・Trivia Facts ・

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Just some facts about (y/n) in this book because I don't know, it can be fun to read :)))

I'm using "you, your, yourself, etc" :)

You consider Chrollo as a father because Chrollo did fatherly things with her sometimes like reading a book to her, going on simple walks, or even having a simple chat. There's one time where he took care of your hair.

There's an alternate universe where you fell in love with Chrollo instead of Feitan.

Pakunoda, you, Machi, and Shizuki literally has girl talk every week about all their problems. So when your soul was taken, they didn't want to have girl talk because it was never the same.

Uvogin did have a crush on you but knows very well you likes Feitan so he tries his best to keep his feelings aside because he wants you to be happy. So he plays the big brother role.

Shalnarks finds you cute most of the time, he may or may not have a small puppy crush on you.

Pakunoda sees you as her own daughter.

When you joined the group, Chrollo finds you weak so he just planned on killing you, but then you ask him to read to you one night because you got scared. You end up falling asleep on him and he found that amusing. There's one time where you stole a really fancy jewel from your dad's jewelry store at night when you guys still live in Meteor City and gave it to Chrollo as a thank you gift for saving you. (You were taking a stroll in town to remembering the young days, but you avoid your house at ALL cost also Korotipi was there.)
That totally boosts his liking for you.

Franklin and Uvogin like to toss you up in the air and catch you.

The first time you guys met Hisoka, Hisoka found you very interesting, but Machi went sister mode and told him to screw off. Hisoka also likes to form magic tricks to earn your liking and ends up giving you a joker heart card when he left to do... whatever he gotta do.

You told Shizuku was cute one day and Shizuku thought about it for the rest of the week.

You had to heal Feitan's stomach (WHERE HIS ABS WERE) and it was hard for you to look him in the eyes. Feitan tells you to stop being pervy.

You asked Feitan to teach you his language. He said no in his language.

Bonolenov teaches you about his village dance and also some fighting techniques.

You caught Feitan reading a Trevor Brown book (I heard somewhere in the manga he was reading Trevor Brown books which I think hold fetish themes/horrific themes?, correct me in I'm wrong) and ask what it was. He shows you the book and smirk a little when your mouth drops.

The Phantom Troupe got ambush on a travel and somebody broke your ankles, (DROP THE SANGWOO JOKES) and the Phantom Troupe annihilate that man off the planet. It's fine you healed it.

Shalnark and you play video games sometimes.

Feitan may or may not think your pout is pretty cute.

Korotopi made a Feitan clone and you HUGGED the life out of it. Feitan was not amused.

You almost cried seeing the fake dead bodies. Cue Uvo's bear hug, Paku's mom comfort, Phinks's head ruffles.

Feitan overheard you say he was hotter than the sun itself.

"Feitan! How long were you there!?" "I wished I didn't hear that." "Wait! Come back!"

You asked Feitan what body type did he prefer and he said he doesn't care. So you then if your body type is okay and he said I don't care as long as you are not annoying.

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