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I'm so tired today and I haven't done anything. I hope next year is better and brighter for everyone.

"Mr. Bang you have a very special visitor can I let them in?"

Chan furrowed his eyebrows at his receptionist words not expecting anybody he looks through his agenda double checking to make sure he didn't forget anything. After thinking who it could be he let the receptionist know they could come in.

Watching the door intensely Chan waited to see who this special visitor was. Truthfully he was busy preparing a comeback for the newest group and had much to do but he assumed this special guest would be worth halting the process.


And he was correct. A smile instantly appeared on Chans serious face "Baby? What are you doing here?" Chan said happily walking over and immediately wrapping his arms around the youngers waist.

"Jisung invited me to go baby shopping! Well more like Minho begged Changbin to let me go since Hyunjin had assigned tasks to Minho. Long story short it was so that Jisung wouldn't be alone." Jeongin rambled on cutely making Chan smile at how adorable the younger was.

Jeongins smile brightened as he wrapped his arms around Chans neck. Chan stared lovingly at the younger before leaning in to press his lips against the younger.

Chan felt something completely different with that kiss, usually there was a hint of fear. Fear that he would loose Jeongin any moment; that the younger would leave him for someone who could easily make his dreams come true. It was fear that was constantly present when he held Jeongin in his arms, when their lips touched, and when they would simply be in each other's presence. Yet when the younger wrapped his arms around his neck Chan felt the fear leave his body.

It made him realize how much Jeongin means to him, how much their love means to him. Chan realized that the younger has completely changed his life. Thinking things over Chan realized that he was willing to do more than just compromise when it came to Jeongin.

"Channie guess what I found?" Jeongin said bring Chan back from his intensive thoughts not even realizing how the younger held up a shopping bag.

"Something for Jisungs baby?" Chan asked noticing the popular baby store logo on the bag. Jeongin shook his head before reaching into the bag excitedly. "This cute beanie! It's a fox knitted beanie!" Jeongin said enthusiastically holding the tiny baby hat.

"And it has matching mittens! Channie how adorable! I couldn't just leave with them." Jeongin said looking at the baby items with hopeful eyes not noticing Chans warm smile.

"Can I get a closer look?" Chan asked making Jeongins eyes widen not expecting that at all. The younger nodded happily and sat down next to Chan carefully placing the beanie to the older. "It's got little ears." Chan said smiling making Jeongin smile lovingly back at him. "It's for a newborn." Jeongin whispered softly enjoying the moment.

"It's cute." Chan said handing it back to Jeongin who nodded before placing the items back into the bag.

"Jisung got this fancy stroller. Apparently it's also a carseat and it has all these crazy features." Jeongin said trying to remember what else Jisung had bought "Also it seems like Felix and Changbin are planning a surprise for Minho and of course Jisung and the baby by gifting them this high end baby crib. Anyways I was talking to Hyunjin and he said Seungmin and him are also planning a surprise for them. Would you like to also plan a gift for baby Minsung with me?" Jeongin asked nervously with a hint of excitement.

Chan smiled and without hesitation nodded "Of course baby, and we'll make sure to give them the best gift." Chan said making Jeongin laugh happily "it's not a competition Channie." Jeongin said shaking his head. "The best gift as in the most useful gift baby." Chan said making Jeongin nod understanding.

After a few minutes of thinking of ideas Chan snapped his fingers "I got the perfect idea!"

Jeongin tilted his head confused looking at the older for an answer "A light and sound soother! I can make a few lullaby tracks and melodies and add them to a night and sleeping sound soother." (it's basically a nightlight with music to help a baby fall asleep)

"Channie that's such a great idea!" Jeongin said jumping up from his seat to hug Chan. "I'm sure they'll love it!" Jeongin said smiling excitedly about the gift idea.

Chan immediately got to work on the melodies doing research on what would be the most soothing and calming for babies. Jeongin watched amassed by Chans ability to almost instantly make multiple melodies in a few minutes.

Once Chan was able to save all his progress he turned to the younger "how was work today?" Chan asked as he slowly packed up his equipment for the day.

"Hyunjin was complaining that he was tired from taking care of the four kids this weekend. When in reality it Seungmin dealing with five." Jeongin said shaking his head at the morning's events while Chan laughed.

"Hyeon alone has the energy of four kids alone just like Hyunjin." Chan said shaking his head at the thought of the four year old who was just like his dad. "Everytime I babysit him, he asks for you." Jeongin said smiling making Chan raise his eyebrow "Me? Why?"

"Because he says you're his favorite uncle." Jeongin said teasingly not being able to contain his laughter after. "Everyone here thinks he's actually my nephew. Basically told everyone on the way out that one time he begged Seungmin to bring him." Chan said shaking his head at the memory.

"Channie can you blame him? He was so proud of you!" Jeongin said playfully hitting Chans shoulder "He is very adorable I'll admit that."

And the added the following to which left Jeongin completely speechless.

"We should babysit him more."

My draft had "Im visits chans work" like who is IM lol if you could see the mess of my draft you would shocked at how it even makes sense to me.

Would you be interested in seeing my drafts/notes for this story? Or my seungjin story?

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