・Chapter 16・

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Thank you so much for all the support! Seriously, all your comments make my day! (づ ̄ 3) Fluff time with the Phantom Troupe. :)))


(Y/n)'s POV

I recognize these nen bullets!

I watched as they whizzed by, shooting through hundreds of lives. Wait-

I'm running laps around in this crystal, holy mama Jesus, I'm SAVED!! That means Feitan and everybody else is here. Ah, sucks for you Genko, you're a dead man! Wait- I shouldn't be celebrating right now.

I can feel Genko's body jump up.

On top of the building, Genko looks down at the body pile at the body. Ugh, I feel bad... They are all so innocent. Yea a little crazy and maybe there's a couple of douche bags there- AND HOLY MAMA IS THAT MY MAN- I MEAN IS THAT FEITAN-!?

I quickly bang on the crystal, "Feitan! Feitan!" He was right there. I'm so close to him, if only if I can just reach my arm out! "Feittaaannn!!" He's not going to hear me, so why am I screaming? Ah, I haven't seen him in months, my head is going to explode from all of thi- LORD HAVE MERCY ON ME IS THAT PHINKS!? NOBUNAGA!? GENKO'S DEAD- SAYONARA BUDDY- oh please God, let everybody including me be safe from all of this, except for this man GENKO here. Amen.

Huh? What's going on, we're turning around? Genko's large hand grasp onto the crystal and all the sudden it went dark. Why is it dark? I can hear a gunshot? Muffle talking? I put my ear against the crystal, but all of the sudden, my body falls back as the crystal moves. The crystal rolls out of Genko's pocket, causing me to tumble around. Looking up, I see Feitan stabbing Genko over and over. On the floor, another crystal lies shattered all over the ground. It feels like I was in a pool of blood. How sickeing. Ugh-

Why is everybody crying? Why does Feitan look so up- huh? What's going on? My head- My head feels light-

"H-Huh...?" My eyes unblurred itself and- HOLY JEBUS I CAN SEE MYSELF-

Blankets were piled on me. I was basically a blanket burrito. I quickly stood up, but instantly, my legs lost balance, causing me to fall on the small coffee table below. It almost knocks the breath out of me as I brought everything on the table down with me. So much noise was made that a woman came rushing out to see what's going on. She finds me laying on my back, facing the ceiling up. The lady help me up as a groan in pain. My aching back. My aching legs. Why did I felt like I just ran a marathon?

I touch my spinning head, looking over at the woma- I-

"W-Who are- Mom? Am I dreaming? Am I dead? Wh-Who are you? Where am I?" My heart pounds fast as I can see the woman's eyes becoming glass marble. She gives me a sweet, warm smile, cupping my face, "No, you're not dead and yes, I am your mom. Welcome home, honey." My mouth was left wide open.

"M-Mom? Please let this be real!" I squeeze her hand on my face, "Mom..." I was overflowed with joy as she brings me close in a tight embrace. It felt warm. It felt like home. Tears spilled out of my eyes, realizing I was finally free from this nightmare. "I'm so glad. My dear (y/n)." Her voice is just like how I remember.

In this small living room, we cried our hearts out. I waited for so long to reunite with mom again. I dreamed of hugging her tightly again. I can't explain this rushing happiness of my heart.

After a while, we let go of each other, but we still held hands. "Where am I, mom?" I look around the area, wiping my eyes. "My house. Look, Fei's here too!" A healthy Fei comes running, pouncing onto my lap. "Fei! My little child." I wrap my arms around its small body, "Ooooh, I miss you too Fei." Mom comes and wraps her arms around us, "Thank you..." She whispers. Was it to god or was it to...?

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