Part 15

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3 Weeks Later
The Night Before the Wedding
Brett's point of View
Tomorrow is the big day! I can't believe how fast it has come. I had just left the house to go over to Stella and Severide's place. All the groomsmen are staying at Casey and I's place while all the bridesmaids are staying at Stella and Severide's place.

I walked in Stella's place and it was just her and Leslie in there, Chloe and Shay weren't there yet. "Hey girl!!" I heard Stella say. "Hey!!" I responded. Stella had then came out from the room with Leslie. "Hi my baby girl!" I said taking Leslie from Stella's arms. "She's fresh out the bath and ready for bed." Stella said.

Nobody's point of view
Stella and Brett were just talking until they heard a knock on the door. Stella answered the door and it was Chloe she let her in and they talked for awhile. "Shay was suppose to be here over an hour ago" Brett said. "Let me text her" Stella said. 'Hey Shay, We are waiting for you. Where are you at?' Stella texted her. A couple minutes later Stella got a text back saying 'Hey not going to make it tonight. See you guys tomorrow.' Stella told Brett what the message said and Brett was annoyed but didn't let it bring her down.

All the girls enjoyed their night talking, playing games, drinking wine, and making sure everything was ready for tomorrow. The guys were just hanging out watching the hockey game and having some beers. They all went to bed early so they would get plenty of rest for the big day tomorrow.

The Big Day
Nobody's point of view
Today was the big day, Brett was so excited that she could barely sleep last night, she was just up tossing and turning. All the girls (minus Shay) had a small breakfast and then headed to the hotel at the wedding venue. Stella didn't want Brett to worry about anything so she texted Shay 'Hey meet us at the hotel in 20 minutes' The girls arrived at the hotel and got checked in then headed up to their rooms.

The guys were just getting up and around because they weren't arriving till a little later. Casey was so nervous for today that he didn't have much of an appetite so he really didn't eat.

Stella's point of view
We were at the hotel just getting settled in and making sure we had everything. All the dresses and bouquets were already in the room so I was just making sure everyone was there. I texted Shay almost an hour ago and still haven't got no response, I don't want to worry Brett about it so I really hope Shay shows.

We had been at the hotel for about 2 hours now  and still no sign of Shay, not even a text back. I had just gotten a text from Kelly saying they arrived at the hotel and were starting to get ready. I told him about Shay and he said that he didn't know what was going on with her lately but that he thinks she would show. But I decided that I would step out and try to call her. Brett was getting her hair done so she wasn't paying much attention so I grabbed Leslie and walked outside and I called Shay.

It went straight to voicemail, I kept calling and calling but nothing. On about the fourth call I left her voicemail telling her to get her butt here and to not flake on Brett. I don't know what good it will do but at least I can say I tried my best. I went back in the hotel room because it was time for me to get my hair done. While I was getting my hair done I was feeding Leslie and checking in with Kelly to see if he had heard anything from Shay. He said no so I knew by now that if I hadn't heard anything I would need to tell Brett.

When I finished getting my hair done I walked over to where Brett was sitting and sat next to her. "You ready for this?" I asked her. "yep. only a couple hours left!" she said. I think she could see something was up so she asked me "Stella, what's wrong?" "Oh, well umm, I don't want to worry you but Shay isn't here and she's not answering any of my calls or messages." I told her.

Brett didn't react as I expected she remained calm and said "Alright. Well I am not gonna let this bring me down. We will just have Chloe walk down the aisle with Cruz and Hermann." Brett was taking this way better then I had thought she would. But I went ahead and told Chloe and the guys about the change and we proceed to get ready.

Severide's point of view
When Stella called and told me what was happening with Shay I got angry. Out of all days why would she pick this day? If she wasn't going to come in the first place she should've told Brett no to being her bridesmaid. But I shook off this madness and went over to Casey because it was almost time.

You could tell Casey was nervous so I walked up to him and asked him "you ready?" there was a short pause but then he said "uhh. yeah I think so." So then I told him the same thing he told me on my wedding day. "You know she's the one, that's why you asked her. Don't doubt yourself, go out there and get your girl." He laughed when I said this and he said "Those are the words of a wise man. Guess I should listen." I laughed and we got ready to go out.

Nobody's point of view
All the guys headed out towards the reception area. All the girls were there except for Brett because she was still in the dressing room. Casey walked down the aisle first holding Leslie and then giving her to Donna and Chief Boden, then Cruz, Chloe, and Hermann, then Stella and Severide. Then the music started and everybody stood and faced the aisle.

Then at the end of the aisle came Casey's bride walking up. Casey started to tear up and smile at Brett who smiled back. In that moment everyone's worry drifted away. Brett reached the front of the aisle, Casey took her hand while Stella took her bouquet and fixed the bottom of her dress.

By this time Brett and Casey both had tears in their eyes. They each took their hand and wiped the others face. Then the ceremony started.

It was now time for the vows and Brett was going first. She cleared her throat then started to speak. "Matt Casey. These past months with you have been amazing. I have never been lucky in love before but now that I have you I am the luckiest girl in the world. You are so kind, warm hearted and loving. I love you more then words can describe." Everyone in the room had tears in their eyes by this time. "Sylvie Brett. In life you can only have one great love and so I thought I had already had that, until I was with you. You are my great love, it was always you. No other relationship I have been in makes me feel like I do with you. Your kindness and compassion for other people is beyond amusing, and I am so glad I get to spend the rest of my life loving you." Brett was literally balling her eyes out and everyone was soaking in the moment. "Sylvie Brett, do you take Matthew Casey to be your lawfully wedded husband to love and cherish from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, and in sickness and in health as long as you both shall live" "I do." Brett said. "Matthew Casey, do you take Sylvie Brett to be your wedded wife to love and cherish from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, and in sickness and in health as long as you both shall live" "I do." Casey said.

"Well then. I now present you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." Everyone cheered and clapped as Casey and Brett kissed. Then they all followed after Casey and Brett outside to take pictures.

Once they all finished pictures they got ready for the reception. The baby sitter came to pick up Leslie so that way Stella and Severide don't have to worry about her for the night.

Everyone was having a great time at the reception. Severide and Stella gave their speeches and Casey and Brett just finished their first dance. Everyone was dancing on the floor and enjoying the celebration of two amazing people coming together. It was now the end of the reception and everyone was going home.

Brett and Casey enjoyed their 1st night at home as a married couple and Stella and Severide enjoyed their night at home with no baby. In the morning Brett and Casey were leaving to go on their honeymoon, a week in Hawaii and a week in Bora Bora.

Authors Note
Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed this part! Did anyone see the premiers this week? They were amazing, can't wait for next week!

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