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Im sorry its really short im working and it's stressful with finals approaching ☹︎

Chan yawned as he opened the apartment wanting nothing more than to get in bed and fall asleep for a few hours. It's all that he wanted and nothing would get in his way.

He smiled noticing Jeongins shoes and coat already there. He knew how much Jeongin worked especially being Changbins person assistant. All he wanted now was to cuddle him while he fell asleep for a few hours, which was rare.

Noticing how the apartment was strangely quiet Chan went directly to the bedroom getting completely shocked at the scene.

(As the author I'm sorry for this shitty scene)

The room had all the lights off with only white candles scattered all over illuminated the space enough for Chan to see Jeongin sitting in the bed with nothing on but on his hoodie.

Chan sighed exhaustedly shaking his head as he turned on the lights. Jeongin instantly frowned "Channie~ turn them back off!" Jeongin whined hoping to get the older in a better mood.

"Baby I'm really tired seriously. All I want right now is to sleep for a few hours and then go back to the studio." Chan said tiresomely as he started walking to the nearest candle to blow it out.

Jeongin instantly stood up and walked infront of Chan before he could reach the second candle. "Come on Channie it'll be quick and I'll do all the work~" Jeongin said wrapping his arms around Chans neck.

Chan wrapped his arms Jeongins waist exhaling the younger sweet vanilla scent. Chan was slowly closing his eyes completely relaxing in their embrace until Jeongin spoke. "Please Channie? We can even start trying~"

Jeongin softly spoke as he carefully pushed Chan on the bed only for Chan to quickly sit up shaking his head "No. No. No." Chan said in a stren voice making Jeongin frown his eyes turning glossy by the second "Channie it'll be quick I promise and then we can cuddle and sleep all you want please?" Jeongin asked sadly as he sat down on the olders lap.

The action for some reason got on Chans nerves as rolled his eyes "No we're not trying! And that's final!" Chan shouted pushing Jeongin off him making sure the younger was left in the bed.

"But Channie-" Jeongin shakingly wanted to speak but couldn't continue as he felt his eyes well up with tears. Chan had never raised his voice or pushed him away harshly and it truly caught him of guard.

Chan took a deep breath annoyed because he just wanted nothing more then to close his eyes for a few seconds which didn't happen very offten yet here was making Jeongin cry. "Fine you want to try then let's try." Chan said as pulled off his shirt over his head as he looked at Jeongin who shook his head tears falling.

"No I'm sorry Channie."

It broke Chans heart but he felt something that he couldn't describe. It was a strange feeling of anger and defense his body felt the moment Jeongin brought up that subject.

Chan closed his eyes trying to control every emotion in his body at the moment to prevent him from hurting his precious Innie any more. He stood up and picked up his shirt along with shoes and some random clothes from his drawer before turning to look at Jeongin.

"I think it'll be better if we give each other some space to sort our feelings." Chan said sincerely which made Jeongin look up his eyes puffy that tugged at Chans heart. Jeongin couldn't say anything rather than nod already feeling another set of fresh tears as he watched the older turn his back and walk towards the door.

"I love you."

Are you ok with short chapters, straight to the point or would like longer filler chapters?
It takes me longet to write filler chapters but if its better for you to understand let me know and ill work harder ♥︎

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