・Chapter 13・

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The town was full of chatter and laughs as the four Phantom Troupe members walks down the street. Pakunoda's hand was gently wrapped around (y/n)'s wrist as they led the way down the crowded streets at the outside market. Rows of stands sold food, merchandise, and other necessities to many customers.

"This place is sure lively." Shizuku points out the obvious, hoping to get some type of conversation going. (Y/n)'s stares at the ground aimlessly with her hair covering her face. "I wonder if this is the place (y/n) really came from." Korotopi continues as he walks next to (y/n). "Look at that." Pakunoda stops in front of a puppeteer, controlling his puppets dancing on the crates. A musician stood by playing the flute as the puppets danced together in harmony. (Y/n) looks up in instinct, staring at the dancing puppets. The music and the colors seem to attract her as she walks near it without Pakunoda having to guide her.

"I guess puppets dancing is attracting her..." Shizuki says, watching (y/n)'s body get invested in the little show. They stood there watching the puppet play around some more as the lively music went on. The puppets hook arms swinging each other around and around. It causes many bystanders, mostly kids, to dance along too, mimicking the puppets. Parents laughed as they pull out their phones to record their silly children. The puppets' feet tap on the crate creating matching beats to the music as the puppets spin around in circles.

Pakunoda pushes (y/n)'s hair behind her ears so (y/n) can see the joyful show with her contrasting dull eyes. Shizuku smiles, "This place is just as lively as (y/n) don't you think? " Pakunoda nods her head with a smile, "I guess you're right." The puppets bow down as the crowd claps and cheers for them. "I think we should take our leave," Korotopi speaks up as the crowds start to disperse. Pakunoda starts walking, but then she felt a small tug from (y/n).

"E-Excuse me, ma'am." An old lady tugs on (y/n)'s hand with shocked eyes. Pakunoda turns around as the woman tries to grab (y/n)'s attention, but to no avail (y/n) didn't respond, just staring ahead. "Sorry ma'am, but she is unable to respond, is there... anything you need?" The old lady wipes away the incoming tears nearing her eyes, "I-I couldn't help, but overheard this lady's name is named (y/n)?" Pakunoda, Shizuku, and Korotopi look at each other and then back at the lady, "Yes, her name is (y/n)." Korotopi confirms, nodding his head at the same time.

The lady couldn't help, but gasp and the hide her eyes were her arms, wiping it. The 3 spiders stare at the lady, bewildered and confused. "Um..." Pakunoda starts awkwardly, reaching her hand out to pat the lady on the shoulder, "I'm sorry! It's just, I had a daughter name (y/n), but I had to be separated from her a long time ago," The lady sniffs as she stares at (y/n), "Your (y/n) looks a lot like my little girl." The old lady mumbles sweetly. She was a bit shorter than (y/n). She even has the same hair as (y/n) with a couple of white streaks running through it. Her face has wrinkles. Pakunoda could only assume that the lady was much older than her.

Pakunoda touches the lady's shoulder again, looking through her memories. It left Pakunoda covering her mouth with her hand with a blob of tear edging at her brown eyes. "Y-You're really her..." Pakunoda uncover her mouth, "(Y/n)'s mother?"


The troupe members were invited to (y/n)'s mother's house. The mother also known as Kayo (l/n), still lived in the same town as (y/n) though she did lived far from the house (y/n) was raised in. She been staying in the same town hoping her daughter could find her way back home. Her friends was also helping out, finding the lost girl, but many years passed by without any progress.

Pakunoda sits (y/n) down on the couch. (Y/n) fell to the side of the arm. "Oh..." Pakunoda sits (y/n) up straight again, brushing the hair out of her face. Kayo watched with a worried look as she watches her daughter she hasn't seen in years. This wasn't how (y/n) was like when she was younger was all she can think.

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