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We are officially done.
This is the story summed up.
Let me know if you want a bonus chapter for Version 1 and/or 2? ☺︎︎

It was a day like any other, i'll never forget the date. We met each other without thinking in the same time and place.


"felix! i was just about to call you! your roommate let me in said he would go pick you once you called." jeongin said rapidity making felix even more conflicted.

"look jeongin i kinda forgot that i promised joonsu i would stay over dinner last time and i didn't think of our plans. would it be alright if you hang out some other night? or unless you want to wait until i get home later?"

he could hear chan in the background but he wasn't able to understand what he was saying he only hear jeongin giggle. "it's fine felix if anything go ahead and stay with joonsu he is more important we can hang out some other time." jeongin said happily which made felix more at ease.

"thank you innie, if you need a ride i'm sure chan is more than happy to since he has nothing better to do. and if you need anything else call me."

Something magical happened, your smile got me and without my permission you stole my heart. Without saying anything, with a simple smile our love began.

"jeonginnie, can we talk?"

"we already did. you and i want something completely different there's nothing more to say."

"i love you."

jeongin shook his head his breathing heavier as he heard the words that melted him. "can you please leave?" jeongin whispered not trusting his voice.

"i love you, i loved you when i first saw you, i love you now and i'll always love you. i told you baby from the very beginning what i thought. i don't need a ceremony i don't need a paper to tell me to be with you forever because it's what i want.

i know you want kids but that's not what i planned in my future. it scares me to this day to do either.

i can't promise you that it's what i want right now but i can promise to not be against it. i promise to learn and be open to the idea if you can be patient with me."

You changed my life ever since you came to me. You're the sun that illuminates my existence. You are a perfect dream, I find everything within you. You changed my life

Jeongin could feel his heart race even more at the beautiful and sincere words. "You have changed my life ever since you came into it. You're the sun that illuminates my existence, a perfect dream. A dream where I'm able to find everything I would ever need within you. You have changed my life completely because now I believe, I believe in that happy fairytale that I feared."

And for you I believe again. now only your lips ignite my skin. Today there's no more doubt in here, fear has left from me and it's all thanks to you.

Chan nervously took a deep breath in before saying the most important words "You're the only person whose lips have ever ignited my skin and it's only you who I want for the rest of my life. Today there's no more doubt in here." Chan placed Jeongins hand directly near his heart and looking into each others eyes "Fear has left from me and it's all thanks to you." Chan leaned in feeling Jeongin wrap place his arms on his chest as the shared a kiss that sealed their future.

You changed my life.

"We have a baby." Jeongin whispered to Chan as he stared in awe at the baby he longed for, he fought for, he dreamed of, the baby Chan was able give him was brought to live.

"Thank you for making my dreams come true. Thank you for being an amazing father to Jongho. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for everything."

You are beautiful on the outside like no other on this earth and inside you reside honesty and kindness. Today the word love has another dimension

"You're the most beautiful on the outside like nobody in this earth and on the inside you reside honesty and kindness. Today the word love has a different meaning to me. Now everything is so clear, it's s you who I love. You've returned my illusion. You have truly changed my life since you came to me. I only want you to change the rest of my life and for you i believe again. I love you, I love you Yang Jeongin." Chan said noticing how the younger had glossy eyes not believing everything he was hearing because it felt like a dream that would never come true.

You changed my life before and the rest of my life. For you I'll believe again. And it's all thanks to you. I love you

"Find me. I'll marry you and give you all the kids you want in our next lives." Chan said desperately feeling guilty about all the times he objected. "You changed my life baby. Love will always have a different meaning to me all thanks to you. I learned so much from you. Take care of us, Jongho and me."

Chan felt the wind stop and noticed the clouds move slightly letting the sun peak through. "Both of us will always love you baby. Stay with us forever." Chan said as he wipped away his tears finally realizing there was nothing more he could do.

He felt something land on his shoulder and turned to look at the beautiful blue butterfly. Smiling he stood up "I love you." Chan whispered as the butterfly flew away.

Thank you so much for following me through this journey. I can't believe we are done. Officially done with the whole story line! If you have read ICE all the way to this end thank you so much!

Me and my editors will be editing my stories.
I will start working on my Seungjin story starting tonight!
If you want a sneak peak check out my book Blues under story Idea Two!

Thank you so much,
Stay safe and healthy♥︎

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