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My hands shook as they pulled me from my cell, shackling my wrists behind my back. I could feel my heartbeat in my ears as we walked, my legs shaking with every step. I swallowed hard as we stepped into the ballroom, my arms released. The first two tasks tested my instincts, what would this one test? I didn't know, and not knowing only made the fear in my head grow stronger. I looked around and realized that everyone that had been in the palace when Deiamia came, they were all in the ballroom, my family towards the front. I stepped up to the dais and was shoved to my knees. I hissed as stone met my skin before I brought my eyes up. The princes face was entirely neutral, almost bored as usual. He was avoiding looking at me, like I was some mess he wasn't keen on noticing and having to clean up. Though I swear his grips on the arms of his throne tightened as I looked away from him, and to the woman at his left.

Do not try and taunt her. Do so, and even if you complete this, she will never let anyone leave.

That voice filled my head again and, as much as I disliked it, I knew whoever it was, was right. So I kept my gaze low and bit my tongue.

"I'm honestly impressed, you survived this long." When the black haired woman finally spoke, I brought my gaze up from the floor that was stained with blood. "Now, it's time for your third and final task." I merely dipped my chin in acknowledgement, keeping my eyes on hers. "The first two tested your instinct to survive. This one however, will show how desperate you truly are to free yourself and this court." A thousand different scenarios filled my head. However, I did not think that what she did was even a possibility. "Your final task." She snapped her fingers. "Kill three innocents." I twisted my head to see three fae, a female and two males, being dragged in. My heart pounded in my chest as she continued speaking. "Kill these three, and this Court is free." I merely nodded, my fists shaking at my sides. I'd never killed, never even hurt another fae. Aside from a few bruises I'd given my brother once. Hands gripped my arms and pulled me to my feet. My knees buckled though luckily two fae still had grips on my arms. I felt like I might vomit. The idea of killing another fae had never once crossed my mind, never once been a thought in my head. Each step towards those three fae on their knees was heavier than the last, my nails digging into my palms hard enough to draw blood.

Next to each faerie was one of Deiamia's guards, each holding an iron dagger. I could barely grip the hilt of the first blade because of how bad my hands were shaking. I stood in front of the first faerie, one of the males, and tried to steady my shaking hand.

"Wait." Deiamia's voice cut through the silence. Every head, mine included, turned towards her. "Let her see the faces of these three faeries." A wave of her hand and I turned back to the male in front of me as the hood was ripped from his head. The dagger clattered to the ground as my knees gave out. The male in front of me- it was the High Lord. I felt like crying. My entire body shook.

"Lilah." I looked up and saw him looking at me. Torwin met my eyes and swallowed. "Free my court Lilah. Free my son."

A tear slipped from my eye and I shook my head. "I can't. I can't kill you."

"You have to." I looked down, shaking my head. "Look at me." I could barely meet his eyes. "I've lived my life. Now let the rest of my court live theirs." He looked to the dagger. "Pick it up."

"I can't. I can't." I didn't care who saw me cry. I couldn't kill him. He had a son, a mate. I'd be taking him away from them.

"You can. And you must." He turned to look up at the thrones, at his son. "If you can, tell my son that I love him. And I'm sorry."

I grabbed the hilt of the dagger, barely being able to close my fingers around it.

"It's ok." His voice dropped to a whisper. "I've done everything I wanted to do."

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