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El's Pov

"Max,I like you...a lot." I said before noticing she was asleep. She looked so adorable. "Tomorrow" I thought.I fell asleep holding Max."Hey,El, wake up." I heard Max say. "Good morning." I said sitting up on my bed. "Good morning." Max said smiling. I got up and hugged Max."What's this for?" She asked hugging back."I can't hug my friend?" I asked smiling."I can't argue with that." Max said pulling me down on the bed still hugging me."Achoo!" I sneezed."Bless you." Max said."Thanks." I said."Kids! Get ready for school!" Me and Max heard Joyce yell. I got up and changed into my jumpsuit and put on my shoes and walked out my room and waited for Max. Max came out looking amazing.I blushed looking at her shirt. It said,"Im lesbian so boys back the f*** off" "Kids!" Joyce yelled. Me and Max got our stuff and we got in the car with Will. Joyce drove us to school and we got out Me and Will and waved,"Bye mom!" "Bye Mrs.Byers!" Max said."Bye guys!" Mom said. Me,Max,and Will walked inside the school going to our lockers. "Hey can I-" We heard Mike say only to get interrupted by Dustin,"Mike,leave them alone. If you wanna keep secrets from us,then you're not in the party." "Wait what?! I created the party." Mike said. "Go...Away..." Max said closing her locker and glaring at Mike. Mike walked away. "Guys come on,let's get to Art." Lucas said. Me and Will closed our lockers and Me,him,and Max followed Dustin and Lucas.

~Art class~

"Hey El?" Max asked nervously."Yeah Max?" I asked looking away from my drawing of Max,I closed my notebook and looked at Max."I um...I l-" Max was interrupted by the bell for gym. I put my notebook in my bag and waited for the others so we could go to gym. I sat outside for gym because I didn't want to see Mike. I took my notebook out from my bag and looked at the picture of Max.

"Hey is that me?" I heard Max ask coming outside wearing a gray shirt and gym shorts

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"Hey is that me?" I heard Max ask coming outside wearing a gray shirt and gym shorts."Y-Yeah,I drew it in art." I said as Max came and sat next to me."It's amazing!" Max said pointing at it."Thanks Maxy." I said and looked away nervously after hearing what I said."El...I like you....a lot." Max said hugging me."I like you a lot too..." I said turning my head to her. Max leaned in and kissed me. Hesitantly,I kissed back. I felt fireworks go off."What the fuck?!" We heard Mike. Me and Max jumped back looking at him."What Mike?! You mad that I kissed El?! Well fuck off! You broke up with her because you like someone else that you can't tell us about! So just fucking go back inside!" Max said to Mike pushing him inside. I stood up and hugged Max."Thank you.." I said with my head on her shoulder."Mike is a douche. He doesn't love you like I do." Max said realizing what she said," I-I mean like! N-not love!" Max stuttered."Max,I love you too." I said turning her around and kissing her forehead. She blushed.

"Max, Will y-" I was interrupted by Max saying,"Yes! I'll be your girlfriend!!" I giggled. "Come on,let's get back inside,I gotta change out of these sweaty gym clothes so we can go to history." Max said. "Okay." I said as we went inside the gym and I waited for Max to finish changing. "Come on, let's get to history!" Max said coming out the locker room and hugging me. Me,Max, and Will went to history and Max intertwined her hand with mine when we sat down. Max wrote on a piece of paper and handed it to me it read,"I love you so much Ellie." I blushed reading it. I wrote on it,"I love you too Maxy. ❤️🏳️‍🌈." and gave it back to her. She blushed pink.

~After school~
"Hey El? You wanna go to mall?" Max asked me."Yes! Of course!" I said. "Wait,I have to ask my mom." I added."Alright." Max said. I walked to Mom's car and asked, "Mom? Can I go to the mall with Max?" "Of course honey,just be home by 5 o'clock." Mom said."Okay. Thanks mom!" I said hugging her. Mom and Will got in the car and drove home."Hop on." Max said on her skateboard."W-what if I fall?" I asked nervously."Just hold onto my waist." Max said."I can do that." I said getting on Max's skateboard and holding her stomach. We skated to the mall. "What should we do first?" I asked Max."Movies?" Max suggested."Yes,but what movie?" I asked."Ghostbusters?" Max said."What about 'Back to The future'? I asked. "Yes! To the movies!" Max said excited.

~The theater~
"One medium popcorn,two sodas,and some Reese's Piece's." Max said to the candy vendor."That'll be $15.67" The vendor said. Max paid and grabbed my arm with her free hand. We entered the theater and sat at the top left. I ate some of the popcorn as the movie started. Max took my hand in her's and we held hands watching the movie,laughing at most of it. "This is the best day ever." I whispered."What'd you say?" Max asked looking over to me."I said,This is the best day ever."I said."That it is." Max said kissing my cheek. The movie ended and Me and Max walked out the theater and held hands getting glares from a few people."Now what should we do?" I asked Max."Scoops? Im surprised even after what happened last month with this place being destroyed,Robin and Steve got fired." Max said."Yeah, Maybe we could...get the new people fired and get Steve and Robin their old jobs back!" I exclaimed to Max."That could work." She said.

"What do you want?" The employee Jackie asked."Oh nothing we just heard that you were horrible at your job and you're retarded." Max said, I hid my snickers."WHAT?! Who said it?! Tell me you piece of shit kid!"Jackie yelled at Max causing the manager to come out and say,"Jackie! We don't yell or curse at customers! You're fired!" Jackie cried and went and changed out of her uniform and left. We did the same to the other employee,John."Hey Mr.Wayne?" I asked the manager."What do you want kid? I just lost my best two employees." The manager said looking sad."We know two people who used to work here and they'd be amazing for the job." Max said."Steve and Robin right?" Mr. Wayne asked. Me and Max nodded."I'll call them." Mr.Wayne said going to the back room to call Steve and Robin."Really?! Thank you Mr.Wayne! We won't let you down!" We heard Robin say over the phone.

"Ellie,wanna go back to my house?" Max asked me."Yeah,let me just call my dad." I went over to the phone booth and dialed dad's number."Hello?" Dad said."Dad,I'm going to be staying at Max's for the night." I said."Alright kiddo,I love you." Dad said."I love you too,Bye!" I said and hung up the phone."Let's go Maxy." I said coming out the phone booth and to Max's skateboard. I held Max's stomach and we skated to her house.

(1280 words)

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