・Chapter 3 ・

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So I am back from a hiatus! Yey! I got some motivation so let's do this! Also, I like to thank you all for all the support and kind comments this book has been getting. Enjoy this chapter!


I remember when you told me, my hand was warm the first time we touched...



"Can we hold hands? Just this once? Pleaseeee Fei?" "No." (Y/n) hunches over in disappointment. "Aw..." Feitan scoffs. His stoic face stares straight ahead, not batting an eye at the disheartened girl walking beside them. The sun as starting to sink slowly into the horizon as the sky turns into an orange-red palette. The yellow clouds drift by as the evening breeze sets in. The sky contrasted with the empty, dark, and abandoned city down below, where Feitan and the girl that hopes that one day can pry into his cold heart walked.

(Y/n) stands up straight again and look towards her sky. Her mind wanders off, finding a beautiful park with her mother sitting by the tree. She had a sad smile as she tends the broken wing bird in her palm. "You are so strong. Be more careful, buddy... " The bird test it's wing and hops around in the big palm of its savior. It curiously looks up her and chirps a thanks before flying away, into the blue sky. The mother sadly smiles, saying something inaudible to (y/n)'s thoughts.

"I wonder where she is..."(Y/n) unconsciously asks herself, gazing at the birds from afar. "Hm?" Feitan hums in puzzlement has he furrowed his eyes brows. "O-oh nothing! Just something random..." Feitan says nothing as they continue walking, "Do you think my mom's still alive?" "Who knows." He responds blandly. The hotel was started to come into view. "Hey! We're almost here." Feitan rolls his eyes, "I can clearly see that." "Ugh, you're so cold." "Always have been." (Y/n) pouts at his blank responses.

"Hey, Feitan...?" "What now?" (Y/n) takes a moment, "Are we buddies?" Feitan sighs and kept his eyes straight ahead, "Sure." The girl's heart lights up, "Yes! I guess that's enough, buuuutt I still go a humungous crush on you. " Feitan only sighs and rolls his eyes once more. "Ok." "Give it a chance?" "No." (Y/n) pouts for a second before giggling her heart out. Another question came to her mind. A question that lingers in her mind for years, "Feitan, can we ever be more than just friends?"

"Possibly." Feitan answers in a monotone voice, "I still don't understand how you like me so much. I could kill you any second if boss lets me." (Y/n) smiles slightly and looks straight ahead, "But you wouldn't, riiigghhhttt?" Feitan scoffs, "I would." Ouch... (Y/n) lips frowns and pouts, "Wow." Yea." Feitan shows a stoic face, but she feels that he's hiding a smirk under that mask.

"Hmph. I don't get why I like you either, but..." (Y/n) looks over at Feitan, "I don't know why... you just make my heart warm." "Ok." Was all he said. Veins pops by her brows, "That's all you got to say!?" Her cheeks were warm from her little confession. It kind of stung of how he brushed it off so easily. "Yea." (Y/n) shakes her head, "Whatever you say, buddy." She pats his back lightly and then clasps her hands together, "You wanna share a hotel room together?" "No." "'I'll sleep on the floor." (Y/n) tries to convince, but his answer was still clear, "No." "Why...?" Feitan sighs, "Cause spending the night with you would be torture." (Y/n) eyes furrows, "I promise I won't be annoying!" "Still no."

(Y/n) sighs dramatically, "Damn... I heard there would be a thunderstorm tonight though." "So? Can't sleep with thunder?" (Y/n) nods her head a little hopeful, "Sleep with Pakunoda." Her hopes shatter, "Man!" (Y/n) thinks, "Well, we can have a buddy sleepover since we're buddies!" "No."

They finally got back the hotel where the rest of the Phantom Troupe was waiting. "So hows your little date?" Phinks mocks with a smirk, "It was fine." (Y/n) answers with a smile, "What's for dinner?" "(F/f)" Machi holds up a bag with the delicious food that (y/n) always crave, "Wow! Thanks Machi!" (Y/n) hops over excitedly and peer into the bag, "Mm, I can't wait!" "Yea," Machi says and pats her on the back.

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