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Im publishing two chapters this friday becuase I won't be posting on sunday since I will be studying [boooo]

"And who's going to take of them when we're both working?"

"Obviously me."

"Are you sure they can't hire-"

"Chan! Please stop! If it really bothers you that much the  I'll just go and take care of them at their house. I'll be back in a week." Jeongin said annoyed by Chans attitude. He began to walk away from the living room and down the hall when he hear the older sigh.

"Wait wait baby." Chan said as he walked over and wrapped his arms around Jeongin. "I'm sorry it's just i- i just don't know what to do." Chan said sincerely making Jeongin relax and turn around placing both his hands on the Chans shoulders.

"Channie you don't have to worry about anything. I'm the one who promised to take care of them plus  it's also part of my job as Changbins assistant."

Chan took a deep breath in before softly pulling Jeongin closer holding him in arms. It was times like this that Chan realized how amazing Jeongin was. Jeongin had patience with him, at times where Chan couldn't even understand his own feelings it seemed the like younger not only knew but solved them.

The apartment doorbell went off making the couple pull away from the warm hug. "I'll go get it." Jeongin said smiling to which Chan returned.

"Innie! I missed you so much!" Joonsu immediately said running to Jeongin who laughed catching the seven year old in his arms "I saw you yesterday!" Jeongin said smiling as Joonsu laughed hugging him tightly.

"Do you need help?" Chan asked noticing how Changbin walked in with three suitcases.


Chan immediately rushed to help Changbin "I have to go get two more, you take these in." Changbin said quickly rushing back downstairs. Chans eyes widen at the amount for just two children spending a week with them.

"-and this one is all of Joonies school uniforms, I also left a set at Seungmins if you need it by any chance." Felix said before pointing tp the other suitcase "this one has Insu's clothes and blankets. Then all his essentials are in the one Binnie is bringing up."

Jeongin tried to keep up with everything Felix was saying but only nodded hoping later he would sort everything out.

"Ok that's everything." Changbin said as he walked in with the last suitcases, Chan immediately helping him "Did you also bring Joonies backpack that was in the backseat?" Felix asked looking around to which Changbin turned around to go get it.

Jeongin laughed "Felix you didn't have to pack all this, remember I have the key to your house in case we needed anything." Felix shook his head "I know you do I just want them to have everything they need." Felix said holding Insu closer.

"Ok, now that's everything." Changbin said handing Chan the backpack exhausted. "Lix we have to go now, the flight leaves in two hours."

Felix ignored him and knealed down to hug Joonsu closer with his free arm while holding Insu with the other softly placing a kiss on their foreheads. "Lix-"

"I have fourty five seconds left!" Felix turned to Changbin almost with a glare. Changbin held his hands up making Jeongin and Chan chuckle at the scene.

"Lixie we will be fine!" Joonsu said smiling brightly at Felix who was ready to turn around and tell Changbin to cancel everything when Insu moved around making grabby hands towards Jeongin.

Felix sighed giving both his babies a hug before handing Insu over to Jeongin.

After a few minutes everyone was able to convince Felix to leave before they actually missed their flight.


[Two days later]

"Innie I need help with my homework!" Joonsu said upset making Jeongin panic "Ok well let's try it another way and we can get the right answer." Jeongin said trying to calm down Insu who was being fuzzy all day.

Joonsu shook his head "No I have to do it like my teacher, Lixie knows how my teacher does it. I need Lixie." Joonie said almost in tears from being frustrated with his homework and missing his parents.

"Please can we call Lixie now?" Joonsu asked to which Jeongin looked at the time and saw how it would be past midnight where Felix was. "We can't right now Joonie because Felix is asleep right now. Let's try one more time ok?"

Jeongin is about to join Joonsu crying from how overwhelming the situation was. That's when the door opened and made Jeongin panic even more.

"Baby I'm home! I was thinking we could all go to that art exhibit downtown to-" Chan said loudly until he reached the living room noticing the stress in Jeongins face.

"Everything alright?" Chan asked which Jeongin shook his head immediately. "We can't get this homework done." Jeongin said signaling to the unfinished homework and an upset Joonsu.

Chan walks over and looks at the problem "I can give it a shot, and if I can't then we'll call Felix deal?" Chan asked both Joonsu and Jeongin who nodded.

Jeongin relieved walked into the kitchen only to have Insu start crying which made Jeongin worried at why the baby was being extremely upset.

Less than an hour later Jeongin heard Joonsu and Chan laughing in the living room. Jeongin had also managed to calm down Insu by feeding him.

"Problem solved! We don't have to Felix. Joonsus homework is done and now we can watch a movie and relax." Chan said enthusiastically before Insu started crying again.

Jeongin sighed trying to comfort the baby but nothing seemed to work. Chan noticed how the baby tried to bite Jeongins shirt and walked over to get a teething ring handing it to the younger.

"Here give him this, he's probably teething and needs something to relieve the pressure he's feeling." Chan says noticing how indeed Insu calms down when Jeongin gives him the toy.

Jeongin sighs sadly upset that he wasn't able to even think about that. "Im sorry. Maybe you're right and I'm not ready to have a baby."

Chan noticed the sadness in Jeongin and it tugged at his heart "Baby, let's just take our time. We'll know when it's time ok?"

After the story is done, I'll be publishing the original story line to compromise. I changed it completely so if you're interested check out my book Blues for extra info.

And maybe there will be a Sunday update.... maybe

compromise ♥︎ jeongchanWhere stories live. Discover now