・Chapter 11・

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(Y/n) lies in Feitan's arm with blank eyes staring at the bright stars from above. Feitan shakes her limp body, hoping she would miraculously squeal with his arms wrap around her, but she was unfazed. Feitan could feel all her warmth leave her body. She was like a doll. An emotionless, dead doll. The darkness wraps around the Phantom's Troupe heart like a cloak, soon the cloak was burned in the rage deep inside them.

Genko laughs out loud as his dull stone bloom in many beautiful, vibrant colors. The moonlight sparkles through it as it shimmers brightly. (Y/n)'s soul was truly a sight to see for Genko. Fei nudges its head against (y/n) face as Feitan places her down on the cracked streets. Genko stretches out his arms, "You guys are easier than I thought!" Nobunaga and Machi takes down the last of their annoying enemies, dashing towards the man. Nobunaga's katana grazes Genko's slim cheek, causing a clean cut with thick blood running down. Genko jumps on the building above them so quickly that it seems he has teleported.

"All you have is her body. A zombie. Nothing more than just a living flesh of meat with no soul! Her soul..." He shows the crystal in the moonlight, "Is mine! Come, my men!" Uvogin grunts then screams as he quickly and ruthlessly murder each man that dares get in his way. Chrollo and Feitan quickly rushes after the escaping Genko. "No!" Another man comes in and grabs Chrollo down. "Boss...!" "Just go after him, Feitan," Chrollo commands as he takes out his Ben's knife, slicing the man's arm open.

Feitan follows Genko's figure, his legs picking up the pace each step. (Y/n)'s body watches as the mysterious men's blood puddles the ground. "Fe..." Her soul was desperately trying to connect with her body again. It was hopeless.


Feitan stops right in front of Genko, stopping his track. "Oh, you." Genko scoffs. "Give her back," Feitan says in a low and vicious voice. His umbrella appearing by his side, "Now." Feitan says it harshy. Genko pouts, "Oh? This?" He holds out the crystal, "I don't think so." His hand covers his cut, using (y/n)'s ability to heal it. As long as he has to soul, he has its abilities too. "Her soul calms me and you? You have a disgusting, cold soul. I don't know what she was doing with people like YOU." Genko laughs as Feitan squints his eyes. "Say all you want..." Feitan immediately flashes out of the crazy man's sight, leaving a dust trail behind. "I'm getting her back." He appears behind Genko with a stern look, his katana pointed to Genko's neck. Genko gets out of the way before his life was taken. "Hahaha!" He laughs, another stone was pulled out of his pocket.

All of the sudden, Feitan was blinded by smoke. Before he can use his en, Feitan gets kick in the stomach, "Don't underestimate me." Genko's voice could be heard. Another mysterious figure from before appeared and Genko was gone. The figure comes rushing after him. "Damnit!" Feitan slices the head off with no mercy. He stands up straight as the dark clouds cover the moons along with the stars. His eyebrows furrow together, his grip on his weapon's handle tightens. He looks off into the distance of the city with his eyes burning with fury. He disappears again, chasing after Genko.


(Y/n)'s POV

What the- I'm not dead!? I was surrounded by nothing, but glass... I can't see myself, what the- I look outside of the glass to see everybody and- Feitan... my body... in his arms!? I come nearer to the glass, pounding on it with nothing. Where's my body!? What's going on!? I look up to see the man himself... Pakunoda mentions that he can take soul so am I... I look down at myself. A spirit? I went back and threw myself against the glass, but it didn't' work. I pound on it with my transparent arms in a panic. Am I in the stone Genko was pointed at me? I scream out Feitan's name. I felt cold, feeling the darkness set in. It feels so isolated in here... I don't want to be here! "Feitan!" I scream out his name again. I concentrated hard, "Feitan..." I need to communicate somehow... but I'm scared... Closing my eyes, I try my best to reach my body...

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