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I'm so sorry for not updating yesterday ☹︎☹︎ even today I'm still exhausted and it's worrying me because I have so much to do. I will work harder this week to make sure I can update on Friday.

Nine months later

"It's beautiful." Jeongin whispered as he traced his fingers across the soft knitted white blanket. Realizing the color he looks up and stares at Felix with wide eyes "is this Iseul's?" Jeongin asked completely shocked.

Felix nodded although he could feel his eyes slightly start to get teary. "Felix I can't accept this.." Jeongin said sincerely before trying to hand the blanket back to Felix who refused.

"No." Felix shook his head and placed the blanket back in Jeongins hands "I want you to have it. I want someone to finally use it. I want your baby to have it.  Only your baby." Felix said sincerely but Jeongin still denied "I can't Felix. You didn't even use it when Insu was born. You have to keep it, isn't this the only thing you have left?" Jeongin said trying to convince Felix to take it back but the younger shook his head.

"It's yours. It's for your baby." Felix said sincerely making Jeongin sigh as he accepted the gift by giving Felix a hug. "Thank you." Jeongin whispered as he held the blanket in his hands.

However the sweet moment was ruined when Jeongin felt nauseous again and quickly pulled away to throw up in the trash bin that was next to his bed.

Felix closed his eyes clearly understanding the younger. A slight knock on the door made startled both of them. "Lixie! Daddy says he has to go to the office now!"

"One second Joonie!"

Felix helped Jeongin before leaving to go and find the reason as to why Changbin had to leave if he had promised to not go to work today.

Jeongin laid weekly on the bed his hands holding the beautiful knitted blanket close to his barely visible bump. It didn't take long before he felt the burning sensation in his throat and quickly reached for the trash bin once more. Jeongin felt weak but the thought of food alone made him throw up even the slightest scent would cause the same reaction.

Felix walked back in carrying Insu giving Jeongin an apologetic smile "Binnie had leave, apparently someone in the office messed with Hyunjin's reports again."

"Someone is probably getting fired. To get Hyunjin that upset is rare." Jeongin said shaking his head but smiled at the two year old who was falling asleep clinging onto Felix.

"The temporary assistant is also close to getting fired. Binnie almost missed three meetings this week plus a contract signing." Felix said shaking his head before adding "Now I know why even Hyunjin would suffer if you ever quit." Jeongin laughed as he knew it was true because even with half a year  of training the new assistant couldn't keep up with the demanding job that he made look easy.

Jeongin was caught off guard when his phone started ringing. It was Chan for what seemed the tenth time that day. Before Chan could say anything "Channie I'm fine. The baby is fine and Felix is still here." Jeongin said quickly already knowing the questions. Chan sighed looking at the clock as he wanted to finish a song but also wanted to be there with Jeongin.

"How many times in the past hour?" Chan asked which made Jeongin contemplate wether to tell the truth or not but knowing Chan he would get Felix to tell him the truth "ten.." Jeongin whispered which immediately made Chan worry.

"I'm calling Jisung to go over there and see what would be best for you." Chan said seriously already typing up a message. "Channie! You don't have to do that. I'm fine." Jeongin said but quickly handled the phone to Felix as he felt the need to once more throw up.

Felix could here Chan talking and decided to speak up "Chan?" Felix asked in a way to let him know that he held the phone. "Felix has he eaten anything?" Chan quickly asked extremely concerned as the younger had not been able to even handle the smell of food since yesterday and Chan was worried that their baby was not getting the nutrients he needed. "No. I tried but it makes things even worse." Felix sighed before handing Jeongin a clean towel.

"Jisung will be there in ten minutes please call me immediately and let me know what will happen." Chan said hurriedly as he had to get back to the studio to finish directing the recording process.

Jeongin said sadly because he knew Chan was worried yet stressed and it was all because of him. Felix noticed and decided to sit on the edge of the bed after cleaning up. "I'll go lay him down for his nap. I'll be back." Felix said noticing the time and how Insi had fallen asleep. Also wanting to check up on Joonsu who was doing his advanced homework.

Once Felix had returned he noticed how also Jeongins eyes were starting to slowly look sleepy. "You should rest especially for your baby." Felix whispered as he tried to clean up the area and making sure Jeongin had everything he needed within reach.

Just as Chan said ten minutes later Jeongin woke up at the door bell and all the movement. Jisung walked in smiling at the younger "Chan sent us over." Jisung said as he led his friend in with him. "This is Dr. Lim the best doctor in the delivery department of our hospital." Jisung said as the doctor shook his head "Not the best but I do take my job seriously. I was informed you have been having severe morning sickness and nausea?" Dr. Lim asked to which Jeongin nodded weekly.

After checking Jeongin and the baby Dr. Lim concluded that indeed this was a severe case of morning sickness. "I will send a home nurse to administer intravenous fluids for rehydration. I also prescribed phenothiazine to help calm severe nausea and vomiting. As soon as you feel better please stop by the office to get blood test done. Lastly make sure you rest, stay hydrated, and avoid emotional stress." Dr. Lim told Jeongin as he wrote down everything before handing it to Jisung who thanked him and led him out.

Felix walked in with a glass of water hoping to at least get Jeongin to drink something. Even looking at it made Jeongin nauseous but when he felt his baby slightly move he closed his eyes as he drank as much as he could for his baby.

Jeongin would do anything just to make sure he baby was safe and healthy. The baby he longed for that was close to coming to the world in the next few months. It didn't take long before Jeongin got pregnant it only took a few tries before felt the need to get a test. Chan was still worried and felt constant fear of the something happening to either Jeongin or the baby. At the same time Chan was over the moon because he was able to finally be the one to fulfill Jeongins dream. Chan can still remember that day the younger cried of happiness knowing they would have a baby; a baby of their own in their life within the next few months.

I want to say thank you to everyone who has read this book, ICE, or any of my other books. They are so horribly written with so many mistakes (that's what I think😭) yet I see how many of you vote, comment and add them to your reading list. It makes me smile  so much.

Thank you

If you have a book that you would like for me to return the favor please leave me the tittle of your books. ♥︎♡︎♥︎♡︎

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