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I felt free. Free to run, free to be me. My home in the Court of Summer was right near the ocean. Any time I could slip away from my studies or training, I'd run to the beach, usually followed by one of my siblings who would scold me half heartedly before joining me for a quick swim before we had to return home. My parents were kind and would often just chuckle when I returned, my blonde hair damp and my clothing soaking wet. I had a few restrictions on my wandering but I don't mind it. I walked down the beach, a book open in my hand. My family were big readers for the most part. Two of my brothers, Sam and Jacob weren't around all that much so I didn't really know if they were readers or not. My sister, Ella's voice pulled me from the book and I turned.

"Li!" Her dark hair flew behind her as she ran to me through the sand.

I marked my page and slid the book into my satchel. "What's up Ella?" I brushed my sandy-colored hair behind my ear. Her eyes were green, the same as my three brothers and our other sisters, Sun. I had my fathers grey eyes, just one think that made me different from my siblings. Another thing was my blonde hair. All of my siblings had either red or black hair.

"We're going to visit a few of dads friends in the Dawn Court tomorrow, and it's almost dinner time. You should change." She chuckled, glancing at my sand and saltwater covered attire.
My laugh was soft as I nodded. "Alright. Do you know what time we leave?" I asked, braiding back my still-damp hair. I didn't really mind when we left, just wanted to know so I knew how late I could stay up and read.

"After breakfast." Ella said after a moment of thinking. "Now c'mon, you need to change before dinner." She closed her hand around my wrist and half-dragged, half-ran me home. We were both laughing the whole way, as we always did. I climbed the stairs to my room so I could clean up. My room had floor to ceiling bookshelves on two of the four walls, another wall was almost entirely windows and the third wall was a pale sea green color. One corner of the room held a small easel and my desk. Drawing and reading were my two favorite past times. There were various sketchbooks scattered over my floor as well as just normal books. I stepped into the bathroom that was connected to my room and pulled off the pale yellow sun dress I'd been wearing. It was always warm here so I usually wore loose dresses. I took a quick bath, rinsing the sand from my hair. I dried my body and hair before picking up the pale blue, almost grey dress I had opted for. I wasn't one for bright colors, I preferred softer colors, made me stand out less. Standing out was already something I did with my blonde hair and grey eyes and I didn't really like how much different I looked. The softer, paler colors helped me stay hidden in a way. I pulled the dress over my head, the end of the dress at just above my knees and the straps sitting off my shoulders. I was told I was beautiful but I didn't really see it. To myself I seemed plain, boring. I glanced at myself in the mirror and secured the two thin braids I had put in my hair at the back of my head together. My grey eyes were tired, tired from staying up too late to read or draw.

"Li!" A knock could be heard from my door. The voice belonged to James, the eldest of my siblings and I. "It's dinner time!"

"I'll be there in a minute James!" I tucked a pencil behind my ear and pulled the book I'd been reading earlier from my satchel. I pulled open the tan door, already reading again.

"Li you're gonna fall again." The red-headed boy in front of me chuckled. Whenever I tried to walk and read at the same time I tended to fall.

"Eh what's another bruise? It'll heal." I snorted, still looking at the book in my hands. James gently took the book from my hands.

"Lilah." He chuckled. "You're gonna get hurt. I'll give it back when we get down the stairs." I scrunched my nose and laughed.

"Fine. Race ya." I ran downstairs, James laughing and following me. James was the sibling I was closest to, the one I'd talk to if I was upset or needed to get something off my chest. He let me win. I knew he did because we all knew he was faster than me. He handed me back the teal-covered book he'd taken from my hand and I started reading again, walking behind him into the dining room. I knew my mother glanced up at me from her plate, she always did. I sat between James and Sun, continuing to read until my father cleared his throat. I marked my page and set the book down in my lap, looking up at my father. My grey eyes reflected his own while my siblings green eyes reflected our mothers.

"As you know, tomorrow we leave to visit a few friends of mine in the Court of Dawn however, what you have not yet been told is that my friend has ever so graciously asked the High Lady of Dawn if we may attend a royal ball with him and the High Lady accepted." His voice was calm, steady. "So please, while you are packing tonight, ensure that you have suitable attire for such an event." I glanced towards my sibling, each of them having different reactions. Jacob didn't say nor do anything. Sun turned to Ella and murmured something to her. James merely smiled. Sam nodded slowly, he'd never been one for parties. I looked down at my book and smiled. It had been long while since I'd been to any party and I was excited. We ate quietly, me opening my book in my lap and reading all the while before one sibling after another excused themselves to go pack. I left the table last, having gotten lost in my book. My fathers hand on my shoulder was what pulled me from the story.

"Li, you best go pack." He chuckled, smiling.

"Right sorry, got lost in the story again." I laughed softly, it was easy to get pulled into the story, sometimes it was preferable to living your own life.

He chuckled, his grey eyes twinkling. "I know. Go pack kiddo."

I nodded and stood, brushing my hair off my shoulder and kissing his cheek in a daughterly way before walking up to my room. Packing took me almost no time before I just sat in a small reading nook and read well into the night.

A/N: Chapter 2 should be coming soon!!!!

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