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Merry Christmas everyone
Wishing you joy, happiness, and health

"Hannie be careful!"

"Hannie watch out for that wall!"

Jisung rolled his eyes in annoyance "Minho! I'm pregnant not blind!" Jisung said walking faster into the living room with Minho right next him apologizing.

Jeongin laughed at the scene shaking his head at the couple. "I still can't believe you're pregnant, especially before me." Jeongin pouted playfully since Jisung had always joked around saying Jeongin would have at least two kids before Minho even warmed up to the idea of having kids. "Blame him not me." Jisung said pointing to Minho who shrugged "You both didn't listen to me when I said Chan was not a good match for Innie."

Jisung kicked Minhos leg giving Jeongin an apologetic smile "Minho I don't know if we'll still be together in the next eight months if you keep this up." Jisung said seriously getting up walking over to give the youngest a hug.

"It's ok Jisung." Jeongin said smiling into their hug "if anything Minho is right, I should have listened to him from the start.." Jeongin trailed off not noticing how Jisung kept sending Minho deadly glares. "No Innie! You can't control love, nobody can. Regardless of what happens in the near future I know that with your positive attitude you'll have that healthy beautiful baby you've always dreamed of. You'll be the best parent out there and I just know you'll love that child more than anyone in this earth."

Jeongin eyes started sting while listening to Jisungs words. That's all he wants in this world but the problem was that he wanted that with someone who didn't want that, someone being Chan who he was deeply in love him. "Thank you Jisung. You'll be a really good appa to this beautiful baby." Jeongin said carefully placing his hand on Jisung nonexistent belly.

Minho watched the scene smiling "Jeongin Im sorry. Just like Hannie said we can't control who we love." Jeongin looked and returned a smile to the older. "It's ok Minho, you're lucky to have Jisung. I'm sure you'll both be amazing parents."

Jisung then got up but slightly lost his balance making Minho rush to his side "Hannie what's wrong? Do you feel ok? Is the baby ok? Do we call an ambulance-"


"Right. Sorry Hannie." Minho apologized as he placed his hands gently around Jisung and led him to the couch. "Jeongin it's not worth it." Jisung said annoyed at the older.

Jeongin softly laughed "it's exactly what I want. Of course it's worth it."

Minho felt pain hearing Jeongin constantly hoping for his dreams to become reality. It pained Minho since Jeongin was one of his closest friends who he considered family. Minho and Jeongin started working for Changbin at the same time and have since had each others back. That's why when Minho first heard Jeongin was upset after Chan crushed his dreams Minho was ready to risk his freedom.

"Do you want me to talk to him? I'll knock some sense into him." Minho said seriously to the younger who quickly shook his head.

"Minho! No! You have a child on the way!"

Minho sighed "Right. Sorry Hannie." He said placing a kiss on Jisungs forehead while he gave Jeongin a knowing look that let him know he would still do it.

The apartments door then opens letting them know Chan is home. Jeongins eyes instantly light up with a smile subconsciously replacing the frown. "Channie." Jeongin said getting to meet Chan just as he walked into the living room.

Jeongin wrapped his arms around the older who did the same pulling him for a gently kiss. After they pull away Chan noticed the couple in the living room. "What's going on here?" Chan raised his eyebrows trying his best to ignore Minhos cold eyes that were almost glaring at him.

"Channie great news! Hannie is pregnant!" Jeongin said cheerfully his eyes shining "Congratulations. I'm sure you'll be great parents." Chan said sincerely to which Jisung thanked him while Minho simply nodded holding back everything he wanted to say.

Jisung notices how tense Minho is and decides to it would be best if they both leave before his child's father ends up in jail.

Jeongin walked the couple towards the door saying their goodbyes he closes the door and walks back inside skipping over to Chan.

"Channie isn't this great and if we try soon we'll have baby besties!" Jeongin said excitedly basically jumping from excitement. Chan only nodded not wanting to cause other argument about the subject.

"Channie think about how fun it would be! We can joint birthdays, trips and-"

Chan sighed his mind once again playing a battle as to why he is not meant to have child. As much as he tries to justify having a child nothing ever happens not even Jeongin being a reason. Chan can't handle thinking how much their baby would suffer in this cruel world. There was always a sense of feeling that Chan felt when Jeongin brought up that topic, an indescribable feeling that gave him shivers.



Chan blinked realizing the younger had a concerned look waiting for the older to answer.

"Yeah baby we'll see...."

Jeongin frowned at the answer. They only had a four months to solve this and Chan was still in the same mindset. Jeongin slowly was loosing hope that they would both come to terms we're they both agreed. It seemed almost impossible. Every time his hopes just fade away.

Please be safe out there. ♥︎

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