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PSA: I love Seungjin so much
now back to the story thank you

Jeongin happily walked into the kitchen seeing Chan making breakfast. "Good morning Channie!" Jeongin cheerfully greets him as he walks over to fridge to get a drink. "Morning baby."

After platting their breakfast they both sat down enjoying the delicious food "What do you want to do today? I have the whole day off." Chan said making Jeongins eyes widen "You have the day off? The whole day off?"

Chan smiled nodding "Yeah the whole day just for you." Jeongin smiled shyly "Really?"

"I asked my co-worker for the day off since it was our least busiest day and he agreed." Chan said shrugging. "Channie! Why don't you rest? As much as I want to go get fresh air you should rest from all those sleepless nights." Jeongin said reaching out to move a strand of curly messy hair away from the olders face.

Chan shook his head "No baby, I specifically got this day off just for you. I can rest some other time." Chan said holding Jeongins hand.

Jeongin couldn't help but feel his heart flutter at the sincerity from Chans words. It was these moments that made Jeongin fall in love more. Humming Jeongin tilted his head wondering what they could possibly do.

"Channie I got it!" Jeongin exclaimed excitedly as he got up "Let's go house shopping!"

Chan furrowed his eyebrows not expecting that "House shopping? What's wrong with apartment?" Chan asked confused. Jeongin shook his head "Nothing is wrong with apartment Channie. I'm just thinking about the future."

Chan felt that feeling, that indescribable feeling once again along with the fear of Jeongin bringing up the sensitive topic.

"The future?"

"Yes Channie! For when we have kids! And maybe even a few pets! Oh and we would need a pool and spare bedrooms plus a big backyard! A big dining room for family diners and-"

Chan was indeed correct and sighed "Baby baby calm down theres no rush." Walking over he wrapped his arms around the youngers waist pulling him closer before adding "That's for a time further down the road. We're fine here plus purchasing a home is a big deal we need a realtor and all these legal stuff. When it's time we'll go do that for now let's just enjoy this beautiful Saturday okay?" Chan said placing a gentle kiss on Jeongins lips.

Jeongin frowned at the words that once again destroyed his dream. "Chan I want this now." Jeongin said looking up at Chan with sad eyes.

"Baby we've been through this over and over again-" Chan started to say but was cut off by Jeongin shaking his head and leading him to the living room where the both sat down.

"Chan listen," Jeongin sighed finally feeling it was the right time to say what his heart had been telling him for a while now. "There's something I've been meaning to say. I don't want to leave what we have, our love, but I feel like I'm just getting my hopes up only to watch them fall every single time. It's getting difficult to watch my dreams slowly become further every day.

I want to get married, I want a beautiful big wedding. I want to have kids and watch the run around a beautiful backyard. I want that more than anything in this world. We both want something completely different and I don't know how it would end up working. One of us would end up getting hurt and I don't know Channie, I don't know how this can work out."

Chan looked down at their interlocked hands then back to Jeongin who spoke with his heart and it made Chan feel saddened by the words. "What about everything we've been through already? What about all of our love? We've talked about this and we agreed that you would give me time to sort this out."

"I want this now Channie. I'm not willing to wait any longer." Jeongin said sternly keeping his ground. "You're not willing to wait and give me time to think about this?"

"How much more time?"

"I've told you already, that's something I don't know and won't know until it happens."

Jeongin shook his head removing his hands away "This is my life too! And if you're not willing to compromise then I'll find someone who will!" Jeongin said frustrated as he got up and walked towards the door.

"Jeongin where are you going?" Chan asked rushing after the younger "I'm leaving." Jeongin said putting on his shoes "At least for now, I have to do what's best for me."

"Baby, Innie you know it's never been my intention to hurt you." Chan said directly looking at Jeongin who had glossy eyes. "I have to go now."

"I love you."

"That's the problem.."

The fact that I have known the ending this whole time makes my heart break every time

compromise ♥︎ jeongchanWhere stories live. Discover now