Part 6

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Two days later (shift day)

Severide's point of view
I woke up and Stella wasn't in bed so I walked out to the living room and she was singing to Leslie while rocking her in her arms. Stella is such a great mom, she's like a natural at all this stuff. I walk over and say good morning and kiss both of my girls. We just are enjoying the moment and spending time together. I am scheduled to go back to work next shift but I don't know if I am ready to leave them yet.

Stella's point of view
Leslie had woken up and Kelly was still sleeping so I took her out, fed her and was just rocking and singing to her. Kelly was going back to work next shift but I don't know that I am ready for him to go back. I just don't know that I can do it all by myself when he is gone.

Severide's point of view
I wanted to do something special for Stella before I go back to work, she deserves it. I worked out all the details, the only thing left to do is find a sitter. It is going to be our fist time leaving Leslie so I don't know how Stella will react.

At the Firehouse

Brett's point of view
Shay and I have been working out great she is a great paramedic and fun to hangout with. We had just gotten back from a call so Shay and I were cleaning the ambo up and restocking it when I got a phone call. "Sorry let me take this" I told Shay. I pulled out my phone and it was Severide so I answered it. "Hello" I said. "Hey Brett. I gotta favor to ask you" Severide said. "Name it" I responded. "How would you like to babysit Leslie tomorrow night? I wanna take Stella out before I go back to work next shift." He said. I got so excited. "Of course i'll babysit my god baby." I responded. "Alright thanks Brett." Severide said. "Anytime" I responded.

I walked back over to the ambo and Shay said "You seem excited. I couldn't help but overhear, who's your god baby?" "Oh Leslie is, yea Severide wants me to babysit her so he can take Stella out before he goes back to work" I said. "oh okay" Shay said.

Shay's point of view
When Brett told me she was Leslie's godmother I was surprised because I didn't realize she was that close to Severide and Stella. I was also surprised Severide asked Brett to babysit and not me because I mean i'm already at the apartment.

Brett's point of view
We finished restocking up the ambo, it got a little awkward after I told Shay about me being the godmother of Leslie. I hope it wouldn't start up any problems.

I walked into Casey's office because I had to talk to him about something. "Hey what's up babe" Casey said as I entered. "Hey. I'm going to have to cancel our date tomorrow night because Severide asked me to babysit Leslie." I told him. "Aw that sucks. Maybe i'll just come over, bring some food and help you watch her." He said. "That would be great" I said.

"One other thing." I told him. "What's up?" He asked. "When I was talking to Severide on the phone I guess Shay overheard it and she ended up finding out I was Leslie's godmother. It got all awkward after that" I told him. "I'm sure everything will be fine. It probably just came as a shock to her." He said. "Yea. maybe." I responded.

The next day

Severide's point of view
Stella still didn't know anything about the date I had planned out for her. I was trying to keep it a secret for as long as possible. Eventually she would find out when I tell her to get dressed up nicely.

Shay had just gotten home from work, she didn't say much and went to her room. Something was up with her.

Shay's point of view
I don't know why but when Brett told me that she was Leslie's godmother it made me kind of mad I guess. I mean obviously I wasn't here so that's why i'm not her godmother but you know  it would of been nice to be her godmother. When I got home I didn't feel like talking much so I just went to my room.

Stella's point of view
Kelly and I were just hanging out while Leslie was napping. Shay hasn't come out of her room since she's been home but Kelly and I thought it would be best just to give her space.

Severide's point of view
Shay came out of her room, she talked more then earlier but was still acting off. When I asked her what was bothering her she said "nothing". So I just left it alone.

The reservation was set for 7pm, it was now 4pm, I had to figure out a way to get Stella to get ready without seeming too suspicious. So I just simply said "Do you wanna take a shower while I watch Leslie?" "uhh. yea I guess I can do that now instead of before going to bed" she said. I decided I would just get dressed up nice for our date and then if she doesn't catch on then I would tell her.

While Stella was in the shower I gave Leslie a quick bath and got her dressed. We had never left her before so I had to make sure to pack enough of everything for her. I packed lots of diapers, wipes, bottles, milk, and 2 extra outfits, hopefully that will be enough. If not Brett has keys to the apartment.

Stella just got out of the shower and saw me and Leslie dressed and ready to go. "Where are you two going?" she asked curiously. "Same place as you" I responded. "and where would that be?" Stella asked. "get dressed up and you'll see" I told her.

Stella's point of view
Kelly was up to something, I just didn't know what. But he told me to dress up and get ready so that's what I was doing. Kelly was wearing a nice blue suit with a black tie, so I went with a tight black knee length dress with a slit on the side. I still had the baby weight so I didn't feel like I used to in the dress, I wasn't as comfortable, I guess I was sort of self conscious about it. I went along with it anyway and I straightened my hair and did my makeup then walked out to the living room.

Once I walked out in the living room the first thing I heard was Kelly whistle and say "Damn my wife is sexy." Him saying that made me feel better about the dress and the baby weight. I responded back with "aww thanks. just trying to compete with my husband" He smiled and said "you don't even need too."

Kelly had a diaper bag and Leslie, I grabbed the keys and my purse and we headed out the door. We got buckled in the car and I asked "Are you going to tell me where we are going?" "You'll find out when we get there" He said.

About 15 minutes later we arrived at Brett's house. "What are we doing here?" I asked. "Brett's going to babysit for us tonight" he said. I don't know how I feel about leaving my baby, but I just went along with it. We knocked on the door and moments later Brett answered. "Look at this beautiful family" she said. "Thanks Brett" I said. "Come in" She said. " We gave her everything she needed and told her Leslie's feeding schedule. She then said "I got her don't worry about it. You two get out of here, and have fun, that's an order" she said. "yes. ma'am" Kelly said. "Hold on. Let me say bye to my baby one more time" I said. I definitely wasn't ready to leave her but it's now or never. We then left Brett's house and were on our way to wherever Kelly was taking me.

Severide's point of view
Everything was working out perfectly and now we were on our way to the restaurant.

To Be Continued

Authors note
Thanks for reading! I didn't want to make this part to long so it will continue in the next part that will be posted on Monday!

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