・Chapter 9・

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My name is Kayo (l/n). I loved a man who I thought was the one for me. When we first met, he was kind and always generous...but as I watched him fell in love with another woman, I realize, he was never the one for me. What I am grateful for is the daughter we have together.

My precious little darling, (y/n).

She had passion burning in her soul and a kind heart. Oh, how I miss her so much. I can't believe it when they said they left you... I should have never let you stayed with your father...

"(Y/n)? She's gone. Your disrespectful brat was causing so much trouble that we had to throw her out where she belongs."

Please... I know you're out there. You're somewhere in the world. Please... be safe and we will reunite again... no matter how old or frail I will become, I can't rest in peace until I see you...


"What do you mean, no?" (Y/n) pouts and grasp her hands together with a pleading look. "Just heal Machi." "Then a hug?" Feitan ignores her as he stuffs his hands in his pocket and begin walking away, "I'll get the others." "Hmph." (Y/n) went over to Machi who is already holding out your hand. She gently holds it as her nen does the work. Just like always, it glowed a green light. "I'm sorry about..." Machi takes a glimpse of her dead father, "It's okay... There is that all better?" Her voice was soft and fragile. It feels like if (y/n) continued talking, it would shatter.

Phinks places a hand on her shoulder, "He wasn't a good man. You did what you have to do." (Y/n) nods her head and turns over to her dad, "If only you cared more, father." She whispers underneath her breath, "I don't love my dad anymore, but that's fine. I bet you're going to be a much better dad, Phinks!" She changes in her usual tone. Phinks rubs his neck as he chuckles with a fluster look, "R-Really? I don't know..." (Y/n) shakes her head. "How are you feeling about this?" Machi asks her with a gentle tone. (Y/n) stops smiling, "I don't exactly know how to feel right now. I feel numb, but it feels good that they're gone... but it feels so wrong that I killed them. I'll get over it... hopefully." She takes a deep breath, "We still have a mission to finish."

Phinks and Machi nodded as they gather the bags, rounding everything up. "Good job, guys," Shizuku says with a blank face. "Thanks." Machi says.  "At least say it with a happier face." Phinks shakes his head. "Yea, yea." Shizuku summons Blinky, "Watching Shizuku nen is progress is satisfying." (Y/n) says, "I can agree." Feitan stands beside her. (Y/n) squeals as her lips reached ear to ear, "Don't give too much thought about it." Feitan scoffs, "Hurry up and help the others." She rolls her eyes, "Fine, fine."

Korotopi duplicated the jewelry and placed it on the tables like it has never been touch. The floor was free of dead bodies and blood, including the walls. It looks like the Kareen Party has never begun. (Y/n) had to watch her father being sucked up by the vacuum. His dead eyes stared at her before disappearing from her sight. (Y/n) couldn't think straight when she saw it. It might just be stuck in her mind... for a while.

And with that, the Phantom Troupe's work was done, successfully. As they walk down the deepest of alleyways, (y/n) hold herself, still remembering the bullet piercing through her father's forehead. She shivers, "Are you cold (y/n)?" Shizuki asks. "Ah, I guess it's a little chilly." She turns to Feitan, "You should lend me your tuxedo jacket, wink wink." She winks at him, causing him to grumble. Feitan takes off his jacket and tosses it to her, "It was uncomfortable anyway." (Y/n) gives a cheeky smile as she quickly slips on the jacket. It was a perfect fit, a little bit big, but perfect. It has his body warmth on it. She covers her flush face by pulling the coat up.

"It's nothing special, so stop getting so excited about it and you asked for it." Feitan walks ahead of her, "But it's from you!" She quickly runs by Feitan side. The rest of the group smiles as both of them walked ahead.

"Good job, let's head back as soon as possible," Chrollo orders right when the troupe comes in. He has a satisfied look on his face for his member's accomplishments. "Good job, (y/n). I know how hard it was for you." Chrollo says with a smile. "Mhm." (Y/n) nods her head and grins, having the boss praise her personally. The Troupe left the city, getting ready for their next prey.

Back at the abandoned hotel, (y/n) sat on the high rooftops by herself as the sun comes up again, peeking over the horizon. She reminisces about her childhood and then the killing. It replayed like a movie, waiting for a happy ending. The wind weakly blows her eyes dry, clearing the tears that just came out. She sniffs and rubs her nose with Feitan's coat, huddling closer to her knees.

She hears the door open from behind her, but she doesn't care to look. She hears the door close shut.

"Shouldn't you be heading to bed?" (Y/n) turns around to see Feitan looking directly at her. "Uh... maybe in a bit. I just need to calm myself down for a moment." Her heart pounds faster as Feitan walks forehead as takes his seat on the ledge next to her. "If you're going to fall, I'm not going to catch you." "I'm not going to fall!" (Y/n) pouts with a vein appearing on her forehead. "Sure." (Y/n) huffs and turns away to look at the sun again.

"W-Why are you out here?" Feitan stares at the orange sunrise, "Everybody is asleep or resting in their room. I got bored." "Oh... You sur-" "No, it's not to check up on you." Feitan immediately interrupt. (Y/n) frowns with puppies eyes, "You're so mean." (Y/n) gazes down the landscape as a rushing breeze pass her. "Are you still thinking about it?" Feitan asks. "Kind of..."

Everything was silent for a moment. "What if I hugged you?" (Y/n) asks trying to cheer things up. "I'll break your arms." (Y/n) gasps with an exaggerated look, "That's harsh!" She then smirks like the grinch, "I'll sacrifice my arms." "What?" With boldness she wraps her arms around Feitan, laying her head on his shoulder. Trying to scoot in a little more. Then she regrets it as she notices how awkward she is, and how tense Feitan's body felt.

Feitan puts his hands on the bottom of her arms and lifts her arms off of him, "You really want to sacrifice your arms?" "Yes..." (Y/n) smiles hesitantly. Feitan squints his eyes with an annoyed look, "You asked for it." He lets go and karate chops her head in a flash. She quickly puts her hands on top of it as the pain rushes through her skull,

"Ow! You said you would break my arms not put a crack in my skull!" "I changed my mind." "Owowowowowow!" She falls back, rolling in the ground still holding her head. "You're overreacting. I barely hit you." Feitan rolls his eyes, "That is what you have to deal with for putting your arms around me." (Y/n) sits up straight with a blob of tear at the edge of her eyes, "It's called affection!" "I don't want it." (Y/n) pouts as she lays back down. She turns away a remembers the short warmth she had from Feitan. It felt nice, even though he didn't wrap his arms around her. If he did, (y/n) would fall asleep quickly, but she believes that day will never come.

"Stand up," Feitan says as he got on his two feet. (Y/n) got up and rub her head, "We're leaving at night. You better get enough sleep while you can." (Y/n)'s eyes sparkles, "Are you caring for me?" "No. I don't want to risk your tired ass to slow us down." Feitan begins to walk towards the door with (y/n) staring at him with her mouth agape. "You're so MEAN!" She waits a moment till he's on the other side of the door, "I still like you though!"


Genko walks back into the building where the Kareen Party was supposed to take place. He grins wickedly for he has seen everything. Before the killing, he manages to escape with one of his men, as for the other, was sacrifice. "I want it..." He says underneath his breath as he set his gaze upon the clean area that was once filled with dead bodies. "(Y/n), eh?" He takes out a dull grey crystal, "I can't wait to meet you."

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