13 - Melanie Recalls Pt. 4 (New Recruits)

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"No. N-No. No. No. N-N-No. No." Melanie's breathing accelerated as the ringing of her ears starts getting louder, the images of her son's death haunting her head. Her entire body started to tremble, and her eyes instantly burst into tears as she ran out of the room.

Not long enough, Gaden did the same; grief striking his heart.

For several long minutes, both of their sobs reverberated throughout their house. The entire house was filled with endless cries and desperately pleas. They sobbed for the loss of their only child. 

This had lasted for 30 long minutes, but to them, it felt like an eternity. Gaden calmed his wailing down to just tearful sobs, but Melanie continued. She didn't have the strength to stop crying. A single thought ran throughout her mind, one that only made her crying stronger.

She could have prevented this... they could have prevented this. If only they were there on the rooftop with him, they could've saved him from his terrible fate, but they didn't. They were both on the house having a good time while their son was seconds away from death. And for that, she wouldn't be be able to forgive herself.

The sounds of her crying caught the attention of one man, who was just standing outside their door.


The sound of the door banging snapped them out of their grief, both turning their heads toward the sound. Wondering who it could be, they looked back at each other. "I'll go get it." Gaden stood up from his spot as he wiped his tears away, his eyes blurry from the tears he produced.

Melanie also got up from her spot and walked away to the bathroom, trying to find tissues for her to wipe.


"I'm coming!" Gaden fastened his pace as he hurriedly wiped away any wet marks on his face, hoping their guest wouldn't notice. The only thing left that gave away any hint of him crying was the pink coloration in his eyes. He grabbed the door knob and twisted it counter-clockwise, a little bit surprised seeing Brian .

"Brian? What are you doing here?" Gaden's voice cracked and he grabbed his throat, coughing in an attempt to fix his voice. Brian looked down, hands in his pockets. "I think I can help you. With Damon's death."

What he said grabbed Gaden's attention, making him quickly turn his head towards his direction. Gaden took notice of his eyes, which were filled with emptiness. Knowing how Brian was close to his son, empathy took over his body.

"Come inside." Gaden walked away to the side, gesturing for him to enter. Brian walked back as he wiped his shoes at the door rug, not wanting to let the dirt from the ground go inside their small house. The small gesture from Brian made Gaden smile, grateful at his politeness.

"Are you hungry? Can I give you coffee or..." Brian politely shook his head sideways, not wanting to drag his purpose any longer. "I can help. I know who killed Damon."

Gaden quickly stopped talking, eyes blinking in confusion. His mind was on a blank, trying to process what he said with no avail. "What?" He asked, beyond confused. Brian scratched his head, trying to think up of what to say.

"I- Let's talk about this on the table." Brian grabbed his hand tightly, pulling him away from the door into the table. Many thoughts were swirling around Gaden's head, each of them confusing him more than ever. His attention was snapped as the sound of a chair squeaking through the floor made an unpleasant noise.

"Sit." He looked at Brian, who was ushering for him to walk closer to the chair an sit. Confused at the unusual behavior, he sat. Not long after, Brian grabbed a chair across him and sat. "I need you to listen closely. Okay?" Gaden nodded, eager to listen to what he has to say.

"So around 2 weeks ago, I-" He stopped abruptly, listening to the footsteps near them. Gaden blinked, starting to get weirded out by his behavior. It wasn't long until he heard footsteps coming from the hallway.

"Gaden! What's going on in there?" Melanie's shaky voice rang out of the room, slightly making both of their ears hurt. It wasn't long until her long, slender body appeared in their sight. "Dear. Sit with us. Brian has something to say." She turned her head at Brian, who was waiting for her to sit down. She looked back at her husband, who nodded at her.

She nodded back at him and walked closer, pulling the chair beside him. She looked at both of them, curious as to what the conversation is about. Finally, she sat on the chair with a loud squeak, the dust lying on the mattress flying away.

At this, Brian put his hands together in a professional-like manner and leaned closer, about to speak up.

"So around 2 weeks ago, I was hanging out with Damon on the streets when I noticed someone like... I don't know... stalking him or something." Brian looked at both of them, their eyes giving a hint for him to continue. But he knew inside, they were starting to get suspicious.

"After a while, when he wasn't paying attention to us, I discreetly tried to get closer and... I noticed something." A short pause, before, "Do you know the 'Saviors'?" They both looked down in thought, trying to check if the news covered any information about them. Luckily, it did.

They both nodded, wondering what business they have with their son's death. "Mm. So the stalker was wearing a brooch. It's a Saviors brooch. At that point, I knew he had intentions to hurt him. Like any other gang, information is confidential. And that information is important to be kept private so it wouldn't be spread out to the public. So I made a decision."

"I joined them to spy on information."

Brian looked at the both of them, shock visible in their face. They both looked at each other, making Brian wonder what was going on through their minds. He coughed, in an attempt to grab their attention back. They both looked at him, eager again to listen.

"While I was spying on them, I learned the purpose of the group. They save people in the way of killing so they can end that person's misery. Hence, why it's called the 'Saviors'. That was the moment I knew why Damon was targeted." He paused for a moment, letting the both of them sink the knowledge.

"I knew it was only a matter of time when Damon will die, I didn't know the exact date he will die. So I warned him about it... and it didn't work. So now I'm asking you this, do you want to bring justice to your son?" 

They automatically nodded, making Brian's eyes slightly widen from how short it took them to answer. "Then join me. We will serve as spies."


They both waited for his final call, their heartbeat thundering. The leader seemed to grasp his chin, eyes closed in thought. They both looked at the side, noticing Brian was looking at them in hope while wearing the 'Saviors' attire.

"I've decided." The leader spoke, his voice echoing.

They both held their breaths in anticipation, waiting for the final judgment.

"You're in."

To be continued...

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