Part 4

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Shay's point of view
It was the next day and I had just woken up and decided to go start some coffee. I figured Kelly and Stella needed it since they were up with Leslie last night. I started the coffee and then went to shower and get ready. After I showered I went to get some coffee and as I was walking out of my room I saw Kelly in the kitchen holding Leslie. You could just tell by the smile on his face that he was so happy. I walked out and said "good morning" "good morning, how did you sleep?" he asked. "Great, especially with that comfy blanket" I said. "Thanks for the coffee, I definitely needed it." He said. "No problem, yea I figured you and Stella would need it" I said. "Yeah for sure. I took Leslie so Stella could get some more sleep." He said. "Such a good husband" I said sarcastically. He chuckled

Kelly's point of view
Leslie was up most of last night, it just sucks because except changing diapers I can't really do anything else to help Stella because she is the one that has to feed Leslie. So I took Leslie out in the kitchen to let Stella get some more sleep, she deserved it. When I walked out of the room I could smell a fresh pot of coffee which called my name. Shay must have put it on and then went to get ready, it reminded me of when we use to live together, she would always start the coffee and then get ready. I was just standing and lightly rocking Leslie when Shay walked out of the guest room. We talked, joked, and drank coffee, it felt like the old days. I think we are starting to find our rhythm again.

Nobody's point of view
Kelly and Shay are just sitting on the couch and Leslie was lying in the bassinet next to them. "Do you have any plans today?" Shay asked. "I think we were gonna swing by the firehouse so everyone can see the baby" Severide said. " Oh okay. Maybe I'll go with you guys and see everyone." Shay responded. " I think that would be great." Severide said. They were talking in the kitchen and then Stella came out of the room. "Good morning babe" Kelly said "Good morning" she said "how'd you sleep?"Shay asked. "The best that can be expected with a newborn" Stella said. Leslie then started getting fussy. "oh you want your mama don't you" Kelly said. Stella picked up Leslie and fed her while Kelly went to get ready. After Stella fed Leslie she gave her a bath and got her dressed. Shay then asked "do you want me to watch her while you get ready?" "If you don't mind" Stella said. "No not at all" Shay said. Stella went to shower and Shay was watching Leslie. Then they were all ready and on their way to the firehouse.
Nobody's point of view
They pulled up to the firehouse and got out of the car. All the trucks were out so they just waited in the common room till everyone got back.

They were sitting in the common room when Shay spoke up " When everyone gets here I don't wanna take all the attention away from Leslie so how about I just wait in the briefing room till everyone is done seeing her." "Nonsense, it'll be fine" Kelly said. "No seriously I don't want to take the attention away so once everyone is done seeing the baby I will come out." Shay said. "If that's what you want" Kelly said. Stella was holding Leslie when they heard trucks pull up. Shay then went into the briefing room and closed the door and blinds so nobody could see her.

When everyone came in they were so surprised to see the baby. Ambo was still out dropping the victim at the hospital. Casey and Hermann walked in first and Casey said "How is my beautiful goddaughter doing?" "Good, do you want to hold her?" Stella asked. "Of course." Casey said as Stella handed him Leslie. Everyone was just in awe over how cute she was. Everyone was just saying " Look at all that curly hair" and "She is adorable" Chief then walked in he headed straight towards the couch and said "Well will you look at this. You two created one beautiful little girl" Chief said. "Thanks chief" Stella and Kelly both said. "Here chief do you wanna hold her?" Casey asked. "Of course. Let me see this bundle of cuteness." Chief said.

They all talked for awhile and then when everything was calmed down and everyone was hanging out Severide texted Shay: I think you can come out now. She then responded: Okay give me a minute. Ambo was back by this time and Brett had Leslie.

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