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casey's pov (finally)

"get away from me, adam!" i yelled at him.

he kinda stunk.

he smelled like chili peppers and grease.

"go away!" i continued to yell.

"casey please listen to me!" he yelled after me.

"i don't wanna talk to you, lalalala!" i tried to ignore him, but i couldn't.

"casey i'm sorry i just had to see him!" he yelled.

"why is he more important!?"

"i don't know! i've known him longer?!"

then i turned around and stopped him dead in his tracks, "that bitch doesn't even care about you, he's just babying you!"

adam stared at me evilly but said nothing.

i tried to walk away, but then he finally did say something,

"you're just saying that cause you're mad." 

"am i?"

"yeah. are you even gonna keep the baby?"

i stared at him.

"yes or no?" he asked again.

"i haven't decided, adam."

"really? by the looks of it, you have. since you're so angry about me leaving you."

"just let me think okay? and i wanted you to be there for me, not leave me for some stupid boy!" i yelled.

"i didn't leave you for some stupid boy!"

"you kinda did."

"what do you think he means to me?" adam asked.

"you probably think he's your boyfriend!" i yelled more.

"what? i already told you i'm not gay!"

"whatever." i said and tried to walk away once again.

but he continued to follow me.


"stop talking to me and go talk to your gay boyfriend."

"can you stop?!"

"can you!?" i yelled back.

"i didn't even do shit!"


"i never said that!"

"fuck you!" i yelled and ran away from him.

"CASEY!" he screamed, but didn't follow me anymore.

adam's pov

as i watched her run off, my heart actually stopped racing as much.

i didn't run after her cause i could tell she wanted to be left alone.

once i turned back around, lawrence was there.

he didn't blink, and it was quite strange.

then he hugged me.

and i didn't understand why.

i didn't hug back for a while.

until he squeezed tighter and made me.

i could hear him crying as well.

"lawrence." i said quietly.

he said nothing but continued to cry.

"lawrence, are you ok?" i said quickly.

but he still said nothing.

"lawrence." i said, then i stopped hugging him and moved him off of me and faced him once again.

"lawrence what's wrong?" i asked again.

"i'm sorry." he mumbled.

i stared, still wondering what was wrong with him.

"tell me what's wrong." i told him again.

"i can't." he said quietly and sadly, then he hugged me again.

i didn't quite understand what was happening.

but i just let him continue to hug me even if i had no idea what was going on.

he continued to cry louder and louder on my shoulder.

it kinda hurt my ear though.

i also felt like i was suffocating.

but i said nothing and let him be.

i felt really bad for him, even if i had no idea what he was crying about.

i finally asked him once again, "why're you crying?"

he then took me and faced me and told me, "i'm so sorry i left you."

i didn't answer.

i didn't understand why he was suddenly so upset over something that happened 2 years ago.

"it's okay lawrence." i told him quietly.

it really wasn't okay. but i felt bad for him.

and i could tell he was genuinely upset about leaving me.

but i still didn't understand why he was all of sudden crying about it.

"it's not okay. you didn't deserve it." lawrence continued.

i said nothing.

not to toot my own horn or anything, but i really didn't deserve it. i might not have much to live for, but i didn't deserve to get left behind.

"lawrence." i said.


"why're you sleeping with her?"

"i didn't know you knew her." he replied quietly.

"in general, why're you sleeping with her? how do you know her?" i asked him once again.


"because why?" i asked him afterwards.

"they're sisters."


"jasper is lana's older sister." he whispered.

i didn't say much after that.

i was kinda confused.

but it didn't surprise me as much as i thought it would.

"oh." was the only thing i had said.

"you're not gonna tell her, are you?" lawrence asked me quietly, his voice still trembling.

"i--" i had to think about it, i knew what the right thing to do was though, "i'm gonna tell her."

"oh god." lawrence said, continuing to cry more on me.

"sorry." i told him.

"please don't tell her. not yet, please adam, i'm begging you." lawrence said, bawling on my shoulder.

i didn't know what to say.

the more he cried, the more i felt bad.

i knew it was bad to keep that from her, but i barely knew jasper, and i knew lawrence better.

so maybe i could keep a secret.

"i'm not gonna tell her." i whispered to him, "okay? i'm not gonna tell her."

he said nothing but continued crying.

i don't remember how long it lasted though.

𝑺𝑻𝑨𝑵𝑯𝑬𝑰𝑮𝑯𝑻// adam stanheight//saw (finished!!)Where stories live. Discover now