" I asked. Max dragged me to my room and was about to say something when Mike called. "El! It's for you!" Will said from the living room. "I'll be right back." I said to Max. She just shrugged. I took the phone from Will and said, "Hey Mike, what's up?" "El... I... Im sorry but... Im breaking up with you." He said and I processed what he said and just hung the phone up and walked into my room angrily with tears in my eyes. "El? What happened?" Max asked. "M-Mike broke u-up with me.." I choked out. "Oh El." Max said comforting me. "You know what? Fuck Mike, he's a piece of shit!" Max exclaimed. I just sat there crying into Max's chest. "El honey what happened?" Joyce asked coming in the room to see me crying into Max's chest.
"Mike happened." Max said looking angry. "Oh..." Joyce said and she came over and hugged me.

~a few hours later~
"Hey Mrs. Byers can I stay here for the night?" Max asked. "Sure thing!" Joyce said. I was putting my pajamas on when Max came in the room and saw me without a bra on and I covered my chest. "Im sorry." Max said turning around. I blushed and put my pajama shirt on and said, "Im decent now." Max turned around and came and hugged me. "What's this for?" I asked smiling. "No reason, I just wanted to hug my friend." She said putting her head on my shoulder. She was going to sleep on the floor when I said, "You can sleep in the bed with me." "You sure?" She asked. "Yeah." I said and she layed in the bed next to me. I held her and fell asleep but not before hearing, "I wish I could tell you how I feel El..."

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