Part 1

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Shay's point of view
Walking up the apron it all looked the same, it's like I never left. Once I get on the apparatus floor I see two young men talking while standing at the truck. I had never seen them before but I still ask them, "Hey is Kelly Severide here?" One of them responds "Hi, I am Ritter this is Gallo, the lieutenant is not here right now but can we take a message?"
"oh no that's fine. What about Gabby Dawson?" I say They start whispering between each other, and I think I heard something about Puerto Rico, but I am not sure. A few seconds later Gallo speaks and says "uhh no she does not work here anymore" I was so puzzled when he said that, I thought Dawson would never leave 51. I respond "uhh okay what about Chief Boden?" Ritter responds "yeah, I can take you back" I tell him I know the way but he insisted on taking me to his office.

Once I walk inside everything looks the same, even that same damn couch. Ritter knocks on the door frame and Chief nods for him to come in but Ritter stays there and says "chief someone is looking for you?" "who is it?" chief says. Ridder responds "uhhh" and then I move to the side so chief can see me. When Chief saw me his face dropped, like he couldn't believe what he was seeing. Ritter had left the room and there was a quick moment of awkward silence that filled the room till chief said "come in, come in, Sorry I am just so shocked to see you here, alive, right in front of me. I am not sure if  I am dreaming" I assure him he's not dreaming and that I am actually alive and doing well. He then hugs me and says he missed me so damn much.

He takes a seat behind his desk and I sit in front of him. Chief then says "no offense or anything but I thought you were dead?" I chuckle then say "no it's a long story but I was working with the FBI to bring down a sex trafficking ring and my identity was leaked so I had to fake my death so I wouldn't be targeted. They had me lay low for a long time and just about last year I came out of hiding and started trying to live life again." It looked like he was starting to understand and come to the terms that I was really here.

Boden's point of view
I couldn't believe who was sitting right in front of me. The person who's death changed this house and the people in it and the one who died on my wedding day, was not really dead? I had to be dreaming, but I wasn't, this was all real, Leslie Shay is still alive.

Where had she been all these years? what was she doing? I have so many questions that I need answered. After she assured me multiple times that I wasn't dreaming she told me what had happened and I totally understood why she had to do that. "You were gone for 5 years. Where did you go?" I asked "I started out in Australia for 2 years then Hawaii for the other 3." she said "oh wow." I responded. "Yeah, it was really crazy but for sure an adventure i'll remember forever" she said. Then I asked her "So what were you doing last year when you started to comeback?" "Well I went home to Louisiana and spent a year with my parents and sister." she said "They probably were very excited to see you. How are they handling this ?" I asked. "They were excited, they didn't believe it at first but they eventually coped with it." she said. "Enough about me though, what has been going on with you? Are you and Donna still married?" she asked. " Yeah, going on 6 years" I said. "Wow!, well I guess that makes sense considering I 'died' 6 years ago" she said. " Yeah" I said with a chuckle. "We have one son, Terrance". I said while showing her a picture. "Aww he's adorable. Congrats Chief" she said. "thanks, yeah he's something all right." I said.

Nobody's point of view
They both laughed and then Shay said "Gallo the guy I met on the app. floor said something about Dawson not working here anymore. That's not true is it?" Boden's face turned from a smile to a serious face. "Dawson left us about two years ago, moved to Puerto Rico to volunteer over there." Boden said. Shay couldn't believe it. " I thought she would never leave 51. What about her and Casey?" Shay asked. "Once you died they put off their wedding while Dawson was working on truck and they ended up breaking up, to much stress on the relationship and then they got back together, they finally got married and were happy for about a year, then Dawson left to Puerto Rico without an explanation and sent divorce papers to Casey." Boden explained. Shay could tell she wasn't getting the full story so she asked, "What really happened between them?" "Not my story to tell" said Boden.

Shay's point of view
I could not believe what chief said about Dawson, I knew there was a part of the story I wasn't getting but he'd wouldn't tell me. So I moved on to the next person on my mind, Kelly. " Okay what about Severide?" I asked
"Oh the great Kelly Severide." Chief said. " He's definitely not the Severide you last knew. But, after you died he had a downward spiral, went M.I.A for about a month and then came back but he wasn't himself, it was like a piece of him was missing, you." he said. Hearing this made me feel guilty that my faked death might have caused Kelly to ruin his life. Then Chief continued " But once he got his head on straight he has done nothing but amaze me, on shift and off. He's really changed his ways, he has a great wife, someone actually dependable and hard working, they got married about 6 months ago, beautiful ceremony." Hearing this shocked me, I couldn't believe it, Kelly Severide settled down and married. Chief continued talking " His wife, Stella, you would love her, she's good for him Shay." I responded "I don't know I am hard to impress, what does she do for a living?" "She's a firefighter here on truck." he said. " oh wow! Is she here now, point her out to me chief" I said. He laughed and said " no she's on leave right now." " I heard Severide is too, what are they like on a late honeymoon or something?" I asked. He chuckled " No actually they just welcomed their daughter into the world 2 days ago." He said. My face dropped, I couldn't believe what I was hearing. " Being married is one thing but having a kid is something totally not Severide" I said. " I told you he's changed" chief said " Clearly" I said

Nobody's point of view
Shay was still in awe about what chief had just told her. But she wanted to know about the rest of the crew and how they had been. So she asked "what about Hermann, Mouch,Cruz and Otis, they still riding it out on truck" Shay asked with a chuckle. " Umm no not Cruz, he is on squad now, he's Severide's right hand man and acting lieutenant, oh and got married to a sweet girl almost a year ago." He said. " Good for him" Shay replied. "Mouch is still riding it out on truck, but you know him, Hermann is a lieutenant on engine now" Boden said with a smile. " Finally, I bet Hermann was happy" Shay said " He was and as for Otis, he passed away in a factory fire about two years ago." Chief said with a sad face. Shay couldn't believe what she was hearing. "did he at least ever get a girlfriend" Shay asked trying to enlighten the mood. " Yeah, he did actually, her name is Lily, sweet girl, hated to see her suffer through his death." Boden said.

This just brought down the whole mood, so Shay changed the topic and asked "who's riding on Ambo now?" " oh uh an awesome paramedic Sylvie Brett, she was actually your replacement. I think you would really like her, Dawson did." He said. "Maybe" Shay said. " Who's her partner" she asked. " Um right now she just has a floater because we are trying to find a replacement for her partner who just went to med school." Boden said. "Would I be able to apply for that spot?" Shay asked. " Absolutely!!!! I wouldn't want it any other way." Boden said. " Awesome" Shay responded.

Shay's point of view
It made me feel good that I was welcomed back in my old home. I wanted to sneak out undetected before someone I know notices me so I tell chief that I better get going. " It was nice to catch up, and i'm glad your not dead. If you need anything don't hesitate to ask" He said. " Thanks chief, actually there is one thing I need from you." I said. " Name it" he said. " Seveide's address" I responded. "Shay, you know I am not suppose to give that out." He said " I know chief but just this one time, I need to talk to him today and I want it to be a surprise. Please?" I begged. "Fine, but you did not get this from me, understand?" He asked. "I don't know what you're talking about chief" I responded. I gave him a hug and he told me to stay safe. I was now on my way to see the person I have been wanting to see since the day I "died".

Authors Note
Omg guys... I hoped you enjoyed the first part of Another life. I am sorry if it got boring but I had to start somewhere. Let me know how you guys like it.

Another Life - A Stellaride and Shaveride story Where stories live. Discover now