・Chapter 7 ・

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"Hurry up, hon or we'll be late!" Mira calls for her so-called lover. She was dressed up in a royal blue dress that traced her curves tightly. It barely reached her knees. A gift her husband got for her. "Coming, I just need to find something real quick!" Richard looks through the drawer for his expensive silver watch. He moved some old papers and junk beside, "Should of have left it in here." He mumbles with an irritated voice. His eyes widen a little as he wanders across an old picture of his daughter and his ex-wife. Both wearing sundresses and smiles on their faces. He clicks his tongue, not giving another thought, throwing the picture in the trashbin. "Ah, here." He smiles as he slips on the watch. "Alright, coming dear!" The picture lies there, crumbled and forgotten.

The Kazi Plaza was filled and lively tonight. It was dark out, but the bright lanterns made it clear to see anything. Many people came in their best outfit, waiting for the grand door to open for the Kareen Party. Among those rich and selfish, 4 predators is lurking, getting ready to pounce for the treasures held in that very building. Two predators hid in the shadow, watching every move. A mysterious figure glances at the 4 troupe members, eyeing (y/n). Then he smiles to himself, "Found you." He then turns and walks into the crowd of people in his own suit and tie. Two other men follow along. And not so far away the rest of the spiders hanged, waiting in a simple restaurant. Everything was quiet, everyone was stoic. Fei meows every once and then.

(Y/n) observe the area, hoping to run into two familiar faces. The faces where she will see just one last time and leaving them for good. She then pauses and looks over at Feitan, who was wearing a tuxedo. She smiles, "Hey, Feitan, how does it feel to wear a tuxedo." "It's like normal clothes, but tighter." He responds, stuffing his hands in his pocket, being cautious of the area around them. "How do I look in a dress?" (Y/n) spreads her dress wide, but he doesn't even bother to look. "Okay, I guess." (Y/n) grins cheekily, "You should take me out in your... tuxedoooo!" "No." She frowns like she always does, "Aw, come on, one date." Feitan rolls his eyes, "No. We're thieves, not lovebirds." (Y/n) huffs, "Well you look really really really good without your mask." She compliments, "Thanks... I guess." Feitan's eyes caught the people that we supposed to be the strong nen users. "Tch..." His eyes came across a woman in a blue dress and a man right next to her. "Could it be...?" He mutters to himself. "Not yet." Phinks puts a hand on Feitan shoulders. The emo gremlin nods his head as he understands the message. Let (y/n) find them herself. (Y/n) look at them with a confusing face, "Huh?"

"Hello miss." (Y/n) turns around, gazing into the eyes of an average height man. His eyes were a bit hazel. His dark chocolate hair was slicked back. He had an uncle's beer belly, with a dirty smile. "O-Oh, hello... sir." She awkwardly gives him a smile. Feitan, Phinks, and Machi glare at him from behind her. "You look rather beautiful, I was wondering if we could get a drink after this party?" (Y/n) gasp and then closes her mouth, "Sorry sir, I am busy after this party, but thanks for asking?" She never had somebody come up to her and asked her out, so rejecting somebody was weird for her. Usually, she's the one getting rejected by you know who. "What a shame. My name is John. Yours?"

"She's with me." Feitan comes up behind her and pulls her arm gently to his side. (Y/n) was quiet and shocked on the outside, but on the inside, she's fangirling and basically squealing. Her cheeks were flushed. "Oh? Is that so." "Y-Yes." (Y/n) says quickly without hesitation. John and Feitan stared at each other for a bit until the man gives up, "Oh, what a shame then." The man laughs, "I'm always free though." He winks and then walk away. "The hell was that old man trying to do?" Phinks asks with an irritated voice. "Obviously hitting on (y/n)." "Oh ho ho? Somebody's jealous." Phinks smirks, "No." Feitan let's go over (y/n)'s arm to her disappointment. "Whatever he was doing, I have a bad feeling about him and not that because he looks like some kind of pervert." Machi puts her hands on her hips. Feitan and Phinks nodded. (Y/n) took a second then ohed when she found out.While thinking in the chatty crowned, their thinking process gets interrupted.

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