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He just watched me for a moment as I said nothing. A shadow of the prince. Even his bright green eyes seemed shadowed. Seeing someone change so much, it frightened me. And truthfully, I felt as though part of me was growing to hate him. To hate who he'd become. It was almost as if he'd been replaced by a darker version of himself. What had Deiamia done to him to cause so much change? Truthfully, I didn't want to know.

"Come on." Spencer held out a hand to me, looking almost bored. At this point I knew better than to argue when I was told something here. I took his hand and nearly hissed. His skin was freezing. He set his other hand on my lower back and led me up into the main part of the castle, through the halls and into the ballroom. The once bright room was drenched in darkness. Looking around the room, there were no smiles. No happiness. Deiamia sat up on the throne I had once seen the High Lady on. It infuriated me to say the least.

"Shouldn't you know manners my dear? You bow in front of a queen." The dark haired womans smirk caused a growl to slip through my lips. I could sense the male next to me tense at the sound.

"I see no queen to bow in front of." I snarled, my muscles tensing.

A growl slipped from her throat and she was in front of me in a heartbeat, her outstretched hand wrapped around my throat. "I'll kill you right now."

"And not have the chance to properly watch my blood spill? Not a chance." Honestly, I was terrified but I wouldn't let it show.

Spencer cleared his throat. "My lady, if you kill her, she automatically wins the deal because you broke the rules. She gets three tasks and if she completes them, everyone is freed. Therefore if you don't give her the opportunity to complete the final two tasks, that is considered cheating and she automatically wins." He nodded at me, looking almost bored.

Deiamia hissed and let go of me, the skin on my neck where her hand had been still hissing from the cold temperature of her hand. "You live. For now girl." She snarled and sat back down.

If I'm being entirely honest I'm glad Spencer was there or I'd probably be dead on the floor right now. I let my lips curl into a mocking smirk before Spencer walked off, gripping my arm and pulling me with him.

"Do you want to die?" He asked semi harshly, his tone quiet as to not grab anyones attention.

"What's it matter?" I ran a hand through my hair.

"It matters because you are the last hope of my people Lilah." His voice was a slight growl. "You die, and none of us get out of here. Not anytime soon. So please, stop being reckless." I read his eyes a moment and could tell it wasn't just his people he was worried about.


If this girl dies, I don't know what I'll do with myself. It's not just my feelings at stake. Even if it was, I wouldn't let her die. I watched her read my eyes, her face a neutral mask.

"That bitch should know that respect is earned not given."

"If you do not hold your tongue here you will lose it. And then you will lose your head. And when Deiamia finishes killing you, she'll do the same to your family." I gripped her shoulders slightly. "So I would suggest you keep your thoughts to yourself." I released my grip on her shoulders and let my hands hang at my sides as she read my face near silently, quiet breathing the only sound she made.

"Right." She breathed, closing those now stormy grey eyes for a moment.

"Come on." I nodded my head in the direction of everyone who was 'celebrating' and gently set my hand on her shoulder. I wouldn't grab her. Not like the guards by her cell did. Not like how Deiamia did. The bruises and cuts that had peppered her pale skin weren't old when I healed her. Still fresh, still healing. How often they beat her I truly didn't want to know. I led her over to a table near the wall and sat down, her remaining standing next to me.

Her heel tapped slightly against the stone floor, those beautiful eyes scanning the room. When she finally looked down at me, I saw a sense of... hatred. I didn't blame her but it hurt. If she hated me, I deserved it. And I'd rather she hate me than feel nothing for me at all.

"Lilah." I let my voice drop into a purr as I said her name, every bit of me hating it. My heart thundered in my chest as the blonde girl turned to me, her eyebrow raised. "Come here please." I watched her study my eyes, study the pleading look I gave. Please let her know that I don't want this any more than she does. Please. She walked in front of me, her arms still crossed over her chest, her eyes still watching for anyone who made to touch her. I didn't blame her honestly. Most of the males who were here were not of my court, but of Deiamia's. And all of them were eager to get their hands on a pretty female. Chances are, any one of them lay a hand on the woman in front of me, I'd probably snap.

"Yes?" Her voice dropped into a matching purr and I could've sighed in relief. She was playing along.
I made a beckoning motion with my finger and she obliged, letting her hands hang at her sides. Leaning back in my chair I gently took her hand and pulled her to sit on my lap. My hands went no where other than her waist and arms as she leaned back. I leaned forward as to kiss her neck but instead murmured something in her ear.

"I'm sorry." My voice was low enough for only her to hear. Gods I hated this. Hated it because of, not who I was with, but why I was with her. She twisted her head to look at me and dipped her head down.

"Don't be." She murmured, it only appearing as though she was nipping at my ear. Truthfully, I would've mind if- stop. It is not time to think of such things. "If this is what I have to do to stay alive then so be it." Her breath was warm against my skin before she moved her head again, looking around the room. I could tell her eyes settled on Deiamia, the red-eyed woman staring straight at us. Fury danced across those eyes.

I leaned my head forward slightly, murmuring something in Lilah's ear. "Do you trust me?"

Her nod was the only response I got, her eyes still scanning the room.


When he asked if I trusted him, I hesitated at first before nodding. I shoved down my hatred for him, the hatred that had started to build. If this is what it takes to survive, so be it. I could feel him lean forward as his lips brushed against my neck. I stilled at his touch, his hands set unmoving at my hips. I fought the urge to move away from him. I knew he had no intent of doing anything. So I leaned back against him slightly, allowing myself to look uninterested and bored. A plaything for the prince. That's the mask I put on as a glass of wine was held out to me.

"Drink. Forget that you have to do this." Spencer's voice was soft in my ears. I twisted to meet his eyes. Eyes that were pleading. I knew he had no intent of taking advantage of me in offering that drink. The look I saw, it read that he wished to forget what he had to do. And for a moment, I wondered what he so desperately wanted to forget. I closed the thought out of my head. The glass was cool in my hand as I took it, taking a sip. As the night went on, the images became foggier, though never once did Spencer's hands leave my waist or arms.


I sat up and looked around, blinking away the sleep that lingered in my eyes. I looked at myself. The dress I'd been wearing was replaced with a loose white shirt and black pants. Brown boots sat next to me, void of the mud and blood that had coated them previously. I pulled myself up into a sitting position, looking at the tattoo that curled around my arm and fingers. The sun that sat in the middle of my palm seemed to stare back at me. A brush of my thumb over my bottom lip told me that the makeup had been removed from my skin. I leaned my head back against the cold stone wall, brushing my fingers through my hair. As I stood to stretch out, music filled my ears. Not the music that had been playing at Deiamia's party no, this was soft, quiet and gentle. It stopped as quickly as it started. I slid down the wall slightly and hugged my knees to my chest, not bothering to brush my hair from my eyes as I looked up at the ceiling, allowing the darkness to consume me for the moment. I felt hollow. Like a hollow soul.

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