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I rubbed my wrists slightly, them having been burned from the iron cuffs they'd used to secure my wrists. My hair was still dripping wet, leaving small puddles of water on the floor. I brushed my fingers through my hair shakily, trying to keep it from tangling. The cuts on my back would scar, I knew as much based on the fact they'd set from the salt in the water. Even with fae healing, they wouldn't heal entirely, or quickly for that matter. I dragged my fingers through one of the small puddle of water. It was cool at my fingertips and I let some of the water drop onto my wrists, biting my lip at the stinging. A figure appeared beside me and I started to yelp before a hand was put over my mouth lightly.

"Shh girl!" Calia's voice was harsh in my ears as she moved her hand.
"How did you-?"

"Blood magic. Deiamia is my sister after all." She shrugged slightly. "I can trick her wards into thinking I am her."

I nodded slightly and she whipped her head up.

"Someone's coming. I have to go." She vanished without another word as the door clicked unlocked and pushed open. A guard walked in, alone and pushed the door shut. I stood quickly despite my back screaming at the movement. Each step he took towards me, I stepped back. Not fast enough. I was pinned against the wall, a hand clamped over my mouth and another pinning my wrists above my head. I bit my tongue to keep from wincing. Both because of my back being pressed against the wall and because of my wrists being pinned. I slammed my heel down onto his foot, growling and thrashing around.

"Hold still bitch." He snarled, tightening his grip on my wrists.
A growl rippled from my throat as I bit down on his hand, tasting blood. His hand flew back from my mouth as he growled. "Bitch-"

I slammed my knee into his gut, panting due to the fact I was very out of shape. "Get the hell out or you'll have to be dragged out of here because you can't walk." I growled as he scrambled out, slamming the door behind him. The lock clicked and I fell to my knees, my back screaming in pain from the movement. I slid my hands into my hair, leaning my forehead against the floor and taking a few breaths.

I didn't look up when the door opened again, knowing that guard wouldn't be back any time soon. I looked up, running my fingers through my hair. Spencer leaned against the wall and crossed his arms, raising an eyebrow.
"Been having fun?" He used his thumb to wipe a small bit of blood off my chin.

"Not in the slightest actually." I jerked my head back, wiping off any remaining blood with the back of my hand. "And don't you even try and touch me." I growled slightly. "Go be Deiamia's fuck toy or go do whatever the hell you do while the rest of us are stuck here."


Her words slapped me in the face. My entire body seemed to tense and for a moment, regret flashed in her eyes.
I shook my head quietly. "Show me your back." My voice was low when I spoke, me trying to push her words from my mind.

"Why?" She crossed her arms.

I sighed and set my hand on her shoulder, gently turning her so her back was to me. "Can I move your shirt so I can look?" I asked softly.

She sighed and nodded before hanging her head slightly.

I gently lifted the back of her shirt and at the cuts that were beginning to scar. Eight cuts straight down her back, some still bleeding slightly. "They're healing but-

"They'll scar. The salt in the water set them so they won't heal properly. Even with fae healing I know. I know that salt sets wounds. Summer remember?" A breathy chuckle passed through her lips.

"Do you want me to heal them? It won't stop them from scarring but they'll stop bleeding."

"What do you want for it?" She held up her tattooed hand. "I already owe you a weekend a month."

I shook my head. "Nothing. That was a deal. This is a favor, you're doing this for my family and court too. Whether you realize it or not."

"You sure?"

I nodded. "Yes."

"Alright then. Do it." She turned so she was looking at the wall.

I let my hand hover over her back as I always did when healing cuts or bruises. Nothing. The cuts weren't closing, the bleeding not stopping entirely. It didn't make sense.

"What?" She asked, turning her head to look back at me.

"It's not, it's not working." I murmured, my hands dropping to my sides.

She turned towards me. "She- she has a hold on you and your powers doesn't she? She controls you."

"Apparently." I shook my head. "I've got to go. I'll see what I can do about your back." She started to say something but I didn't hear it, closing the door before she could finish. I leaned back against the wall and sighed, looking at my hands. She has me leashed. Leashed my powers, leashed my body. I can move about as I please but, she can make me do whatever she wants. I shuddered at the thought. Gods please no. A hand caught my arm as I started to fall and I looked up. My father looked down at me, pulling me up.


I threw my arms around him before he could say anything else.

His arms wrapped around me a moment later. "What did you do?" He murmured.

I stepped back. "What do you mean?"

"She said you did something for her so I could go free. Well, not free but." He shook his head.

"I didn't- I didn't do anything for her." I leaned against the wall, trying to push her out of my head. Trying to push the memories of what she did out of my head. Part of me wanted to scream. Letting my father wander about freely, a prize, or a way to taunt me.

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