・Chapter 10・

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"Today? You want her today?" Daro asks his master who has an exciting smile spread across his face. "Tonight. I'll meet her tonight. After all..." He holds out the dull stone in front of him, having the orange sunset shine through it, "They are going to go on a travel. Might as well strike." Daro takes a deep breath, "B-But they are the Phantom Troupe." Genko lowers the crystal, "Are you underestimating me, Daro?" The glint in his eyes holds dangerous fury, staring Daro down with vicious intent. Daro steps back with his hand raised in defense, "Of course not, master! I just hear-" "I know they are strong, but that doesn't mean we can't make up a plan. It's not exactly a full proof plan... But I guess iy will have to do." Genko starts laughing with a deep tone, it starts becoming more crazy as it echos through the breezy evening. All Daro could do is stare in silence and hope nothing goes wrong.

"And done!" (Y/n) adds the last detail to Feitan's eyes in her sketchbook. She smiles to herself proudly as she holds to sketchbook up high, seeing it from a different angle. She nods in agreement with herself. She settles the book down and grab her pack up things, heading down to the dark lobby. She looks at the old hotel room with the orange sun coloring everything. The window was right in front of the door, perfect for sunset watchers. It may have cobwebs and probably a couple of critters sneaking around in the corners, but it was one of the best places (y/n) has ever slept, ever since she joined the Phantom Troupe.

Speaking of the Phantom Troupe... (Y/n) shuts the door, letting go of the knob. She stares at it like it has never been touched. She strolls down the dark hallways, shadowing over everything. It was hard to see, but thanks to some windows and the dimmest light on the planet, she managed.

"Feiiittannn." (Y/n) drags his name the first thing when she bursts through the lobby doors. Feitan couldn't help but rolls his eyes for who knows how much now. She slides next to him, holding out her sketchbook that she has been clutching to her chest. Feitan eyes softens a bit as he looks over the sketch (y/n) has drawn. "Do you like it?" It was a sketch of (y/n) and him. It was evident that he was annoyed in the drawing as (y/n) was hugging him. "Sure... Good job..." (Y/n) gasps and hides her blush behind her sketchbook. Stepping away from Feitan with sparkles in her eyes, "R-Really?"

"Feitan never compliments (y/n). EVER." Phinks mentions. Then he chuckles with a huge smirk plaster on his face, "Guess you can say his cold heart is finally warming up." Uvogin laughs, "If he has a heart." Feitan scoffs, "I just said good job. It doesn't mean anything." "Sureeeeee" Shalnarks teases him, "Hey (y/n), can I see?" (Y/n) walks over to Shalnark, "Here." Shalnark takes the sketchbook and gaze is over. "I see talent in this." "Oh, thank you." "Guess it's not the same reaction she gave to Feitan earlier." Machi points out with a sly smile on her face. "Can I have a hug as a reward, hu hu." (Y/n) wiggles her eyebrows, nudging Feitan's side.

Feitan steps to the side, having (y/n) nudging the air instead. "Fine." Everyone was shocked with their eyes wide open, their mouth agape. Their ears were playing tricks on them, right? They all thought in their minds. "I-I am hearing this right, right?" Uvogin whispers to Phinks. "R-really!? Yayyyy!" (Y/n) opens her arms wide, hugging Feitan with her head rubbing into his. "Thank you, god. For blessing me with this moment." She whispers to herself with a blushy smile. Her heart run around in joy, dancing with the butterflies in her stomach. "Ok, enough." Feitan pushes her off and stuff his hand into his pocket. "Now you don't ask me anything else while we are traveling." (Y/n) couldn't care less, "You never let me give you affection!" She looks at her hands, "I'm so happy," She sniffs with marble eyes. "Yea because I never get any... this is the first affection I receive..." "What was that?" (Y/n) turns to him, walking closer. "Nothing." She puts, "But I heard something, say it again!" Feitan starts walking towards the exits, "Too bad." "Feeiiii-"

The Phantom Troupe hears the door creak open with an eery sound. The boss himself walks through it with a serious expression. "Let's go." That was all he said, but it was enough to make the Phantom Troupe get serious, standing up with obligation. The night just started and so was the group's long journey to the next location. Shalnark gives back (y/n) the sketchbook which she stuffs in her bag and grab Fei, holding it in her arms as it meows in confusion.

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