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After I danced with Lilah, my mother needed my help with something. I was distracted the entire time. I had felt drawn to Lilah. I couldn't explain, I didn't know why but, I just, wanted to be around her, to dance with her again. I'd glanced across the room and see a flash of the blonde hair, a glance of those grey eyes. She was beautiful. If anyone said otherwise they were either blind or lying.

"Spencer." My mothers voice drew me from my thoughts.

"Sorry mother." I dipped my head in apology before casting a quick glance at Lilah again. I don't know why but, I wanted to go over to her again. I'd never felt so drawn to someone as I did her.

My mother followed my gaze and smiled softly. "You're drawn to her." Her voice was a mix of teasing and understanding.

I nodded. "Yeah. Just, look at her." I looked at her again, she was smiling, laughing while talking to her eldest brother.

"Go." My mother chuckled softly. Something told me she knew what was happening, what was going on, why I was drawn to Lilah. She hit my arm lightly. "Spencer, go." She smiled. She put a hand on my shoulder and squeezed it lightly, smiling.

As I walked away, I heard a small piece of my parents conversation.
"What's going on Kiera?" My father.

"Hmm I think Spencer may have-" I got far enough away to not hear the rest of her sentence. I shook my head. What was she about to say? I'd find out soon enough I suppose. As I walked over to the grey-eyed, blonde-haired girl I thought over and over again. What do I say? I saw her brother, James, look at me before leaning down and murmuring something to Lilah, who turns to me curiously. James walked away and I walked over to her. She glanced down slightly, brushing her hair behind her ear.

"May I show you something?" I asked, offering my hand to the girl. She glanced up, looking between my face and my hand before taking my hand lightly.

"Sure?" Her tone was questioning, curious. There was a glimmer of excitment in those grey eyes. Grey eyes that wouldn't be hard to get lost in.

"Follow me then." I smiled and led her out of the ballroom, starting to go to a different room. If I glanced back I would see her looking around in awe. I smiled to myself, looking forward again.

"Where are we going?" She asked quietly.

"You'll see." I smiled and squeezed her hand slightly, pushing open the large double doors that led to the library. I walked backwards into the library, smiling. "Welcome, to my favorite room in the palace." I watched her look around in awe, her smile only growing. There were books everywhere. The shelves were packed full and there were stacks of books on the floor.

"This place-" she turned, looking around. "It's beautiful." She smiled, walking over to a shelf and looking at the books on it. "Theres so many books here, how could anyone ever read all of these?"

"I haven't." I laughed softly, smiling.
She turned to me. "Which book is your favorite?"

"Queen of Nothing. The third book in the Folk of the Air series." I smiled, picking up said book. "You?"

"A Court of Mist and Fury." She smiled. "Definitely my favorite that I've read so far."

"Have you read the whole series?" I asked, smiling.

"Yeah, read it in a couple days." She chuckled sheepishly. "I read a lot."

I breathed a laugh and smiled. "I do too."

"Have you read all of them?" She asked, sitting on the edge of a table and picking up a book, flipping through the pages.

"Yeah, A Court of Thorns and Roses is one of my favorite series'. It's funny what mortals think of us." I let out a soft chuckle.

She laughed softly and nodded. "It is."
"What else have you read?" I asked, walking around and sliding books back on shelves.

"A lot uh, a lot of mortal books. The Divergent series, The Hunger Games, Twilight, that one was kinda bad uhh." She laughed quietly.

"I've read it, and I agree." I chuckled quietly. She smiled, a beautiful smile. Her eyes had been filled with happiness since the second we walked in here.

I walked over to her, leaning next to her against the table. She leaned on me slightly, perhaps out of instinct. I turned to her and brushed her hair behind her ear. She still at my touch and grabbed my hand loosely, meeting my eyes before quickly letting go.

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