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I need an editor asap message me if your interested plz

"You were hitting on me the moment I walked in!"

"No I wasn't!"

Jeongin rolled his eyes "Right because the pickup line "your hands look heavy, let me hold them" doesn't ring a bell to you?"

Chan laughed loudly not caring if anyone heard because he couldn't hide his embarrassment. "In my defense you have to admit it helped right? Because you're here now." Chan said making Jeongin shake his head "I still have no idea how I even fell in love you!"

Jeongin laughed looking at the bright blue sky as they sat under a the beautiful tree at the park. "Honestly I also can't believe how all this happened. One moment I'm alone in my apartment the next you're knocking asking for Felix and now we're here." Chan said as he wrapped his arms around Jeongin who was starting at the sky in front of them.

"You were right." Jeongin finally says changing the topic completely. "What do you mean baby?"

"You were right, on how we're not ready or probably even meant to have kids. I mean look at how bad I was at taking care of the kids for just one week-"

Chan furrowed his eyebrows confused at the completely change in attitude the younger suddenly had. "Woah woah there. Baby it was just one day that you were stressed out but the kids were also missing their parents it's not your fault. Plus taking care of someone else's children is way different than having your own." Chan said giving Jeongin a gentle kiss.

Jeongin sighed looking down after the kiss feeling his heart flutter "It was just not what I expected. I always dreamt with having a big family you know at least four kids and even more. Now I don't even know.."

"I think the perfect amount would be one."

Jeongin shook his head "Why? Just one?" Chan nodded "Yes think about it four is too many, three gives you a middle child, and with two kids there's always favoritism. One is perfect."

"I guess you have a point. But just one? Channie-"

"Remember when we took care of all four of the kids?" Chan raised his eyebrow making Jeongin laugh realizing how Chan had point "I clearly remembered how Joonie wouldn't allow you to give me a hug." Chan nodded "Exactly I almost went a whole twenty four hours with your warm hugs!"

Jeongin rolled his eyes at the dramatic statement "Oh remember when we helped Changbin and Felix with the puppy surprise for Joonie and Insu?" Jeongin asked looking at Chan with a bright smile.

Chan laughed "Yes I remember clearly. Changbin is whipped that's all I have to say." Chan shook his head remembering how Changbin would agree with anything Felix picked.

"He's in love, there's a difference Channie!"

"Yeah but for his kids he would do anything." Chan said trying to make a point how if amyone saw how wipped Changbin was for Felix it was ten times worst when it came to his children.

"I know me too." Jeongin casually said which shocked Chan the most "They're not your children though?" Chan asked extremely confused "But I love them. I took care of Joonie after Junho passed away along with Seungmin and Hyunjin. I was there when Insu was born and I take care of him when Felix or Changbin can't. I've been there since they were both born, I've watched the grow. I genuinely love them and would do anything to keep them safe."

Chan was completely shock not expecting to hear that. He knew Jeongin had a special bond with the Seo's but not to this extent. It only made him wonder how much Jeongin would do for their own baby. When Chan looked at Jeongin he felt warm as if Jeongin was the only sun that illuminates the whole world.

Chan couldn't help but think how beautiful of a person Jeongin on the outside like nobody in this earth and on the inside pure kindness. Today love, had a different meaning for Chan.

If you know Spanish then the song I recommend for this book is Me Cambiaste La Vida by Rio Roma. It'll make a lot of sense.

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