Part 3

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Severide's Point of view
There she was, the person I thought I would never see again, sitting in my living room, holding my daughter. Am I dreaming? How could this be? Then she stood up and said "Hi Kelly" Her saying that made me want to tear up. I then spoke up "Shay?, is that really you?" "yeah it's me" she said on the verge of tears. When she said that tears came streaming down my face. Stella then took Leslie from Shay and then I put all the stuff I had down and walked over and hugged her. The hug lasted a few minutes and we both had tears coming down our face. After a few moments the hug broke off and we were just wiping our tears. "I brought food" I said "Alright well let's eat then" Stella said. I walked over to Stella and gave her a kiss and then took Leslie and put her in the crib while we ate.

Shay's point of view
Ever since I left Chicago I felt broken, like I was missing something. Kelly was all I thought about, he was my best friend. When Kelly walked in just seeing him made me feel whole again.

Nobody's point of view
They all sat at the table eating while Leslie was in her crib. There was lots of chatter and laughter, like there was nothing else to worry about. Then Kelly said "I don't wanna bring down the mood or anything but the last time I saw you Shay, you were dead. I mean you were lying on the floor of that warehouse lifeless." "I know. But i'll explain later let's just catch up." Shay said "Okay well how have you been?" said Kelly "I've been doing good, you know how it is, just living everyday." Shay said "That's good" Kelly said "I see you've been doing pretty good" said Shay "Yeah, I mean I couldn't ask for anything more, I got an amazing beautiful wife and a brand new baby girl." Kelly said "Yeah. They seem great" Shay said "They are. I missed you, you know?" said Kelly. "I know I missed you too, more then you can imagine." Shay said. They talked for another hour or so before moving on the the topic Shay was avoiding. Shay was avoiding the topic of what happened and why she's here because she doesn't know how Kelly will react and she doesn't want to ruin this moment. Kelly has to know how she's here and how he's not dreaming. Stella went to change Leslie's diaper and feed her while they continued talking.

Shay's point of view
I can't believe Benny died, and I wasn't here for Kelly. I mean, I know their relationship wasn't good but Benny was his dad. We pretty much talked about everything and then the topic I was trying to avoid for as long as possible came up. "Shay, how are you here?" Kelly asked. "Umm, while I guess I better start before the warehouse fire." I said. Kelly nodded "About a month before the warehouse fire I was approached by the FBI to bring down a sex trafficking ring." I said when Severide interrupted with "Why you?" "I had rescued one of the victims before, and she really trusted me, so they had me talking to her and getting information from her because she would only talk to me. There was an incident and my identity ended up getting leaked, I had to fake my death so it would make big news and so I didn't have a target on my back. I had to get out of Chicago, so they sent me to Australia, I stayed there for about 2 years, after that they told me it was safe to comeback in the country but I couldn't go back to Chicago or any of the states near it. So I chose Hawaii, it was nice just to relax and not have to worry about anything, but I thought about you everyday. I ended up getting a job as a paramedic there until I left, a little over a year ago." Kelly couldn't even look at me, he was just staring at the middle of the room. He looked like he was on the verge of crying. I just continued on "After I left Hawaii, I went home to Louisiana for a year, just to spend time with my parents and Megan. Then I came to Chicago, just landed here early this morning actually."

By this time Stella was sitting on the couch with a sleeping Leslie in her arms and Kelly was still staring off in the middle of the room. He then spoke up " How could you leave me Shay? How could you leave for 6 years and not even tell me that you were doing okay and that you were alive?" "I couldn't" I said " Yes you could've Shay I was you're best friend. But instead you made me go through the pain and tragedy of your death. When you died a part of me died and I wasn't myself. But instead of telling me you were off partying in Hawaii while I was here lifeless." He said. "Kelly, I had to do this, or else I really could've died" I said. "That's not the point Shay, you left me, betrayed me." He said. Seeing him like this hurt me, broke me. "And I have regretted it everyday" I told him. "That doesn't matter" He said as he walked off to the room and slammed the door. "Kelly!!" Stella yelled. Leslie then started crying. " Just give him some time." Stella said as she was trying to calm Leslie. "Yeah. I know, it's a lot to handle. But I should get going" I said "Where are you staying?" Stella asked. "I'm still figuring that out, probably just at a hotel." I responded. "Nonsense, you're staying here." Stella said. "No it's fine really. I don't want intrude, Kelly needs space." I said. "Kelly will be fine. Your staying here that's the end of it." Stella said. "Okay then" I responded. Leslie was still a bit fussy. "Do you want me to take her?" I asked. "Could you? I need to get her pacifier" Stella said. "Of course" I said. I was just holding Leslie and rocking her. Once Stella gave her the pacifier she calmed down and was just staring at the roof. Stella offered to take her but I told her I was good. "Okay well if you got her I'm gonna go clean up the kitchen" Stella said. "Go for it" I said.

Kelly's point of view
Just sitting on the couch listening to the reason Shay left, hurt me. She should've told me so i could've helped her. I couldn't listen to it anymore and I ended up storming off. Stella yelled my name but I couldn't go back over there, not now. Leslie started crying, I felt guilty because I probably woke her up by slamming the door, but I was so angry. Deep down I know what Shay did was what was best but it just hurts me to know that she would just betray and leave me like that. I just needed time to clear my head and process it all.

Stella's point of view
I know this was hurting Kelly to hear but he still shouldn't have stormed off like that. Shay said she was gonna leave and stay at a hotel but that didn't sit right with me so I told her she could stay with us. If Kelly was in the right state of mind he would've said the same thing. I was getting some cleaning done while Shay was watching Leslie. Leslie liked her she was really calm in her arms.

Nobody's point of view
It had been about an hour since Kelly went in the room. Shay and Stella were just talking with the tv on in the background and Leslie was sleeping. Then suddenly they heard a door open and Kelly came out of the room. He walked over to were Shay was sitting and said "I'm sorry for storming out earlier Shay. I know what you did was just to protect yourself but I still wish you would've reached out and told me." "It's okay. Everyone processes things differently. I didn't tell you because it was safer for you if you didn't know. I was just protecting you." Shay said. They gave each other a hug and then Kelly walked over to Stella and said " I am sorry for running out and waking up the baby. I love you." "I love you too." Stella said. Kelly cuddled up next to Stella and said "the Blackhawks are on." They turned on the game, ordered pizza and hung out for the night.

Authors Note
Hey guys, hope you enjoyed this part. I will post every Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday for right now. Depending on how school goes will depend on if the schedule gets changed at all.

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