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the room was dark when adam woke up. he checked the time for it to be 3:46 am.
he flipped over to notice something quite strange on the tv.
and it was on the news.

there he saw a clear image of john kramer.
but adam couldn't hear what the tv was saying.
he quickly jumped up, throwing things around to find the remote.
and when he finally did, he turned it up to where he could hear and understand it.

"breaking news, the jigsaw killer, john kramer, is confirmed to be dead. scientists say he could've been gone somewhere around october 27th." the lady announced on the news. she looked anxious as she announced it.

adam put his hands on his head, trying to process what he just heard.
"he's dead? hes actually fucking dead.." adam whispered to himself.

but then adam felt a smirk on his face. feeling happy the guy who tortured him is confirmed dead.

he wondered if lawrence was seeing this right now.
he was mostly wondering if lawrence was even alive to see this.
adam jumped up and down like a kid getting an ice-cream cone.

adam then proceeded to pinch himself.
but after he pinched himself, he felt a big smile on his face.
because it was real.
this was real.

but that doesn't mean the jigsaw killings are over.
"i- i gotta get the fuck out of here.." adam said to himself cautiously.

adam scurried around the room looking for his wallet.
he checked between the couch cushions and found it.
he pulled out all of his money.
"this'll have to do.." he whispered.
adam then ran to where his worn out bed was.
he grabbed a spare backpack and started packing his bag with clothes.
he also put his camera in the bag, cause he couldn't forget that.
adam quickly put the bag on his back and ran to kitchen area, grabbing a granola bar and heading out the door.

he flipped off his gross apartment. and got into his also gross car.
it was filled with used cigarettes, chip bags, beer bottles, trash, and other gross stuff he hadn't cared to clean up.
he started his car, and proceeded to drive off.

"fuck. fuck. fuck!" adam exclaimed, hitting his head against the steering wheel.
his car had broken down after driving an hour or so.
he didn't have enough money to get it fixed or towed. so he left it where it was and ran off.

he figured he'd just catch the bus and go to wherever he was going.

when he caught the bus, the driver gave him a dirty look then proceeded to ask where he'd be getting off.
"uhhh, what's your next stop?" adam asked.
"i'm just driving down to the train station- what's your destination?" the driver asked him.
"i don't know. guess i'll see at the train station." adam smirked, patting the driver on the back.
adam squeezed through the isle of the bus to find a seat.
he noticed a girl that looked familiar.

the girl turned to look at adam and he noticed it was lana weatherbee.
he furrowed his brows at her. but since there was no other seats available, he sat beside her.

he tried not to look at her. but the silence between the two made it really awkward.

"where're you going?" lana whispered to adam, wanting him to talk to her atleast.
adam shook his head, not wanting to answer.
"i could ask you the same thing." adam looked at her and said.
lana looked at her hands in her lap then closed her eyes and sighed.
"i'm getting off at the train station." adam told her finally.
"yeah. you?"
"nowhere special. just to a nearby town." lana shrugged and answered.
adam twiddled his thumbs quietly while he looked up at the top of the bus.
"so where're you going?" lana asked adam finally.
"anywhere but here."
lana frowned at adam, "why?"
"because, this place isn't my home anymore." adam answered.
lana frowned and turned away to look out the window.
"well when you're gone, you're gonna miss this place."
"i doubt that." adam scoffed.
lana laid her hand unexpectedly on top of adams.
adam turned his head quickly to look down at their hands.
"everything is going to be okay." lana informed him quietly, letting her thumb rub his hand.

adam didn't remove his hand from its position, he just laid his head back and closed his eyes.


adam woke up after a couple of hours, the bus was empty and he could see the driver at the front looking at him through the mirror.
adam peaked out the window and noticed he was at the train station.
he quickly grabbed his things and scurried off the bus.

he looked around and saw a lot of people coming in and out.
they all looked too real.
he wondered if everyone else knew of the jigsaw killings.

but adam brushed it off and faced toward the train destination board.

there were so many cities popping up he'd never heard of before.
so he wasn't sure how long it'd take to even get there.

he noticed that las vegas was one of the main destinations.
he thought if that'd be the best decision.
then realized it really was.
adam smiled to himself.
"las vegas. i'm going to vegas baby!" adam announced outloud.
a lot of people turned toward adam with disgusted faces, some even whispered to others about it and laughed.
adam quickly cleared his throat and pretended he never in fact did that.

he noticed the time the train would come for las vegas. and realized it was already there.
"oh shit!" he whispered to himself anxiously.
he picked up his bags and ran as fast as he could to the train.

he greeted a few random's while walking through the isle, trying to find a seat.

he finally came across an empty seat, finally happy to be able to sit down.
he seated himself and closed his eyes, sighing with cautiousness.
he peaked out the window and saw more and more people.

so many faces.

it was weird seeing so many strangers together.
but he shook it off and closed his eyes again, pressing his head against the glass window, resting patiently.


"we are now arriving at las vegas, nevada!" adam heard faintly on the train intercom as he tried to wake up.
he finally woke up fully and looked outside the window to see beautiful buildings and places.
he grinned to himself, thinking to himself that this would be a great home for him.

or atleast just to get away from his past life.

𝑺𝑻𝑨𝑵𝑯𝑬𝑰𝑮𝑯𝑻// adam stanheight//saw (finished!!)Where stories live. Discover now