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larry's pov

"i don't think mine works either." adam said to me later after a long time of not speaking to one and other.

"what? your--?"

"yeah, that."


"i haven't had sex in a long time anyways." adam laughed.

"why not?" i asked.

"i find it humiliating. i think sex is a way to forget about your problems by pleasuring yourself with someone else's body."

"that's surprising coming from you." i laughed at him.

"i'm not saying i don't enjoy sex, i'm saying it's a waste of time."

"if you could have sex right now, would you?"

adam paused.

he hadn't answered the question instantly.

"probably, i mean there's nothing else to do." adam finally answered.

"who would you do it with?"

"anybody at this point. i don't care about what kind of diseases i get." adam rolled his eyes playfully.

i stared at him shortly after that wondering what else to say.

yet i had no clue.

i looked at the clock for it to only be 5:30, which means we had 30 minutes left in there.

"how much pain was there?" adam asked me.


"when you sawed off your foot, how much pain was there?"

"oh-- a lot, of course." i answered.

"you weren't thinking straight." adam told me.

"what do you mean?"

"i mean, there were other options, yet you chose to cut your damn foot off." adam said.

"well i wasn't thinking of myself at that time." i said back.



"good." adam repeated, looking at me.

"why is that good?"

"good as in you weren't being selfish, well, until you left me." adam told me.

i rolled my eyes, feeling that he'd never get over that.

"can we talk about something else now?" adam suggested.

"uh i guess."

"what's the average dick size?"

i stared.

"what?" adam looked at me.

"why're you asking me?"

"aren't you a doctor? wouldn't you know that?" adam asked me.

"but why're you asking me?"

"i'm just wondering." adam rolled his eyes.

"i'd say yours is probably a good size." i told him anxiously.

"how would you know? you haven't seen it."


i kept thinking about that vision i saw. it was stuck in my head.

"sorry." i said again, "i meant, first glance at you, i can picture it being a good size."

"picture it?!" adam gasped.

"what! no, nevermind." i turned away.

"you too." adam said.

i looked back at him.

and he had that weird smirk on his face that he seems to do a lot.

"shut up." i smiled and said.

later, adam handed me a cigarette again, followed by lighting it for me.

then we sat there next to eachother on the cold, rubbished floor,

 smoking until our time was up.


at 6 o'clock the door opened.

and there was jasper and casey next to eachother, both with huge grins on their faces.

"is our time up?" adam asked them.

"yeah." jasper responded.

"you guys didn't find the key?" casey asked us.

"there was a key in here?!" adam blurted.

casey didn't respond. 

she just looked at jasper and smirked.

"okay then boys, let's go." jasper smiled.

"i need a key to get out!" adam exclaimed.

"oh! right, we might have a spare." jasper said, looking through her purse, "ah, here we are."

jasper then walked over next to adam and unlocked the chain for him.

"cool." adam said, standing up next to me.

"so what was that for?" i asked both jasper and casey.

"well, we brought you here to find that out, you still haven't?" jasper asked me.


"oh, that's too bad." jasper shrugged.

then we all walked out of there.

𝑺𝑻𝑨𝑵𝑯𝑬𝑰𝑮𝑯𝑻// adam stanheight//saw (finished!!)Where stories live. Discover now