・Prologue ・

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Welcome to the prologue of Cold Hearted|Feitan x reader story! Please Enjoy!

Update: The Feitan account I talked to got deactivated and all the chats disappeared. I never got the chance to tell him my Wattpad username so he can't read the fanfic.
(┬┬﹏┬┬) Anyways, on with the story.


For all of you that is starting the (y/n) life, welcome:
(Y/n) ~ your name,
(F/f) ~ favorite food


"(Y/n), you should just give up. It's clear that he doesn't have the same feelings for you. Hate to say it." Machi puts her hand on her hips, sighing as she watches (y/n) lays out wide on the floor. "I can't help these feelings!" She complains while covering her face with her hands. Pakunoda, Machi, and Shizuki watches with the same old "here we go again" look. Feitan has rejected (y/n) yet again that day, no hesitation.

They are in a room of an abandoned hotel, in a forgotten city. There was an upcoming party they wanted to crash at a populated city not too far away. Chrollo Lucifer, the Phantom Troupe's leader, has his eyes on the precious prizes that the party will auction off. The Phantom Troupe, the infamous group of thieves. Many feared them and many targets them. They don't give a damn. There only goal was to follow the boss's orders, taking whatever they want, when they want. The laws don't apply to them.

"Well, there no helping it then," Shizuku squats down next to her and pats her shoulder, "It will get better. Just try not to annoy him so much." (Y/n) uncover her face, "That's just me not talking to him not all." She sighs and sits up, "Thanks anyway, Shizuku." Shizuku smiles at her, "No problem." "I suggest that maybe you bother him less. Then maybe he could take an interest in you." Pakunoda advises as she wipes down her gun.

"Thanks for the advice, Paku, but I guess we're stuck being friends and I'm okay with that." (Y/n) stands up and dusts herself. "What will you now?" Machi asks. "Hm... I don't know." The door suddenly opens, revealing Shalnark, "Hey! We got to meet up with the boss to discuss something." "Alright, we'll be there." Machi replies, "Let's wrap this up then." (Y/n) burst into a smile with a faint blush across her cheeks"I get to annoy Feitan again!" Shizuku shakes her head, "She will never learn."

"(Y/n), you must be excited about it." Shalnark  gives her his usual grin. They followed Shalnark down the hallways into the main lobby which is in rumbles from nobody taking care of it. "Everybody's here boss!" Shalnark calls out. "Hey, hey everybody!!" (Y/n) greets out loud waving her arms. "She's crazy." Feitan mutters underneath his mask and Uvogin chuckles, "Hey (y/n). You seem upbeat from your last rejection." (Y/n) puts her hands together and gives him a wide grin, "It wasn't that bad. Hey Feitan!" She waves at him.

"Oh boy..." He turns away. "Feitan, you gotta give the girl some credit here." Nobunaga scratches his chest. "(Y/n), if Feitan says something that hurts your feelings, you can always turn to me." Phinks crosses his arms with a prideful smile. "Shut up." Was only Feitan's response. "Anyways, let's get onto the meeting, Boss?" Franklin gathers everybody's attention. There were no place to sit so they all stood around. Of course (y/n) stands closest to Feitan, not next to, close, since she didn't want to bother him much after annoying him.

Chrollo snaps his book closes and looks up at his fellow members. He was sitting on the receptionist desk while everybody gathers around him. "As you may all know, we're going to steal something at the Kareen Party. I want all the ancient jewelry they are going to auction off." "But boss, it has high security and there will be some powerful nen users there to help out!" Uvogin bumps in as he steps foward. "It doesn't matter, kill everybody that gets in our way." Chrollo simply states. Uvogin, upon hearing this, had his sinister grin.

"We're going to need a few members to sneak in. Luckily," Chrollo holds up a golden envelope, "I got ourselves an invitation." "That's amazing, boss!" (Y/n) says enthusiastically, clapping her hands. He chuckles, "Thanks. I'm assigning Feitan, Machi, Phinks, and (y/n)." (Y/n) gasp with her eyes lighting up, "R-really!?" "But boss, (y/n) will be useless for that mission, it's far too dangerous," Machi argues respectfully to her Chrollo.

(Y/n), is indeed the weakest member of the Phantom Troupe. Her ability is called "Blessed Healing". Basically, she can use her aura to heal anything alive. Chrollo found that useful and decided to make her a Troupe member. He considers her a valuable person to the group so he wanted her to be protected and watched. So now (y/n) has devoted her life to heal a dangerous group of thieves. She doesn't have a choice, but she's not worried at all because nobody accepted her as apart of society or family. The Phantom Troupe is the only people she got.

She isn't the legs of the spider, she is the web for the spider. A home to them. Her bright positivity with their vile aura makes them seem more like humans and not like a bunch of killers and thieves. (Y/n) has a web tattoo instead of a spider behind her neck. Everybody was fond of her... everybody except for Feitan. Sadly for her...

"She's with you three so I see no problem. I'm counting on you to make sure she doesn't get into trouble. She will be there as a medic since we don't know the abilities of the people attending there." "She's going to get us into trouble." Feitan mutters, "What was that Fei?" Phinks calls out to him with a slight smirk, "Nothing." Was Feitan's cold response.

"When's the date boss?" Shalnark asks looking over at Chrollo. "7 days from now." "Awww, man! I wanted to go and have some fun." Uvogin cries out and pounds his fists together. "I was looking forward to fighting somebody for a while. Bored as hell!" "Uvogin, don't worry! I'm sure the boss will have a great mission for you!" (Y/n) chimes out loud to him. He plasters a grin on his face, "Thanks for the words. Sometimes I wished you give me more attention than Feitan. Why do you like that midget so much?" Feitan squints his eyes and clicks his tongue, "Midget? Shut up, Uvogin. I don't mind her giving all the attention to you. I'm annoyed with it and maybe you see how bothering it is too."

(Y/n) gasp and shrunk down with a gloomy sigh. "That hurts." Of course, (y/n) wasn't deeply hurt, it still stung though. "Don't worry (y/n), I'm here to give you aaaallll the attention." Uvogin proudly smiles and points to himself. She giggles, "Thanks, but no thanks Uvogin." "Aww..." Uvogin slumps down from the rejection. "I guess now you know how (y/n) feels." Pakunoda chuckles, her blond locks moving a little.

(Y/n) grins widely. These are the moments that are the best for her. The Phantom Troupe acting like on big friend group or you can say, family. To her, Chrollo is like the father of everyone, Pakunoda is like a mother to her, Machi, and Shizuku her sisters, and everybody else is like brothers that will be always there for you. Except for of course Feitan, he's a crush. She's head over heels for him.

"You all are dismissed to do whatever until the date of the party," Chrollo says and goes back to opening his book. "I'm out." Feitan starts walking towards the door leading outside. "I'm coming with you, Feitan! Wait for me!" (Y/n) runs after him. "Welp there she goes again." Shalnarks put his hand on his hips. "How about we steal dinner?" Kortopi suggests. "Sounds good. (Y/n) likes (f/f). We should get that." Shizuku informs and pushes up her glasses. And thus, they are on their way to get some dinner while (y/n) bothers Feitan, getting rejected again and again...

Thank you for reading!

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