not grumpy!!

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after lionblaze called i called my 'fellow' doctor, heronwing. he was my best friend in collage.

"geuss what!" i asked him

" half moon is pregnant?!?!" he said with the same enthusiasm

i gaped at the phone


"oops! i forgot you can't see me staring at the phone" i joked

i heard laughter from the other end

"hey i need to go! half moon's making me watch america's talent." i told him

"america's talent?" he asked, confused

"pregnancy stupidy." i told him

"of course!" he joked



i hung up and jumped into bed with half moon. since we got married she had softened up,exepting hugs and all from me.

we sat watching america's got talent,talking about what we would name our kids when suddenly she screamed in pain

"what!?!?!!?!?!?!?!" i screamed, mind whirling with panic

"kids........... coming!" she grunted with pain.

"but.......... but they're due in a month!" i completely panicked

i got a hold of myself and picked her up and put her in the car. i drove to the hospital and they took her to a room. i paced outside. soon lionblaze and cinderheart arrived.

"we came as soon as you called" lionblaze panted

"you should have left cinderheart home,this is to much for her." i snapped back to my old self.

i heard moans and groans coming from the room. then a shriek of pain. 

"JAYFEATHER!!!" she screeched. i pushed past the doctor to hold her hand


soon we had a two babies. a boy and a girl. 

"they're perfect half moon." i told her

half moon had this look in her eyes that i had never seen before. a mixture of infinite love,fear for her newborns,pride of herself, and a flashing protection for her, no our, newborns

"can we name the girl leafkit?" i asked

"in honor of fallen leaves and hollyleaf?" i explained to her

"sure." she murmured drowsily. cinderheart and lionblaze came and congradulated her. they soon went home and i helped half moon carry our kids to the car, where we had installed a month ago for the kids.

soon we were home.

"sooooooo." i said, clueless of what to do.

"can the boy be quietkit?" she asked

"of course." i said kissing my sons forhead.


fallenkit had black-hair with piercing green eyes. she looked exacatly like hollyleaf. quietkit had gray hair with specks of white and blue eyes. i loved each of them so much. our kids were quite the fighters. they had already started crawling getting in to all kind of mischef. 


"LIONBLAZE!!!!!" another shriek came

i paced harder,knowing that they wouldn't let me see her until she was done. soon jayfeather came alone.

he told me all about how the nervousness was worth it because when you saw your kids........ it was just................ breathtaking. soon the shreiks stopped altogether.

"you can come in now!" one of the doctors called

i raced in to see cinderheart.....................................................................................................

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