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I think I turned my brother into a Stay lol And his bias is Han 😂

Happy Sunday everyone!

"You're lucky I didn't call Minho or else you would be in the hospital and I would be trying to get him out of jail." Changbin said shaking his head tirelessly.

"Did he sleep?"

Changbin gave Chan a knowing look "Lix had to call out of work because he spent all night comforting Jeongin and at one point Joonsu." Changbin said remembering last night how Joonsu woke up from and wouldn't go back to sleep knowing that Jeongin was at their house upset.

Chan rubbed his face tiredly from also not getting any sleep the past few nights "I messed up so bad to the point I don't even know how I can fix this. It seems like no what I do it'll never be enough for Innie."

Changbin nodded because he saw how upset Jeongin was and constantly was "Look I don't know what you both agreed to that same day of my wedding with Lix but I think everyone wondered how you would both work this out. You both want something completely opposite of what the other wants and it's not just some simple decisions like a car or a piece of furniture that you can buy and restun, it's about marriage for eternity and creating life. How were you planning to sort this out?"

Chan walked around the living room of his apartment trying to process everything Changbin had jusy said because it was true. "We both agreed that he would give me time to think about, I promised to not be against the idea but I never promised him that I would give him exactly what he wants." Chan said sitting down once more and closed his eyes.

"You know, I've never had this type of experience. When Junho got pregnant with Joonsu I was surprised but when I heard those words I felt the happiest I've ever felt in my life. At times I doubted whether I would be a good dad, if I was even ready. When he was born everything made sense, it's like becoming a parent changes your sight and you see everything so much more differently.

As you know I hired Jeongin as my personal assistant a few months before Junho passed away. The first thing I heard from Jeongin was that he wanted a big family, it was one of the reasons why me and Junho trusted him with Joonie. It's been his dream to have this beautiful big family.

There's been days where he shows up to work completely upset and tired and it hurts seeing him like that. My point here is that it seems like love can be blinding, sometimes it's deceiving, and when it captures you, it seems like you'll never escape. Love is a desire, a simple fantasy like a dream. (Ok Shakespeare)

Think about how Jeongin must feel everytime you crush his dream. Regardless of how much he loves you and you love him, nothing will be enough to justify giving up that big of a dream.

It's his life long dream, think about it for a moment, you'll change his life forever. At the same time he would change yours completely because you'll have to give up your own desires. There's only two options that only you can both agree on.

You either compromise and try having a child since marriage would be something Jeongin would have to sacrifice or vise versa. On the other hand if that isn't an option then it would only be best for you move on with your lives separately with someone who would want exactly what you each want."


Felix gave Jeongin a big hug before giving him a comforting smile "Remember that whatever happens our house is always open and we will all be there for you. It's better to talk this out now before it get too late for the both of you. It's for the best."

compromise ♥︎ jeongchanWhere stories live. Discover now