・Chapter 2・

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Thank you for 100 reads! (In the middle of typing this, some parts of it didn't save and I had to write it all over again smh <(_ _)>) I'm so sorry this chapter is long and it took a long time to write, but here it is! Enjoy the story!



I put my hands over my head and hope for the last time...

And my hope was answered.

Third POV

(Y/n) braces for impact of the random stranger she had bumped into... but nothing came in contact with her. She hears a yelp from the man and something hit the ground. She uncovers her hand to find somebody behind to man with a book in hand. She can't see properly what the silhouette looks like because of the sun, but all she knows is that... this person saved her.

"U-uh... thank you for... saving me." She stutters out, the man smiles at her. "I didn't save you. I simply just needed something from this man." By this time (y/n) can finally see what this mysterious man looks like. He wore all black clothing, has straight black hair, and a book in hand and a piece of jewelry in another. Was that how he killed the man? People started to surround the scenery of the dead body. Whispers are starting to emerge.

"I-I- but you still saved me and I just wanted to thank you." (Y/n) slowly stands up and dusts herself. The man studies her for a second, "You seem... new around here." (Y/n)'s shoulder went tense, "U-um yes. I am..." She fiddles with her fingers as she looks at the dead body with uneasiness. She takes a look around the people eyeing them, feeling self-conscious. Then she notices something, "Y-you have... blood coming out of your hand."

The man puts on a puzzled look and checks his hand, "Oh... guess he didn't cut his nails." He turns his heel as he's about to walk off, but (y/n) had the urge to repay, "Wait!" The man turns around, "I-I can help you!" She looks at the area and takes the man's hand, running out of the crowd of people, until they stop at a dark alleyway with nobody around.

"Please give me a moment." She gently lifts the man's hand and put two fingers on it, focusing her aura. In a quick flash, the minor cut is gone and all that is left is the blood that had leaked out. The man's eyes went wide as he observes his hand, his mouth open wide. "U-um... Sorry, if that was weird an all..." (Y/n) stares at the blood on her fingers with her stomach churning and wipes it on the crumbling walls of the building. The alleyway is very narrow, so nobody suspected a thing in there.

She slides down and hugs her knees, "You can leave me here now..." (Y/n) starts tearing up, remembering the malicious stranger and the dead body. She's scared. There is no way she is going to survive all by herself. The mysterious man who had accidentally saved her, crouches down, "You said that you are new here. My name is Chrollo Lucilfer. Tell me about yourself."

(Y/n) looks up at the man with a surprised look. Should she trust him? But he did save her... "Don't worry. I'm not going to do anything." He smiles at her and (y/n) hesitantly smiles back. He seems nice enough...

"My name is (y/n)... (y/n) (l/n)..." She starts explaining to Chrollo about her dad, Mira, and her mother. She explains how she got here and who she is. She went on and on, but Chrollo sat there on the opposite wall, listening intently and with kindness. "What about your ability?" He asks her.

(Y/n) gaze at her hand, "My ability? I call it Blessed Healing. I can heal myself and anyone or anything alive. Like this." There was a dead flower nearby, wilting in depression. With one simple touch, the flower bloom a white beautiful color and came back to life. Little flowers begin to sprout beside it too. Chrollo was fascinated, his eyes start tearing.

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