15 version 2

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Jongho was originally Chan Jr.

5 years later

Chan held Jongho's hand as they walked down the busy street while his other hand was holding a bag of warm mozzarella sticks. "Ice cream now?" The five year old asked excitedly. Chan nodded and smiled just as he saw the ice cream shop appear in sight.

Once they finally arrived Chan used his elbow to push the door open not wanting to let go of his sons hand. Jongho eyes lit up as they walked in and patiently waited in line until it was their turn.

"Two strawberry ice creams." Chan said before looking at Jongho "What flavor do you want?" Chan asked as he moved a rew strands of hair away from Jonghos face. "Apple!"

Chan scanned the flavor selection only to sigh once he saw there was no apple flavor. "There's no apple flavor my love." Chan said calmly to which the news made Jongho frown. "But I wanted apple ice cream." Jongho said sadly his bottom lip trembling. Chan could not bare to stand his baby upset "Excuse me?" Chan called a worker who immediately helped them.
[my dad calls me "my life" "my love" 🥺  but in Spanish so I don't know if it makes sense in English?]

"Do you have an apple flavor?" Chan asked to which the worker immediately noticed the pouty five year old and smiled "We don't but we do have a vanilla flavor to which we can add freshly cut apples on top. Would that work?" Chan looked at Jongho who shyly nodded wrapping his arms around Chans legs which made Chan laugh as he confirmed with the worker.

"Two strawberry and a vanilla with apples. Anything else?" The worker asked as she ringed up the items. Chan shook his head and paid for the ice cream.

After struggling to make sure non of the food would spill and holding Jongho they were finally able to go home.

"Jongho your shoes." Chan said stopping the five year old from running inside. Jongho took off his shoes quickly and rushed to kitchen.

"Appa!" Jongho shouted as he ran to Jeongin who instantly smiled and leaned down to hug his baby shower him with kisses as he giggled. "Appa! I got ice cream too!" Jongho said as he pulled a chair to sit next to his appa.

Chan walked in and smiled at the sight. He handed Jeongin his food he had requested then helped Jongho with his ice cream. "Did you have a good nap?" Chan asked since the younger had been complaining about not being able to sleep the night before.

"No I was worried about my ice cream melting." Jeongin replied as he took another bite of his food. "Me too appa!" Jongho said which made his parents laugh "I'm not sharing mine." Jeongin said giving Jongho a knowing look especially since last time he ate half of Jeongin's ice cream.

"I know." Jongho said lifting his ice cream which Chan immediately helped him put it back down. Knowing that if he dropped any of his beloved apple ice cream they would end up with a crying five year old for the rest of the day.

Chan then looked up and couldn't help but grimace at Jeongin dipping the mozzarella stick in the strawberry ice cream. "We're going to have a child whose obsessed with apples and another one with strawberries." Chan said jokingly shaking his head.

Jeongin shook his head "Who said there was only one baby in here?" Jeongin said placing his free hand on his four month old belly. Chan froze as his eyes widen "What?" Chan asked as he stared in disbelief at Jeongin.

"I"m joking!" Jeongin said laughing at the older's panicked reaction. Chan sighed in relief as he clutched his heart "Baby you have to stop playing with my heart like that." Chan said taking a deep breath in.

Jeongin rolled his eyes at the dramatic scene and that's when the baby kicked probably agreeing with him. "Your child is asking for you to stop being dramatic." Jeongin said which made Chan instantly smile at the mention of their newest family member.

"Is she kicking?" Chan asked walking closer to Jeongin. "She just woke up. She's probably stretching." Jeongin said smiling feeling the baby move. Chan then placed his hand near where Jeongin's hand was and indeed lightly felt the tiny kicks.

"You better not die on me this time." Chan said sternly looking directly at the youngers eyes. Jeongin placed his hand onto of Chan's "It was for fifty four seconds Channie." Jeongin said shaking his head.

"They were the worst fifty four seconds of my life." Chan said clearly remembering how the room instantly filled with nurses and doctors as they rushed to stabilize Jeongin's blood pressure that had dropped at an alarming rate. He clearly remembers how Jisung rushed in and helped him calm down while he held Jongho. The fear of losing Jeongin was unbearable.

After those fifty four seconds the doctors successfully stabilized the blood pressure. Although their stay at the hospital was extended from one night to two weeks it didn't matter to Chan knowing both the safety of Jeongin and Jongho would be constantly taken care of.

"Channie! Stop thinking about that." Jeongin said shaking his head and went to back to eating his food. "I can't. Especially since you want to go through it again." Chan said shaking his head wondering why he had even agreed to even try for a second baby.

Then he remembered that the only reason he compromised was because of the exact same situation. After the day he almost lost Jeongin, Chan did not have the courage to object to anything the younger would ask. Just the thought of not having Jeongin in his life sent chills down his spine. It was a a gift itself for Chan as watched as Jeongin raise Jongho. Every single moment he saw then together laughing or even Jeongin comforting an upset Jongho was a beautiful moment Chan cherished knowing the almost didn't happen.

When Jeongin came up to Chan that night saying he wanted to give Jongho a sibling the older didn't have the heart to object.

Now Jeongin was was four months pregnant with their second baby on the way. Chan insisted on getting the best doctors in the city to handle the whole pregnancy. Anything Jeongin needed or wanted he would have with in seconds.

Jeongin looked up and smiled "Channie?" Jeongin asked getting the older's attention. Chan instantly nodded giving all his attention to his precious Innie. "Thank you," Jeongin whispered with a smile "Thank you for making my dreams come true. Thank you for being an amazing father to Jongho. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for everything."

Chan didn't think twice before he leaned in carefully placing a gentle kiss on the younger's soft lips.

Once they pulled away Jeongin noticed who quiet the was until he looked over and noticed Jongho was not there anymore. Chan looked and panicked until he turned around and noticed trail of ice cream and apples on the floor leading to the living room.

"I'll clean this up and go take care of him. You go rest after you finish." Chan said as he walked towards the living room and sighed at the mess.

Any guesses on who will be Jeongchans daughter?
Also I realized I never named Minsungs daughter either.

One more short chapter and we will officially be done.

I'm so excited for my seungjin story!

Stay safe! And go stream Maknae On Top!

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