Part 13

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One month Later
Nobody's point of view
It had been one month since Stella came home from the hospital and since Shay moved out. Severide had went back to work a couple weeks ago and Stella is getting ready to go back. Severide and Shay haven't talked since she moved out except for at work. Casey and Brett's relationship is getting really serious and everyone knows about it.

Stella's point of view
Kelly had gone back to work about two weeks ago and I am suppose to go back next week. Of course I am excited to get back on truck but I will miss my baby. Kelly and I have found the perfect sitter and we really trust her with Leslie. She has been watching Leslie while I go to the gym and go on runs. I have been working out ever since the doctors cleared me because I needed to get back in shape.

Kelly and Shay still haven't talked except for when they need to at work. They both are stubborn so I don't think it will be happening anytime soon.

I had just woken up with Leslie and Kelly was getting off shift. I can't believe that next week Leslie will be 2 months old! We have her on a good sleeping schedule now and she only wakes up twice at night. I can't believe my baby is getting so big.

Brett's point of view
Work has been so weird for me lately, I cannot wait for Stella to come back next week. The only time Shay really talks to me is on a call other then that we don't socialize in any type of way. I'll see her at Molly's and say hi and she just waves and then talks to other people. Stella told me what's going on with her and why she's mad but technically I didn't have anything to do with this, I don't know how or why she's mad at me.

On the other hand Casey and I's relationship is going really smoothly. We have really found each other and are in a good place, there is a lot of trust there. We have been living together for about a month now and its been amazing waking up next to him everyday. I can't wait to see where our relationship goes.

It was the end of shift so I was walking to Casey's quarters so we could go home. Once I neared it I saw him and Severide talking with the door closed. It looked pretty important so I didn't want to interrupt. So I just sat on the bunk and waited for him.

Casey's point of view
I was in my quarters talking to Severide about some drills to run next shift and then I wanted to run something by him. "Hey. I gotta question for you" I said. "Shoot" he said.  "What do you think of me asking Brett to marry me?" I asked him. He had a shocked look on his face but then responded "You've been happy and in a good place since you two have been together. I think it will be good for both of you and if it's what you want then heck, go for it." Severide said. As he said this Sylvie walked over, she could see that we were talking so she sat on the bunk then Severide said "So do you know when you're gonna do this? Do you have a ring yet?" "I was thinking in a couple weeks but I haven't worked out all the details yet. I know which ring but I still need a size." I told him. "Text me which ring it is then don't worry about it after that. I know just the person to find out the size." Severide said. I thanked him then we walked out to the bunk room.

I went over to Brett and asked her if she was ready she said "Yeah i'm ready. Everything good between you and Severide? What were you guys talking about?" "Oh nothing we were just talking over some drills for next shift." I told her. "Oh okay." She said. I have her a kiss and we went home.

Severide's point of view
I am so excited for Casey and Brett, I think this will be good for the both of them. I had just picked up breakfast and coffee for Stella and I and am heading home. I walked in the door and saw both of my girls in the kitchen. Stella was cleaning up the counter while Leslie was in her rocker. I walked over to Stella and gave her a big hug and kiss then walked over to my babygirl and gave her a kiss. "What's got you so happy Mr. Severide?" Stella asked. "I just got some awesome news from Casey" I told her. "Well spill it!" she said. I laughed then said "Okay. but promise me you won't tell anyone." "Okay. I promise" she said. "Casey's gonna ask Brett to marry him!" I told her. "Oh my god. you're lying! Really?" she said. "Really" I told her. We both got excited and then I told her about the ring. She said she already new the size and was on it.

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