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Was I nervous? Yeah, you could say that. I'd never met a High Lady, I hadn't ever even met the High Lord of Summer. I wasn't a social person either. We had already met my fathers friend and had lunch before preparing for the ball. My hair hung loose around my shoulders, my bangs were pinned back from my eyes with a thin golden clip. My eyelids were a pale blue that helped bring out my eyes, my cheeks faintly blushed and my lips with a clear sheen that made them shine. I wore simple black flats, I knew I'd manage to trip over myself if I had worn heels. And my dress, my dress was beautiful. It was golden with a rosey tint to it, a dress to match the Court we were in. It was tight to my sides and flowed beautifully past my hips.

 It was tight to my sides and flowed beautifully past my hips

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(Her dress bc idk how to explain it further-)

The castle where the royal family of Dawn lived was beautiful. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't in awe the first time I saw it. The only jewelry I wore was the rose gold band around my finger. My siblings and I trailed behind our parents as we walked in the large double doors. Sun walked next to James, Jacob next to Sam(the two were chatting quietly) and Ella and I next to each other. We stayed quiet, neither of us were very big talkers. I couldn't help but look around as we walked, it was beautiful. I hadn't even realized we were in the throne room until Ella elbowed me slightly. My gaze drifted to the front of the room, where the royal family of three sat in there thrones. The High Lady sat in the middle, the High Lord to her right and who I assumed was her son, the Prince, to her left. The High Lady, Kiera I believe her name was, wore a silver crown with a purple jewel, the High Lord wearing it's male counterpart. The Prince did not wear a crown, a decision he had made for himself I suppose. The High Lady had strawberry blonde hair and brown eyes, the High Lord black hair with the tips dyed blue and green eyes. The Prince, red hair and green eyes. He also had a thin scar going across his left eye.My parents bowed to the three and my siblings and I followed in pursuit.

"Thank you for allowing us to attend, Lady Kiera." My father said, still bowing his head. My mother gave a slight nod in agreement with him. "It is a pleasure to meet you as well."

The High Lady gave a kind smile. "The pleasure is mine Erik, Harmony. These must be your children then?" Her eyes flicked to the six of us.

"Yes, my sons, James, Sam and Jacob." He motioned to each boy as he said their names. "And my daughters, Sunset, Ella and Lilah." At my name I looked up and gave a polite nod to the royals in front of us. I could feel someone watching me but I didn't know who. I shook off the feeling and gave a small smile.

"This is my mate, Torwin, and our son, Spencer." Kiera motioned to both of them respectfully. Spencer. That was the Prince's name. The High Lady wore a tight fitting pale purple gown that faded to pink. The High Lord wore a matching suit jacket and the two fit together. The Prince, Spencer, wore pale golds and beige. A book sat on the arm of his throne and he kept glancing at it. It seemed he was like me, preferring to read than socialize. "Now," the High Lady pulled my attention from the prince. "Go enjoy yourselves, we have a few more guests to meet." She smiled.

My parents bowed their heads and my siblings and I followed in pursuit. The eight of us were lead to what I assumed to be the ballroom. It was beautifully decorated. Decorations of pale oranges and pinks, no doubt meant to look like the sky at dawn. A tap on my shoulder pulled me back into focus. I looked over at James and smiled.

He grinned at me. "Care to dance?" He offered, chuckling. His hand was extended to me and I took it.

"I'd be honored." I laughed softly. He probably knew that I'd just be standing awkwardly in a corner the entire time of he hadn't asked me to dance. He spun me around, chuckling softly. When the end of the song came, a new voice filled my ears.

"May I?" I didn't know who it was, my back to whoever it was as I looked up at James, who smiled softly at me and nodded. I still had no idea what was happening. James' hand was replaced by someone elses. I knew it was a male from his voice. His hand was warm, steady as it gripped mine gently. I finally brought my eyes up from the floor to look at the male in front of me.  I wasn't expecting for it to be who it was. My heart either stopped or beat faster, which I couldn't tell. The green eyes, the red hair. The scar that dragged across his left eye. I was looking at the Prince of Dawn. The moment I realized who I was looking at, who was in front of me, I bowed my head.

A soft chuckle. "You don't need to do that, I'm here to dance is all." His tone was soft, kind.

A sheepish chuckle escaped me. "My apologies Your Highness." I dipped my head in apology.

He chuckled quietly. "Please, call me Spencer. It is my name after all." He gave a soft smile. He had a handsome face, even the scar across his eye was beautiful. It added something to him, made him different, made you know there was a story behind him, more than just being the prince.I nodded, a bit too stunned to say anything. I felt.. drawn to him in a way. Like I could look at him and notice something new every time I looked.

"You're Lilah right?" He asked, smiling softly at me. His voice snapped me out of my thoughts and I turned my attention to him.

"Yes. Fourth of the Fairchild siblings." I nodded. Gods what was I saying? I sounded so stupid.

He smiled softly at me. "It's wonderful to properly meet you. Rather than only learning your name." He pressed a light kiss to the back or my hand. "What do you do to pass time?" He asked, the curiosity clear in his voice.

"Well, I uh, I read a lot and I draw." My smiled wasn't forced at all, and neither was his that he gave in return. "And you?"

"I read quite a bit, and I write. Well, when I'm not busy learning things that a prince should know."

I chuckled quietly. "If I could fill my hours with just reading and drawing, I'd do so in a heart beat." I smiled at the thought. Just reading and drawing all the time sounds like a dream.

He chuckled softly. "Fascinating, how we could be so similar and yet so different. Your heart is filled with images and sketches, mine, words and phrases.” It was easy to tell which one was a writer and which one wasn't. He spoke in half riddles, a way to keep me interested in the conversation I guessed.

"Shall we dance?" He asked softly, holding his hand out. I took his hand without a second thought. Even if I hadn't wanted to, it would have been rude if I didn't take his hand anyway. He gently set his other hand at my waist, his hand was warm, steady. I placed my other hand on his shoulder lightly and well, we danced.

A/N:Chapter three should be coming soon!

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