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El's Pov

"Hey El?" Will said coming into our room. "Yeah,what is it Will?" I asked sitting up from my bed."I um...Mike...likes me..." He said sitting next to me."What?!?" I asked shocked."Yeah...he came over here yesterday and told me." Will said. I was speechless."I'll be right back." I said getting up and going to the phone to call Mike.

"Hello?" Mike asked."Mike,stay away from Will..." I said harshly."El? You do realize i don't have to do what you say." He said."And you realize I'm the one with super powers." I said."Ahh shit." Mike said."Yeah,now stay away from Will or I'll hurt you.." I said hanging the phone up amd walking back to mine and Will's room."What did you do?" Will asked."I don't want Mike to hurt you like he did me." I said sitting next to him."Thanks El." He said hugging me."Of course Will." I said hugging him back.

"Hey Baby!" I heard Max say coming up to me."Hey Maxy!" I said hugging her."Where's Will?" Lucas asked coming up to us with Dustin behind him."I don't know..." I said. "Come on let's get to lunch! Im starving!" Dustin exclaimed smiling. I held Max's hand and we walked to the cafeteria.

I was eating my lunch when we all saw Will and Mike walking to us."What's going on here?" Max asked setting her drink down."Well...Me and Will are together!" Mike said excited causing me to get up and walk away."El! Hey!" Max said running up to me. She grabbed my arm and turned me around to see tears in my eyes."El,what happened?" Max asked concerned."Mike told Will that he liked him yesterday while you and me were at the mall. And I called Mike and told him to stay away from Will so he wouldn't get hurt like I did." I said almost crying."El, I'm gonna be honest with you,Mike breaking up with you was the best thing ever. Because now you and me are together. And you should be happy for Will,he's your brother,technically." Max said hugging me."You're right. I should be happy for Will." I said smiling. "Now hun,let's get back to the cafeteria." Max said.

We walked back to the cafeteria."El? Are you oka-" Will was stopped by me hugging him."Im happy for you." I said smiling."Thanks El." He said releasing me. I walked to Mike and said,"Im sorry for what I said to you." I hugged him."It's okay El. You're good." He said releasing me. Max looked at the clock on the wall and said,"GYM! GUYS COME ON!" Max ran off to us following her.

Mrs. Parker looked at us out of breath and said,"Where have you kids been? You were almost 5 minutes late!" looking angry."We...lost...track...of...time.." Mike said in between breaths."Don't do it again or else you'll all get detention!" Mrs. Parker said sternly. I went and sat on the bleachers while the others went to change into their gym clothes. Max came out the locker room and she looked so cute in gym shorts. "Adorable!" I thought staring at Max.

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